Nightmare Steve X Reader (Struck)

527 14 18


You're the new member in the Rainbow Town! Nightmare found out about that through his spies, and figured you might be the weakest link now. A good opportunity to kidnap you and get information from you! However.... His plan did not go as... Well... Planned.


I was walking through a forest close to the Rainbow Town. My yellow cloak with black fur around the collar hung from my shoulders, hiding the sword attached to my belt.

Word had reached me, that there was a new member in the Rainbow Town. A new human. And that they liked to go on walks in the forest.

Which is why I was there. I figured, as long as they're still new, they might not have as much knowledge about Steves, thus they might be still weak and easy to beat in a fight.

I was trying to find them, so I can bring them back to my castle and get every little bit of information out of them, that they might have.

Honestly, I didn't even think I would need to use my powers. A good whack to the head with the hilt of my sword and it would be done. If I had the moment of surprise. Which I surely would, since I was treading quietly, staying hidden in the shadows, the trees casted, always making sure to be partially behind a tree trunk, out of sight from the paths, yet being able to see everything myself.

I kept walking, watching the path closely, until I heard something. More like someone...

A voice. An unfamiliar voice. It could be the newbie! It's most probably the newbie.

Following the sound of the voice, I got  further away from the path, much to my surprise. I thought they would stick to it...

As I got closer, it became clear that the voice was humming. Pretty much immediately, it had me... Almost captivated, yeah. The tune was so gentle, so pure... I couldn't help but to listen in, yearning for it to continue. Much to my surprise.

I was almost there. I had to hide behind another tree, so they wouldn't see me. Poking my head out, I saw a clearing, with tall gras and a lot of flowers. And in that clearing, sat the most beautiful being I was ever allowed to lay eyes upon...!

Everything about them was.... I don't even have the words to properly describe it. Their gentle features, the peaceful aura they gave off, the soft, approving look of their gorgeous (E/c) eyes they used to study each flower, the clearness of their voice while humming this melody.... Something about it was so... Attracting. Soothing.  Comforting... Making me feel... Like everything was going to be fine. It was weird....

I felt my normally so distant heart melt, as if it had retrieved a kiss full of warmth. All hardness left my body and I lost all will to even think of harming this human... I couldn't bring myself to it anymore. I couldn't bring myself to feel hate towards this gentle, beautiful being... All I wanted was to keep adoring them... Maybe even see or help them flourish...

I never really believed in love at first sight, but... It was like I've been struck...

Dangit, now I wanted to talk to them...! But what if they recognized me and got scared? And how do you even talk to someone without the intention to intimidate or scare them??

Now I regretted limiting my social interactions strictly to overpowering and scaring people. I didn't know what to do...!

For a solid while, I just stood there, hiding behind that tree, listening to their sweet sweet humming.


I sat in a clearing, picking flowers and replanting them into flower pots I brought along. I wanted to decorate the Rainbow Town with them a little more. The area around the Rainbow House especially. I'm sure Rainbow would be ecstatic.

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