Light Steve X Reader (Light Me Up P2)

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Please don't hit me... I know this took me forever, sorry that I kept you waiting... As an excuse, I will update an "Imagines" chapter shortly after I released this one, ok?

But here we are with the second part to this oneshot!

I just wanted to let you know that I'm not sure about his powers. I've read something about ice and lightning, but I'm not sure if my descriptions will be accurate.

So, if he has different powers or even powers he originally doesn't have, please bear with me and my lack of knowledge, k?

Thank you for understanding!



Shortly after lightning struck down all around us.

The stranger kneeled down in front of me.

I couldn't make out their face anymore. All I saw was a white blur, which I thought was hair.

"Are.... Fine?.... Happened?" Their voice seemed incredibly far away...

I couldn't listen anymore. My eyes grew heavy... I felt extremely drowsy.

Being to weak to withstand unconsciousness, I let myself sink into darkness...


??? PoV (Who am I kidding, y'all know who it is ¦> )

Finally, after what seemed forever, I reached my home. Normally it wouldn't take me that long to reach home when I'm on my own, but when carrying a unconscious human?

Totally different story.

Using a weird mixture of my elbow and shoulder to open the door, while carrying said human (bridal style), I eventually managed to get into my house.

The door closed behind me and I hurried through the hall to the guest room.

I laid the human down on the comfy white bed and looked at her beautiful face.

Yep. Her face. Said human was a girl.

I smiled. What a good thing I saved her. Someone looking that sweet doesn't belong into the cold harsh world out there, without someone to protect them.

The metallic smell of blood reminded me of her wounds.

My face twisted at the thought of her being in that shape.

So I carefully removed the arrows from her body and laid my hands on her wounds.

I concentrated for a few seconds and a bright light emitted from where we touched. Using my healing powers, I closed her wounds.

As soon as I was done with that, I straightened my back and examined her facial expression. She seemed much calmer now.


I decided to let her rest, until she's better...


First thing I noticed, when I regained my senses was: I was laying in a bed.
A rather comfy one, if I might add.


Wasn't I surrounded by hostile mobs before I blacked out?

My memory was blurry, but I remembered being saved by someone.

Did they bring me here?

I slowly opened my eyes. And regretted it.

My surroundings were very bright. It hurt to look at them, after your eyes were closed for quiet some time.

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