Vindicator X Villager! Farmer! Reader (Taken Away P3)

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The illagers have kidnapped you into their mansion! And now you're forced to work for them. What could this vindicator possibly make you do?

Second Person

You sighed sadly at the small plants in front of you. You were sitting on your knees and tending to some crops.

The thing I can do best..., you thought sarcastically.

Turned out the illagers have a small indoor farm in their mansion. Although it was in really bad shape. And Johnny, knowing you were a farmer, gave you the task to take care of it. So here you were, tilling the ground, planting the crops they gave you and hopefully soon harvest them. To be honest, you worked your butt off. You kept working until your back hurt and blisters appeared on your hands. No one was forcing you to, but you did anyway, not wanting to anger your captors by slacking off.

The illagers however didn't treat you too bad. Sure, you had to sleep in the dungeon, because no other room was available for you, you had to wear the same clothes every day, and the food really wasn't great. (You figured they just didn't really know how to cook, since everyone complained about it). But they didn't hit or insult you or anything. In fact, most of them minded their own business and basically ignored you. Something you were secretly grateful for.

But that didn't mean you were alone. Johnny would watch your every move when he was around, making sure you didn't try to escape. Or he just guarded the door when he got tired of watching you work. There were also (many) days, where he had other work to do himself. Then he would always send a pillager to guard you.

The pillager was less silent and intimidating than Johnny and would sometimes even have some small talk with you.

Nonetheless you felt lonely most of the time. You missed your parents and the other friendly villagers of your village. You missed trading with them and sharing the occasional gossip. Homesickness suddenly washed over you, but you fought back the tears, not wanting to annoy your captors.

You stood up from the ground and grabbed your wooden hoe, stretching your sore back. Due to your injury, you would still feel slightly dizzy, if you moved to quickly.

Absent-mindedly you touched the new bandage around your skull, that was partially hidden under your straw hat.
You remembered well, how Johnny let you get treated for the first time.

It had been shortly after your arrival. Johnny had carried you through the many hallways into a small study on the second floor. The air there had smelled strongly like a mixture of herbs and chemicals.

An evoker was working there. He was the only one in the mansion, who bared some sort of medical knowledge.

It sure had been scary, when Johnny had sat you down on a table in the middle of the room and that evoker had creeped out from a shadowy corner, asking what he could do for Johnny. Said vindicator had wordlessly pointed at your bloody temple, not showing much emotion.

But when the evoker hadn't looked, he would have glanced at your injury with a difficult to read expression.

The evoker had cleaned your wound and applied some alcohol for desinfection purposes, that had stung like the Nether. He then had rummaged through a chest, only to announce, that he needed to go to the main storage to fetch more bandages.

When you and Johnny had been alone, he had moved his face close to yours and his blue eyes had stared seriously into your (E/c) ones. He had asked, if it hurt much, to which you had silently shook your head.

Before he could have said anything else, the evoker had returned to finally apply a bandage.

This happened three days ago. (The bandage got renewed yesterday.) To this day you were still confused as to why Johnny would ask about your wellbeing. He killed your parents without a second thought for crying out loud! So why would he ask about an injury?

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