Prof. Red X Nerdy! Reader (What about your kind?)

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Soooo... This one has been requested by @lazy_ipa!

We've talked a little about the plot and I hope I got it all right!




You are one of the few humans living in the Steve realm alongside Sabre. You've heard about him, but never met the boy in person. Since there are only a handful of humans, who have lived in this realm, Steves happen to know only very little about them at all. Same with Prof. Red. Lucky for him, you two are friends! He allows you to help him out in his lab and make a little bit of a living with it. What happens when his curiosity about you and your kind gets the best of him though?

First Person

My eyes watered slightly as I tried hard not to blink. 

I was trying to run a couple tests on a tiny synthetic red crystal shard, I had managed to grow, to see if it could be a valid replacement for the naturally grown one. This consisted of dropping a tiny bit of acid on it to see its reaction.

The professor had once told me, that his people had lost track of where the red crystal is, unfortunately. So I figured, maybe they would appreciate me more, if I came up with a good replacement or placeholder until we found the original crystal.

The Red Steves always seemed to be a bit wary of me. Maybe it was because I was human? And because humans were one of the very few things they happened to lack knowledge of?

They like to take pride in their knowing nature after all.

The droplet of acid trembled nervously, as it hung from the tip of my pipette. Or it was just my hand, that wasn't steady enough.

Just stay focused and don't miss the cryst-

Bam! Suddenly the door to my small office flung open.

I jumped and almost dropped the pipette in the process. Just my luck it was empty now.

"Sweet Jesus! Don't you know how to knock??", I half-yelled at the professor standing in my doorway.

He wore the same things as I. Red sweater, dark pants, a labcoat and gloves.

Prof. Red removed his goggles from his eyes and rested them on top of his head, an apologetic smile on his face.

"My apologies, (Y/n). I hope I didn't ruin any experiments?"

"No, you didn't. Just one of your tables."

I threw a quick glance behind me to see if I missed the crystal shard on its petri dish. I did. The acid was now busy sizzling on the table instead.

"Oh." He frowned, red strands of hair falling into his eyes.

"Why'd you interrupt me anyways?"

"I just had the sudden urge to ask you something."

I rolled my eyes.

"Really? And that requires you to  trample down my door?"

"Well, first of all: Technically, this is MY door- Secondly: While working on Assistant Steve I had this sudden burst of curiosity and you know that when I get curious I just have to figure it out!"

While he gestured wildly with his hands like a crazy scientist (maybe he was crazy, I didn't know) I just stared at him blankly while the acid still sizzled, happy about its newfound freedom.

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