Chapter 39

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1st Person POV. (Y/N)

The automatic doors open up for me, I'm the first of the team that's walking back into the compound after the week-long vacation to Hawaii we went on. Loki's right behind me and then there Tony who's been busy talking on the phone since we landed. He seems to be having a heated discussion, most likely with Fury but I'm not sure.
He waves for us all to go up and unpack so we do and leave him downstairs in the lobby on the phone.
I and Loki open the door up to Loki's room and I sit down on his bed thinking of how I haven't been in here since Loki left.
Loki puts his bags down on the other sides of the bed and then walks over to me, he tilts my head up to him and smiles leaning down and kissing me.
"You alright?" He asks, his hands still cupping my face.
"Yeah," I smile. "Just have barely been in here since we fought," I tell him.
"It won't happen again." He says. "I mean we will fight but I won't just leave as I did." Loki clarifies.
"I hope not." I chuckle and as we move to our suitcases to empty them Loki chuckles with me.
We chat quietly while we move clothes out of the bags into the closets, then a knock turns our heads toward the door, it's Bucky.
"Tony needs us to come to have a meeting in the living room," Bucky says, lightly high-fiving the door frame before walking off, we give each other a question mark and head downstairs to see what Bucky's talking about.
Tony stands by the bar already pouring himself a drink, most of the team has sat down on the couch. Loki sits down in an armchair and I sit down on the arm, Loki puts his arm around my waist before pulling me to sit on his lap, I smile at him but then turn my head back to Tony who sips from his glass and starts talking.
"I just talked to Fury, someone found a way into the compound, same way Y/N found, so we've got to move and make sure we don't have any blueprints that show our hidden tunnels, so start packing, we're going to find a new place to build a new compound and in a few months, we'll be out of here." Tony talks a bit in circles, probably because he's upset about the move.
"Everyone got it?" We nod. "Great, meeting dismissed." The team stands up some in a small shock. I stand up and walk to Tony who has dropped himself on the couch.
"Are you okay?" I ask.
"I hope you don't think I would reveal the tunnels to someone."
"I know you wouldn't."
"Then what's the wrong?"
"Can you refill?" He asks me, handing me his empty glass.
"What's up is that we moved into this compound two or three years ago and now we immediately have to go."
"Yeah." I pour Tony's favorite drink into his glass. "Here you go." I hand it to him.
"Thanks." We stay silent for a bit.
"It's just how often are we going to need to build a new place for us and move?" Tony wonders. "Anyways," He downs the glass and stands up, taking his phone up, and starts to make some calls.
I take it that I'm allowed to leave and so I go back upstairs to Loki's room.
Loki stands looking outside the window, he turns t9 me when he hears the door open.
"Y/N." He walks over to me. "You remember that time when I was abducted from our date?"
"Of course I do? How could I forget it?" I turn around, Loki leading me out of his room.
"I think we should go finish that date." Loki holds my hand and we walk together to the garage. Loki gets a car key opening it up and we get in and drive off. Loki seems eager to get there, he seems weird.
"What's up with you?" I smile confused.
"What'd you mean?" He asks, quickly looking over to me.
"You seem giddy." I chuckle.
"I'm not sure why." He answers, kind of admitting that he is giddy.
"Are we going to the same place?" I ask, changing the subject.
"Great," I answer and turn the music from the radio up.
We listen in silence as we get closer and closer to our destination. My mind starts to wander, thinking if Loki would get giddy over proposing, I hope it's not what's happening, it's still early days for us, K love him but I'm just not ready to get married. Fuck me. What am I thinking, of course, he isn't going to propose, Loki would rather back away from commitment rather speed into it so quickly. Right?
We pull into the parking lot and park, Loki looks at me and smiles. What's up with him?
He gets out and for some reason he holds up his finger and runs to my side, opening the door for me.
"Seriously what's up?" I ask, taking his hand to get out of the car.
"Can I not be a gentleman on a date?" Loki asks and I shrug.
"Sure, why not?"
Loki takes my hand and we walk through the street of stores. At the end of the block is the ice cream shop we went to a few months ago. Loki holds the door open for me and I get the same thought up in my head that he's got a proposal up his sleeve.
We pick the same ice creams as we did before, and pay before leaving the store to walk in the slightly cold autumn air.
Loki takes my hand again and we walk over to a bench to eat our ice creams.
"I still think somethings up with you." I try to pry out of him what he has in mind.
"Y/N, I just thought back and I don't think I've ever declared my love for you, so I thought why not combine finishing this date and declaring my love for you," Loki says.
"Where are you going with this," I mumble under my breath, for him not to hear.
"Y/F/N, I fell in love with your smile, eyes, lips that are so soft,-" He strokes my bottom lip with his thumb "-I love the at your laugh can change from day to day, I can't get over you're choice when you're trying to be sweet or when you're weary or just your voice overall. I love your body, your hair is such a beautiful color, along with your eyes, that I hope our kids will get. But most of all I love your personality, the way you think of other people and still manage to take care of yourself, as I just said you're kind and caring and I love it, up you can be so irritating but I still love you when you are infuriating me. I could go on forever but I do think you get that I love everything about you. So Y/N I confess and admit that I love you more than I ever have, ever thought I could, and ever will." Loki says.
I smile and in the back of my head, I'm waiting for him to get on one knee and pull out a box holding a ring. But he doesn't and so I start my speech.
"Loki, I feel exactly the same about you and nothing can ever change my mind about it. You're the first person I ever felt safe around to be myself and the first person I'm with that I actually love. So Loki I love you too." I smile.
Loki leans in and kisses me and I kiss him back while I feel relief that he isn't proposing.
I put a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth and then say with my mouth filled. "Where do you see yourself in the future, like about five years from now?"
"Uhm." Loki thought. "With you, cuddling in bed on a Sunday morning."
"Mhhm." I humm.
"Do you want something else?" He asked.
"In five years I could see little feet beside us in bed or maybe a small bump on my stomach," I say.
"That would be nice."
I pull my fear out of my mouth and put it in the future fantasy we're talking about. "Do we have rings on our fingers?"
"Of course." He answers. "I have a question for you. In five years do you see yourself still in The Avengers, and the avengers compound?" Loki asked.
"Honestly, if we're talking about kids in five years I can see us still in the Avengers but living on our own," I answer truthfully.
"I can agree with that," Loki says and then we turn the conversation to something else while finishing our ice creams before heading back to the car to head home.
I laugh with Loki while we walk upstairs.
"I'm going to hop in the shower," Loki says. He kisses me and leaves me in the living room while he goes upstairs to the bathroom.
I turn around and see that Tony stands in the conference room with some men and women sitting around the table.
I knock on the door and Tony allows me to come in.
"What's up?" I ask him and see that each person has blue paper, with lines and measurements on, in front of them. I greet the presumable architects.
"These are architects-" Tony confirmed. "- that are offering us their designs for a new compound." He tells me.
I glance over the designs stopping at the end, the design has two floors, that compound would be bigger on a scale floor by floor, the first floor is a conference, lab, and training rooms and a few bathrooms, and the second holds the living room, kitchen, dining room, bathroom for everyone, then bedrooms and on suites in each one. The only thing missing is a library and it would be perfect.
I tell Tony quietly that the last one is my favorite plus a library.
"And I don't care how big, just not small, then all my needs would be met," I say.
"Y/N, I appreciate your opinion and you might have affected the final decision." He says and I dismiss myself.
I look back to Tony speaking and talking with his hands.
I sit down on the couch and picture each incident that had happened around me, the lobby where I slept until they found me, the conference room Tony stands in now and where I was interrogated in when I first came, in the kitchen where I walked through a wall, the training room where I beat Loki to get his memories back, the library where I hid.
I walk upstairs reminiscing about my times in this compound, I feel the thirst for water, and instead of going back down to get water from the kitchen, I walk into the bathroom, almost bumping into Loki who just came out of the shower, and seriously, how does he make the towels hang so perfectly on his hips? It's like towels were made for Loki to wear them Like that.
My mind thinks back to the day that happened before we were dating, I smile and go to the sink, Loki holds the bathroom door open to the hallway and waits for me. I lean down to drink water from the sink and then I join Loki's side and we both think of that time I saw him in a towel for the first time.
He opens the door to his bedroom for me with a smile on his face, I remember the night we enjoyed together, and then the next morning Thor almost busted us because of an early meeting Tony had set. I shake my head and smile sitting down on the bed going through all the good and bad memories I've endured in the time of me living here.

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