AU #1 (Angels And Demons)

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Hello everyone!

I'm introducing a new format! In this format I want to just talk about possible AUs (Alternate Universes) that I have come up with or that I just really like.

I also want to introduce you to any story ideas I have based on the AU. Feel free to tell me your opinions about them! ^^

I am also happy to inform you that two requests are currently in the works. I'm working on the Prof. Red X Reader oneshot and the continuation of the Nightmare X Reader (Chosen) series. OwO

And for now: On with the first AU!




Steve Saga or Rainbow Quest, both would work


I know, I know, this specific concept has been done a loooot. All the good guys are angels and the bad guys are demons.

But I'd like to add some more depth and a twist to it!

It's not just gonna be: "Oh, this guy is an angel, this one is a demon!" No.

There's different kinds of angels and demons. And there won't be any shapeshifting. One cannot hide who or what they are. You' re an angel? Well damn, you can't hide your wings from anyone! You're a demon? Same story with your horns, claws or whatever.

About the different types:

Angels are generally based on birds, which also defines what their wings and tails will look like. For example: A Falcon-Angel. A very fast and skilled flyer with usually good eyesight and beige-brown spotted wings. Or a Dove-Angel: Bright white wings and usually very patient and kind.

There's also a clearly set hierarchy for angels, which says that certain types of angels are "purer" or "cleaner" than others. The concept behind this order is the following: The brighter and whiter your wings are, the higher you stand in the hierarchy.

Highest are of course any white kinds of birds, followed by colorful birds like parrots or hummingbirds. Then come any brownish kinds of birds. Closely behind those come greyish patterned ones and then black-and-white birds. At the very bottom are black kinds of birds.

Therefore, how you are treated by other angels and what your job and place in society is, strongly depends on the color of your wings. Are they white, you're basically royalty. Are they black.... Let's just say you're pretty much fucked-

Yeah! I think it's needless to say that angels have established a functioning society with set rules and stuff like that.

Demons on the other hand are much more primitive. They either live alone as rogues or band together in small packs, clans, groups, whatever. Main rules always are: Eat or be eaten. Kill or be killed. Be strong and live or be weak and die.

Yeah, it sucks to be a demon. (But it can also suck to be an angel, if you're unlucky-)

Demons are based on all other kinds of animals aside birds. They can also be sorted into several categories: Common, semi-rare, rare and legendary.

The closer an animals abilities, that the demon is representing, are to flying, the rarer they are. Or their diet also determines how rare a kind is. Predatorial kinds like wolf-demons are quite common, but herbivores likes goats are already semi-rare, because I can imagine it being quite hard to survive as a peaceful plant-eater, when everyone else around you is a predator. But that means, since herbivores are semi-rare, they're also more powerful.
I like to think, that they can tank a lot more hits than a common demon.

Any animal-type that is capable of gliding around, like certain types of squirrels (I don't know their name rn) is rare, not because of their diet, but because the angels would hunt them down. More about the conflicts later though.

And the legendary demons are animal-types besides birds that can fly. Like bats for example. Or fantasy animals like dragons or even phoenixes. (lol, phoenixes was the 666th word XD)
These demons might be so rare, that only a couple of them have been know to have existed throughout the entire history of this realm. Hence the classification "Legendary". They're also insanely powerful and no-one knows their true full potential, for it has never been seen before.

Now about the conflicts: Angels view the sky as sacred and worship it. They have sworn to keep it "pure" and "clean". Which basically means that no other being is allowed to fly in it, other than angels themselves and birds.

That is why they hunt and kill any demon, that looks like it could fly.

Angels generally view demons as uncultured, dirty and unpredictable animals. Which isn't necessarily true. Demons just don't have a complex society like angels do. And they don't have the opprtunity to build one in the first place, since the angels are secretly keeping them down. Which in return has the demons mad and hating the angels. While the angels want to keep the demons low and on an animal like status, the demons want to overthrow the angels and destroy/ take over their society in return.

And it doesn't help, that angels and demons cannot touch each other. (TWIST!) It's the biggest reason for the separation and isolation between the two groups. If an angel and a demon (be it accidentaly) touched skin to skin, both of them would get burned, as if they've touched acid. If they touch skin to hair, feather or horn it would wither away, crumble apart and fall out altogehter, without ever growing back, leaving permanent damage in all cases.

A romance between angels and demons is therefore pretty much impossible.

However, there is a type of gem, that allows such physical contact. If its harvested and broken into two pieces, with one of them being given to an angel and one to the demon, then these two can touch without burning. But only these two, and only if they're carrying the crystal in a way, that it's touching their skin.

Unfortunatley this gem is only considered a myth and nobody knows for sure if it exists or not.

Also, the angels live on floating islands high above ground, that can only be accessed via flight. The demons inhabit all ground below. Angels view any land below their islands as "dirty, forsaken and dangerous", since it's inhabited by the demons.

Possible Stories:

A Light Steve X Reader? With reader-chan being a demon and Light is an angel. Light is sent out on a mission, when he meets (Y/n). They don't end up killing each other and become friends over the course of the story. They even fall in love, but don't dare to touch each other because of this burning-curse thing. But their love is so pure and honest, that the both of them decide its worth it to leave everyone behind and search for that mythical gem. Oh the yearning! The drama!

Any good Steve X An evil Steve built after the same concept?

A short backstory on how Dark became Nightmare's henchman? Dark isn't a demon. He is a raven-angel with the blackest wings ever seen. He's had it tuff with the angels and caused lots of trouble there. Eventually he got banned by the high council, which is one of the most horrible things that can happen to an angel. Getting banned means, that high officials will break an angels wings and throw them off the edge of their islands. If you survive the fall and what you do afterwards is all in your hands from there on. Anyways, Nightmare finds the badly injured and barely breahting Dark and drags him back to his den. There he originally planned on turning him into a pet of sorts, but when Nightmare discovers that Dark is driven by the same hate against angels than him, he quickly makes Dark his partner in crime instead.

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