Headcanons #12

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1) Since Steves have powers and stuff, they're storing more energy / lifeforce in their bodies. It's this extra energy that allows them to grow much older than humans. They also age slower. Steves can get up to 200-250 years old. ^^
(I don't know if I did this headcanon before and I'm too lazy to check. XD So please forgive me if this is the second time this headcanon shows up)

2) Since Yellow Steves are so fast, when they run full speed and hit something they'll knock themselves out 100%.It happens to younger Steves especially, because they still have to learn how to control their powers and speed.

3) This happened to Nightmare Steve too, when he was still a youngster and had just discovered his speed abilities. He got a little scar on his forehead left from it.

Relationship Headcanons!

4) Rainbow and Light are found family and view each other as brothers with Light being the younger brother.

5) Nightmare is the dad of Dark, Shadow, Positive and Negative. He's the dad of Dark, since he created him in a machine, he adopted Shadow and is the biological father of Positive and Negative.

6) Dark is considered Nightmare's oldest son, which makes him the heir to Nightmare's throne.

7) Shadow is the second oldest, although he is much calmer and more mature than Dark. When the two are together however, they turn into absolute goofballs.

8) Even though Pos and Neg are twins, Neg considers himself older, because he was born first. Pos says it's nonsense, because their birthdays are on the same day and that it doesn't count. But Neg keeps insisting that he's 20 minutes older than Pos.

9) Even as babies the two were already total opposites. Positive was a very calm and easy to raise with almost no problems during the different phases. Whereas Negative used to cry a lot and have all the issues a baby could possibly have.

Nickname headcanons!

10) Lucas: Lu (by Light and Sabre)

11) Sabre: Sabs, Sab, Sabby (by Lucas and Rainbow, later by all his close friends)

12) Rainbow: Bow (by Blue Steve), Rain (by his friends), Sunshine (by Sabre), Munchkin (sometimes, by Lucas)

13) Light: Sugar, Snowflake, Sweetheart (by Lucas), Li (by his friends)

14) Nightmare: Dad, Papa (by his kids), Ni (by his friends)

15) Dark: Dork (jokingly by Shadow), Big Bro / Brother (by his siblings)

16) Shadow: Shawty (jokingly by Dark)

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