Chapter 8: Go To Your Room

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"Marinette! The trainer is here." I sigh and fix my dress. "Good luck Marinette." "Thanks Tikki." I say as I walk out of my room.

As I walk down the stairs I notice a man with black hair and green eyes. "Hello Your Highness. I'm Plagg." He says as he bows. "Please just refer to me as Marinette."

"Marinette! No one must call you by your first name unless it is your father or I." "Are you going to be here the whole training?" I ask slightly annoyed. "No. I must go plan your wedding since you refuse to do it." I roll my eyes as she walks away.

"Good she's gone." Plagg says and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Sorry. I just don't like training, it's so boring. Let's do something fun." "Like what?" "You name it."

"Actually theres this boy that I like in the town square. Can we go see him?" "Won't that drag too much attention to you?" "I've got it covered Plagg." "Do they have camembert there?" "I'm pretty sure." "Then what are we waiting for? Let's get out of here!"


"So where's this boy that you're into?" "I don't see him. He must be at the bakery." "While you go there, I'm going to find some cheese." I nod as he walks away.

"Hello ma'am what can I help you with?" A man who I assume is Adrien's dad asks as I walk inside. "Um can I have a croissant please?" I ask as I search the room with my eyes looking for Adrien.

He nods and hands me a bag. "Thank you." I say as I hand him the money. "You're welcome. Have a nice day." He says in a stern voice.

"Here you are! I was looking everywhere for the bakery. I can't find the cheese." Plagg says as he walks in. He bumps into me and knocks my glasses off. "Plagg!" "Shoot! Sorry Your High-" I step on his foot before I quickly put the glasses back on.

"Oh my gosh! You're-" Gabriel starts but Adrien cuts him off. "Hey Ladybug." Adrien says as he walks into the room. "You're going to keep teasing me about that aren't you?" He chuckles and nods. "It wouldn't be any fun if I just let it go." "W-wait! Adrien you know the Princess?"

"Your Highness, the Queen should be getting back to castle any second now." "Plagg! I told you to call me Marinette!" "Okay well Marinette the Queen is going to be back any minute and I still haven't gotten my cheese." I roll my eyes.

"Wait! How do you know each other?" Gabriel repeats himself. "Oh is this the boy you were telling me about kid?" Plagg asks as he points to Adrien. I feel the blush rises to my cheeks. I quickly nudge his side. "I'm never sneaking out with you ever again."

"Stop ignoring my question. How do you know my son?" "Right! I'm sorry. We ran into each other in the town square a few weeks ago." "And you didn't think to tell me that you met another one of the snobs?" "Father-" "Excuse me?" "Marinette we really need to go."

"Royalty is the reason I can't get my wife back! Get out of my bakery!" "Father no! It's not Marinette's fault!" "Of course. I'm so sorry for disturbing you guys." I say and walk out of the bakery. "Mari wait!" Adrien says as he rushes out of the bakery.

"Adrien! I forbid you to speak to the Princess!" My dad says as he rushes after me. "Father she's nothing like them!" "They're all the same. None of them care about people like us. Now get inside. We have a big order to make." "Just a sec-" "Now Adrien!"

"Just ignore him Mari. I know you're not like the other royals." He says as he walks up to me and cups my face. "Marinette! I think the Queen and King know." "Wait Plagg-" "The guards are here! We need to leave now!" "Plagg-"

"Adrien!" Gabriel says as he grabs his arm. "You are to never speak to her ever again." He adds. As he pulls his arm off my face my disguise falls off.

"There's the Princess!" The guards shout. "Now we really need to go!" Plagg grabs my arm and pulls me away. "I'll talk to you later Mari!" Adrien shouts as I run off. "You will not!" He says and pulls him into the bakery.


"You are behaving very irresponsible Marinette." "Mother I-" "And you! I hired you to train her not to sneak her out!" "It was my fault!" "This is absurd darling!" As soon as that word flies past her lips, my heart shatters once again. "What has gotten into you?" She adds.

I quickly blink back my tears and take a deep breath. "I don't know why I've been acting out." I lie. "But don't blame Plagg. He was going to train me on my posture, so he left the room to grab a book and that's when I left. Plagg just went out there to find me." "You're excused." Plagg bows before leaving the room.

"Now you. Not only did you sneak out, but you snuck out to see that boy we told you not to speak to! All for what? A little crush?" "Mother I- I think I might love him."

"Love?! You can't possibly love him! He's a commoner." "But I do. He makes me feel-" "I don't care how he makes you feel! You are engaged to Luka!" "Because you made me! Not because I wanted to!" "You are forbidden to leave this castle for any reason!" "What?"

"There will be a guard outside your bedroom door at all times." "This isn't fair!" "You went against what your father and I told you and you snuck out of the castle without our permission. This is not Queen behavior."

"Maybe it's because I don't want to be the Queen!" "We've had this planned out since you were a little girl. This boy is just getting into your head!" "No he's not! I never wanted this life!"

"You don't have a choice Marinette! You are the only heir to this kingdom and you will do your duty to run it properly!" My dad says as he enters the room. "Father-" "We are not to speak of this again! Go to your room!" "I'm not finished talking yet." "We are. Go to your room! Now!"

"Father she's not like Prince Luka and his family." "They're all the same Adrien!" "You don't even know her!" "I don't need to! I know she's marrying that jerk of a Prince so that says a lot about her judgement of character!"

"You don't know what you're talking about!" "I don't care! I forbid you to see her!" "Father I think I love her." "You can't love her! She's engaged!" "But-" "I'm tired of arguing with you. You know what the royals refused us of and now you're saying you're in love with one of them? She's manipulating you!"

"No she's not." "She's getting in your head son! She wants more people to like her, so her coronation will go smoothly." "No she's not!" "You don't love her! You could never love such a-" "Beautiful, caring, funny girl."

"Funny? Please! She's a Princess, her parents would never raise her to be funny. She's the heir of the kingdom Adrien. France needs someone serious!" "Father-" "This conversation is over! You are forbidden to see or speak to her! Go to your room!"

A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating yesterday! I was really busy but I'm back now and I'm so so sorry!❤️

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