Chapter 13

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1st person POV. (Y/N)

"Y/N?" I hear Loki's voice, somehow after I passed out I woke up finding myself still alive, and unfortunately still stuck under the concrete.
"Loki, I'm can't feel my feet anymore!" I tell him starting to panic inside.
"Y/N, I heard something," Loki informs me.
"What'd you hear?" I ask panicked.
"A sound similar to a helicopter?"
"Do you think?"
"I don't know, don't get your hopes up," Loki tells me. We stay in silence, secretly both listening after voices or footsteps.
"Did you hear that?" Loki says excitedly.
"I think I heard someone talking."
"Let's yell for help!" I say when he announces what he heard.
"Help!" We both eagerly yell.
"We're here!"
We continue screaming for help and soon we hear footsteps around us.
Hopefully, this hole doesn't collapse on us.
We hear people rolling around the rocks of concrete, trying to break through to us.
We continue to yell and when someone pushes a rock off of my chest I breathe a little easier.
"I found something!" I hear what sounds like Sam yelling.
I start crying in relief and Loki sighs in relief.
The team starts bunching up around Sam, some helping him but being careful to not step on the stones above me.
The team clear my body and then take the stones to the ceiling of the hole.
"Y/N!" Wanda cries out when she sees my face whole and alive.
"I can't feel my legs." I cry and Steve runs away bringing back a stretcher. Wanda lifts me on it with her magic.
"Loki's there too," I tell them when Steve and Bruce walk me to the Quinjet.
"Call doctor Cho, tell her to get ready for an exam and most likely surgery," Steve commands Bruce to do and he quickly digs up his phone from his pockets calling doctor Cho.
The team brings Loki safe and sound back to the Quinjet after a few minutes of me worrying in the Quinjet. Clint starts flying and some members of the team try talking to me but Bruce tells them not to while giving me some sedative, putting me to slumber.

My vision reveals a room similar to the medical room Nat was in a few days ago. Wait no, this is the same room.
I look around myself confused. Slowly I remember what happened and I start panicking about my legs.
I tear the sheets off of my legs and try moving them. And I can! I sigh.
The closed door opens showing Bruce and Tony.
"You're awake!" Tony says and the men walk over to me.
"Yeah," I answer pulling the covers over my body. "What happened?"
"You underwent surgery on your spine, and were passed out for three days," Bruce says.
"You had us all worried," Tony says putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Is Loki okay?" I ask Tony and Bruce, it feels unnatural saying his name in worry.
"Loki is safe and sound, he told us you healed him," Tony says while Bruce checks my vitals. "You shouldn't have done that. You put yourself in more danger!" Tony exclaims.
"I was just doing my job."
"Loki would've lived if you didn't. He's a God. It wasn't even that deep of a cut he told us."
"Tony, I'm still alive. Chill out."
"But you would've died if we got to you later!" Tony raises his voice and my eyes water.
"You barely know me."
"It doesn't matter for how long we've known each other, you're on the team, you're a part of a family. Even if it doesn't feel like that now." Tony pauses. "Not to mention you're still just a kid. If we lose a kid it will be on the whole team, you're our responsibility."
"I'm not a kid."
"In our eyes you are," Tony says. When Bruce finished checking my vitals they tell me to rest and leave me.

"We're finally having that press conference tonight, since you're finally better," Tony informs me when I slowly walk to the dining table, joining the team for lunch.
"For what?" I ask, having completely forgotten the conversation we had a few days ago. I and Tony hadn't talked since he scolded me when I was in the infirmary, so talking again was a little weird, maybe a little awkward.
"Telling the world about our newest Avenger." Tony gestures his hands toward me. He smiles a small smile at me, and I return it.
"Okay. Sounds great."
"You haven't heard about the best part yet." Nat jokes and I realize what she's talking about before anything else is said.
Tony starts to open his mouth but I cut him off. "Seriously? A party?"
Tony laughs and nods. "Yes. But it'll only be the team."
I nod and start digging into the food on my plate. I glance up at Loki who looks like nothing has happened to him. His sleeves are pulled up so I can see his arms. On his left forearm, I expect to see a scar after the deep cut I healed, but there isn't one.
"Nat, don't you have a scar after the bullet wound I healed?" I ask Nat, my eyes still focused on Loki's forearm.
"Yeah it small, but I have it. Why?"
"Just wondering," I answer her.
The whole lunch I steal glances at Loki's arm, not understanding why he doesn't have a scar.
"Y/N, are you done?" Wanda pulls me from my thoughts.
"Yeah." I, Nat, and Wanda, all stand up from the table with our dishes and put them in the dishwasher, cleaning up after ourselves.
"How do press conferences work?" I ask the girls when we walk up the stairs.
"In general or with Tony?" I chuckle with Nat and Wanda at Nat's joke.
"Obviously with Tony," I say
Instead of getting an answer, Wanda asks, "What room are we going into? Mine's dirty so not mine."
"Not mine," Nat says leaving me left to answer.
"Mine's not the best but we can go there."
"Great," Wanda says.
"Well, how the conference will go is Tony will announce the news then he'll allow you to answer some questions," Nat explains and Wanda nods.
"As simple as that?" I ask them, opening my plain room.
"Is this your room?" Wanda asks surprised.
"I would've thought you'd have more of a decorated room."
"I've just not had time to go shopping and decorate," I say thinking about how I would like my room to look like.
"Well, we can go with you when there is time." Nat offers.
"I'll keep that in mind." I smile and we sit down on my bed.
"Do you know when the conference is?" I question.
"If I had to guess it will be at five, finished at six," Nat says.
"I agree," Wanda tells me and I look at the ceiling.
I sigh. "I never would've guessed this would be my life."
"You didn't?"
"No. I thought I would be thrown into jail when I broke in." I confess.
"Really? And you still did it?"
"Yeah, I mean I had no purpose so I said screw it, and did it."
They nod. And we keep on talking until Tony orders everyone to get dressed in their conference attire, the conference was about to start in an hour.
Everyone starts hurrying to the showers. The whole team is on the move. When my hair is dried I quickly put on some natural make-up and then I only have ten minutes left.
Hair in place, make-up done, and dress on. I walk downstairs.
"Don't we have to drive somewhere?" I ask when Tony lays eyes on me. I feel other eyes on me too.
"No, Y/N, we have a conference room," Tony tells me.
"Wait really?" I asked shocked. "You really got everything here!"
"Yeah, anyway, the team will sit behind us. You Y/N will stand beside me while I talk, then when I'm done you'll take over, answering questions. I'll sit down with the others." Tony says, then he spins around. "Everyone ready?" The team nods.
"Wait are there any questions off-limits?" I quickly ask when Tony takes Peppers' hand.
"Just the ones you feel are off-limits," Tony says. He opens the doors and walks out with Pepper in hand. The rest of the team walks into the room full of cameras and microphones, leaving me to walk in last.
When I get on stage Tony signals me to stand beside him so I do.
Tony starts his speech, something about how the team has expanded and that I've proven myself to be a great addition, I don't really listen as I get distracted by the flashes of pictures being taken. Tony pokes his finger at me pulling me from my thoughts and into reality. He whispers to me that now's my turn.
I take is place on the podium resting my hands on top of it.
I look over the people who are already asking questions. "Put your hands in the air if you have questions," I say into the microphone. Hands shoot up in the air, but the room still has chatter in it. I look over the crowd of hands and point at a young woman with a pink cap, she's in the back so she looks around herself. "Yeah you with the pink baseball cap," I say and she looks shocked.
"What's your name?" She asks nervously.
"My real name or superhero name?" I ask her.
"Both?" She answers.
"My name is Y/F/N, and I'm the Daggering Phoenix." I smile. The girl nods writing it down in a notebook. "You." I point at a man who has a tattoo sleeve.
"Where'd you get your name?" Is his question.
I nod and answer: "Well, daggering is because my go-to weapon is daggers, and Phoenix because phoenixes can heal people, as can I."
I pick another person who asks me what all of my powers are.
"I can manipulate water. I have healing and shielding powers, but I can't use them on myself. I have enhanced memory and mind control and reading resistance. And the last one is that I have enhanced stamina." I tell the journalists.
"Where did you get your powers?" The next person I pick asks.
"I'd rather not say." I move on quickly from that person onto the next one.
"When and how did you join the Avengers?"
"I joined them almost three weeks ago. How I joined, is a secret." I smile, not wanting to tell the world that I broke into the Avengers facility.
"How old are you?"
"I am becoming twenty-one in a few months."
I answer a few more questions when Tony comes up to me whispering to me that he's going to end the press conference, I move for him to speak. The team says their farewell to the journalists, and then they're herded out of the room.
"That was stressful!" I admit when we walk up to the living room.
"You did great," Nat reassures me.
"You really handled yourself well," Wanda says and I smile at the girls thankful for their comments.
"Anyone want a drink?" Tony asks the team and Pepper rolls her eyes.
"I'd like one," I say and Tony looks at me.
"We really shouldn't allow you to drink but," Tony says pouring me a drink and then handing it to me.
"Thanks," I say and smile at Tony.
I sip my drink by the bar watching the team dance to Nat's playlist. Thinking of the devil, Nat dances to me with Wanda right behind her.
"Come dance!" Nat yells over the music and I take a big gulp of my drink, taking their hands and walking to the dance floor.
We throw our hands in the air, moving our hips to the music, and taking random steps, making our own dance.
I start singing with the others of the team joining.
"This is great!" I yell feeling myself on the dance floor. "I need a drink, you girls need anything?" I ask Nat and Wanda who both shake their heads.
I walk back to the bar I abandoned a few minutes ago.
"Hey, " I say to Loki.
I pour some alcohol into a glass.
"Should you be drinking?" Loki asks me, narrowing his eyes at me.
"No, but you could say I have permission."
"Y/N, I need to speak with you." I raise my eyebrows.
"About what?"
"I think we got off on the wrong foot, I'd like to have a fresh start with our relationship and try and become friends," Loki says, he doesn't seem to be joking so I'm shocked and don't know what to say.
"I uhm- uhh- I don't, what?" I end up saying.
"I want to try and become friends," Loki repeats and I choke on my drink.
"Loki, I- uhh- sure," I say, and feeling awkward I don't wait for him to say anything else, I walk back on the dance floor with the drink in my hand.
Talking to the girls and laughing, I feel eyes on me, when I innocently look around me I see Loki looking at me.
"I wasn't going to ask, but now I am, what's up with you two? What were you talking about?" Nat asks me when I turn back to them.
"Loki says he wants to start fresh, like our friendship," I explain.
"Ohh." Wanda let's out.
"I don't know what to think of it, I said yes, but I don't know, we've just been rude to each other since we've met so I'm not sure what to think of this."
Nat and Wanda don't say anything.

Loving A God - LokixReaderWhere stories live. Discover now