Chapter 1

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(A/N: I am sorry for any inaccuracy. If you can, please send me a private message and inform me about what it is that is incorrect.)

1st person pov. (Y/N)

Okay, here I go. I jump down into a sewer. The sewer should lead into some tunnels that would get me inside the Avengers compound. I run through the sewers towards the direction of where the entrance of the tunnels should be according to the sewer and building plans that I got.
Running for a few minutes I finally find it, I don't lose any breath on my run so when I open the heavy door I continue running.
I finally find an exit on my behalf but an entrance to others. I open what seems like a hatch door. I peak through the small gap I opened, I see exercise equipment I peek around to the sides and don't see anyone as the night has overtaken New York and its inhabitants. I open the hatch door fully and pull myself out of the tunnel. Like I said, no one.
Closing the hatch behind me I walk towards the exit of the gym room and then I hear footsteps. I rapidly look for a place to hide finding one behind some stacked training mattresses.
The person walks into the gym, by the footsteps I sense that it is a man. I sneak a glimpse and I instantly know that it is Steve Rogers by my research of the Avengers.
He beats a punching bag until it rips open, he takes the punching bag and puts it on the floor then walking away and out of the room. I get out from my hiding spot and wait for a little while until I'm sure he's not coming back. I walk out of the gym into a hallway. I take a look in both directions, one leads to a window and the other to a bigger hallway.
I walk to the hallway discovering that it's an entrance and waiting area.
I check to see if the doors are unlocked, and they aren't so I decide that it would be fun to wait in the waiting area to get caught.
I take out my phone and scroll through my contacts, I decide to delete and block my father and mother's numbers. It's okay, they were the ones that did this to me, even though I embrace it now I didn't want it then. Waiting for someone to find me I take a magazine from the table in front of mine and a couple of other chairs.

A few hours after I sat down in the waiting area I finally start to hear people upstairs. I decide to wait until someone comes downstairs and when I finish my thought I hear steps coming from the stairs. Yes, finally! I exclaim in my head, even though I'm a patient person I can still celebrate when the wait is done.
And down comes Tony Stark, the person I wanted to find me, I throw the magazine on the table and get his attention from his watch he's fiddling with. He stops and looks at me. After a second he alerts the team to get down immediately through his watch.
"Friday, are there any alerts that went off tonight?" Tony speaks to his artificial intelligence and it answers back that no alert had gone off. I smile as his worried face looks at me, Steve enters from above with Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes, and Thor Odinson, the God of Thunder all on his heels.
"Tony, who is this?" Steve asks.
"Natasha take her to the conference room." At Tony's command, she walks toward me and I stand up.
"Show me the way?" She looks at Tony who is now speaking quietly with the rest of those who came down. She wraps her hand around my upper arm and pushes me forward, up the stairs, and into the conference room which has a long table and a screen in front of it. I sit down and wait.
She leaves me and I look as other avengers walk by and head downstairs to them.
A few minutes pass by and Tony, Steve, Natasha, Wanda Maximoff, and Stephen Strange walk in together.
Wanda sits down first and in front of me, she looks straight at me, and I stare back into her eyes challenging her to read my mind. She turns her head to Tony and shakes it making him sit down.
"Who are you?" Tony questions.
I don't answer playing a little bit around. Knowing that Wanda can't read my mind, I smirk and look at Strange who's observing me.
"Wanda, can you see anything?" I ask already knowing the answer.
"Wh- What?"
"Can you read my mind?" I repeat.
"No." She answers.
"Why do you think that is?" I say speaking to Wanda but looking at Tony.
No one answers for a second but then Tony speaks. "You have powers."
"Yes, I do." I smile at him.
"What are they?"
"Do you want to know that or how I got in? Cause I have to say, you need better security."
"How did you get in?" Natasha asks before Tony speaks.
"Watch the security video from the gym." Tony takes a remote and turns the screen on, he enters a password and selects the gym. "I would guess it was around, I don't? Maybe three AM." Tony rewind's the tape to three and we all patiently watch. I come out of the tunnels a few minutes later and right after me Steve comes in and I hide. Tony pauses the video and looks straight at me.
"What are you doing? What's your goal here?" He asks.
My face goes serious. "I want in,"
"You want in? In to what?"
"Into this, into the Avengers. I want to become an Avenger."
"You don't break into our facility and expect we'll invite you to join the Avengers," Tony says with anger in his voice.
"Yes, I do. It was the only way to get your attention."
"No! You send an email, or schedule an appointment."
"With who! Who's going to read an email from some girl wanting to get into a dangerous organization. And no one's going to interview me, I know how this shit works! This was the best idea I had to get your attention."
"What are your powers?" Natasha asks as Tony opens his mouth.
I look at her, then again at Tony. "I can manipulate water, heal others but not myself, also create a protective shield. Like you saw I have mind control and reading resistance and lastly enhanced stamina. And not to brag but I'm great at handling daggers, and knives. Also, my name is Y/FN." (Your Full Name.)
"How'd you get them?" Tony asks.
"My powers? My father and mother got money by letting some men take me once a month to, well, experiment on me. And they'd also make me fight people and bet on who would win. Great childhood I know." I say sarcastically.
"Go wait in the lounge and Nat you should bring everyone here, we're having a meeting." He puts his head into his hands when I and Natasha walkout.
"You know I'm sorry. For breaking in."
"It wasn't the best idea but you're right, this was the only way to get our attention." Natasha walks out to get the rest of the Avengers and I lay back on the couch and close my eyes.
I listen to the chattering in the conference room with closed eyes. And when the door of it opens I sit up and look at the entrance of the lounge waiting for someone to come either get me or tell me what decision was made.
Tony walks in and I look at him praying that I'm not getting arrested.
"Well?" I ask after a while of him standing there
"You're in."
"Really!" I stand up smiling.
"Yes. But you have to understand that what you did you shouldn't have done it. You should've gone about it another way."
"But you got to admit that it was pretty clever." Tony nods. "I want to tell you that I'm sorry."
"It's fine. Come meet everybody." His voice a little bit annoyed and tired,
We walk into the conference room where some people are talking, others listening or waiting for us.
"This is everybody that lives here except for one person as he is on vacation." Tony gestures his hands to the room full of people and I introduce myself, I shake hands with a few people.
"How about you go with Nat and choose a room," Tony suggests to us. We both nod.
We take the stairs to the third floor and walk down a hallway of occupied bedrooms. "We have a total of twenty rooms, eleven are in use. So you have nine options, they're almost all identical. After you decide on a room you can decorate it in your own style."
"Okay, thanks. I'll just take this one." I say knocking my hand on a door.
"Natasha, " I say as she starts walking away.
"Yeah?" She turns towards me.
"How many did not want me to join?" I hesitantly ask.
She smiles, "Everyone came with pros and cons about you joining, and everyone was okay with you joining. Look some weren't happy about what you did, but we're always happy to get new recruits."
"Okay, thanks."
Natasha walked away and then she said back to me; "And call me Nat."
I smiled and walked into my new room, it was pretty plain, had white walls a bed against a wall that had a window on it, there was a wardrobe built into the wall on the left side of the bed, the doors on it were a darker color than the white on the walls but still quite white.
I walk back downstairs to the kitchen where Tony is as I need clothes and a shower.
"Yeah, uhh, sure let's go for a drive."
"Okay, thanks, I'll wait for you downstairs."
We get into his car after a few minutes. "Where do you live?"
"I, umm, I was staying in a hotel. It's on 24'th avenue."
We drive in silence for a minute but then Tony breaks the ice.
"How'd you find the tunnels."
"I got a part-time job at the construction company that built the compound and one night I stayed late to see the construction plans of the building."
"That's pretty smart." He says.
"How many avengers are there in total?"
"We're eleven that live in the compound, now twelve, then there are some that are in space, they are, I think eight, then here on earth are six that don't live with us, but there are more people that help us when needed." I nod.
"I'll wait for you," Tony says when we get to the hotel.
"Okay, thanks, I'll be quick."

"What are we having for dinner," I ask when coming down after taking a shower and a nap.
"Hope you like pizza because today's chef is Thor and Banner and Thor doesn't know how to cook and doesn't want to learn, and Bruce is busy," Bucky informs me.
"Well, I'm great with having pizza tonight."
"Yeah well, you won't be okay with it after having the same pizza once a week for a hell of a long time," Bucky shouts at Thor who's on the phone ordering the pizza.
"Shut up! It's not my fault that Banner is always "busy". " Thor shouts back covering the microphone of his phone. I smile enjoying this new company. I could get used to this.
"Hey, mystery." Wanda indicates towards my resistance against mind control and reading while walking in.
"Hey, I was wondering if you could answer a question I've been pondering?"
"Yeah, sure. What is it?" She politely agrees.
"Well, when you're reading minds do you see images or do you read what's in their heads, or like what do you see?"
"Great question Y/N." Bucky jumps into the conversation.
"Well, depends on the person, just how they see their thoughts whether it's in images or text and numbers is all up to how the person thinks."
"Indeed it is," Bucky says. Finally adding; "How old are you Y/N?"
"Now that's an interesting question in my opinion." Wanda states.
"I'm twenty, turning twenty-one in two months."
"Two months til drinking exciting."
"Well, I don't know about you two but my mother was from Europe so my parents were pretty okay with me drinking at eighteen, even a little before that."
"See Europe, the best continent." Wanda states and we high five while Bucky, a full American shakes his head.
"Pizza will be here in about thirty minutes," Thor exclaims dropping his body to the couch. "The chef's job is done for today." We laugh at his inability to cook and join him on the couch while waiting for the pizza to arrive. While waiting we talk about our traumatic pasts and food, we were all hungry so when the five pizzas came we called the other after getting our own slices.
After an eventful day, I lay in bed looking at the ceiling thinking about if I could've done something differently, I end up telling myself that what I did was my best option and roll on my other side and close my eyes.

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