Chapter 5

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1st persone pov. (Y/N)

Headache, headache, headache is all I think when I wake up the Sunday morning after the founding anniversary party of the Avengers. Sunday is the only day we aren't obligated to train on, but of course, we can. Because of that, I get into sweatpants and the comfiest hoodie I own.
I walk out and when I get to the stairs a door opens up I turn my head to see Wanda and Vision walking out of their room, I decide to wait for them.
"Hey, how are you guys," I ask them when they approach.
"We're fine," Wanda tells me.
Vision then proceeds to tell us that he can't get drunk there for not hungover. We get down where the smell of coffee is almost overwhelming. I open a window and get an aspirin washed down with a big gulp of water. Sitting down on the couch where Tony, Pepper, Nat, and Steve are sitting at.
"Good morning," I say.
"I think most of us is having a pretty bad morning." Tony states and I chuckle and take another sip of my water. "You and Loki are going on a mission tomorrow."
"Can't I go with someone else, or he with someone else?"
"Y/N, I can't listen to complaining right now, also it's Fury's orders."
"Ask him to change it."
"You don't ask Fury to change his orders." Nat shoots in.
"Exactly," Tony says. I roll my eyes and stare up at the ceiling.
"Can someone join us?" I think out loud after a minute of silence.
Tony sighs and when I look at him Pepper is in his arms and he is rolling his eyes.
"I'll take that as a no."
As everyone is hungover and tired no one really says anything. The rest of the team that still upstairs started joining us and slowly the room starts filling with quiet chatting.
"I've got an announcement!" I state loudly over the group and get their attention."I've chosen a name for myself." Pausing again for a dramatic effect, then continuing. "My superhero name is... Daggering Phoenix." I look at Loki who's staring at the floor. I was drunk but I could still remember that he came up with that. Honestly don't know if he remembers.
"That's a great name!" Nat says and Wanda agrees.
"If you're about to go spreading somethings about me use that name." I get a few laughs from that and after some people compliment and congratulate me on the name they go back to their own conversations.
Loki walks over to me. "We're cooking tonight." He tells me.
"We have a mission tomorrow," I reply.
"What'd you want to cook?"
"How about bacon-wrapped chicken?"
"What even is that?" He states.
"I don't know, but I bet it'd be good."
"Sure, if you say so."
When evening arrives Loki pulls me out of my room to cook.
"Do you know how to cook or should I do it?" He asks.
"Didn't think you'd ask," I remark quite rudely.
"Well, I'll decide for you then. You get a recipe and read it for me while I actually cook."
"Okay," I say nothing more as I couldn't be bothered to bicker with him today. I pull up a recipe and recite it to him.
"Go slower I'm not the God of speed."
"Well, what if I'm the God of not being able to go slow."
"Yeah, cause that's a thing."
"Where are you?" I inquire of him.
"I'm finishing seasoning the chicken." Is his answer.
"Well next step is wrapping the bacon around the chicken." I wait a second. "But don't have it too thick."
He doesn't respond but follows my directions. When he's done with that he looks at me and I look at the recipe reading it out loud.
"Bake till a perfectly crisp and golden brown color." I read.
"I need to know for how long I'm supposed to keep it in the oven," Loki tells me annoyingly. "I don't even know at what temperature to put the oven on."
"You didn't start the oven already? Are you kidding me, that's the first thing you do. Now we have to wait for the oven to heat up before we can put it in."
"You couldn't have told me?"
"Since you know how to cook I thought you would know to start the oven before making the food."
"Well, I'm sorry I'm quite busy and doing this alone, I can't think of everything." He almost yells at me.
"Oh my God! You told me to just read the recipe and do nothing else." I shout at him.
"Don't raise your voice at me." He yells back.
"You've got to be kidding me, you did it first and are doing it now!"
"Just give me the God damn phone!" I slide the phone angrily across the counter and he grabs it right before it would've fallen off. "For thirty minutes." He mutters under his breath.
"I'm going to set the table," I tell him taking dishes, then walking in and out getting other dishes, glasses, forks, and knives. We don't say anything when I pass him over and over again.

I look at the clock in the entrance, I've been waiting for Loki, for now, thirty minutes. I pull on the shorts of the suit me and Tony designed the week before. When I look up at the stairs again I see him appear and I walk to the car getting into the passenger seat. He insisted on driving last night when Tony was giving us information about the mission. Loki gets in the car turning it on.
"We were supposed to be in the car at eight. It's eight-thirty now." I express angrily and point at the clock in the car.
"So what, it's thirty minutes, it's nothing." He rolls his eyes and we drive out of the gates of the compound.
"You know the directions?" I ask.
"Okay, great, then good night." I turn to the window resting my head against the window.
"Yeah no. You're not going to sleep."
"Yes I am, you're driving, just wake me up thirty minutes before we get there so I can wake up."
"Either you sleep and I don't wake you up or you stay awake and we do this mission together." He threatens.
"You know I've got a phone right?" I put in the password and turn on an alarm an hour from now. It should take about two hours to drive there. "Good night," I repeat but shortly after when we're stopped at a light Loki turns on the blue tooth and starts blasting music inside the car.
"Oh my God! Are you kidding me, you're like a child!"
He doesn't answer but looks at the road and starts driving again when the light turns colors.
We drive through New York, I gave up on trying to sleep so with every song I sang, even those I didn't know I googled the lyrics to and sang my heart out, mostly to annoy Loki but it was also for my entertainment.
When we start getting closer I turn the music off and we observe the environment around us for the last fifteen minutes. When we see a building we decide to park the car a bit away, getting out I fix myself slightly and we walk slowly up to the unfinished concrete facility.
We notice no movement from any of the windows or around the building, we were going to try and bust some traffickers, Fury's friend was a police officer, he had asked for a favor because the police department didn't have any actual reason for an arrest warrant, Fury's friend was very certain that there is trafficking going on and told Fury that if it was happening it would be happening here.
"Ready?" Loki whispers. I nod and seconds later Loki tries the doorknob and we are inside the building.
We walk quietly almost tiptoeing. Checking each room we pass carefully, making sure no one is hiding anywhere.
We finish checking the ground floor and get to the stairs the is approximately in the middle of the building. We look at each other and tactically we go up the stairs one looking up and the other looking at the side where the stairs don't turn to. We both have guns in our hands ready to shoot anything that threatens us, of course, we're supposed to try to get them alive but if they do come charging towards us we might shoot something.
No one is in the room that receives anything coming from the stairs, we see two doors opposite each other. We stand quietly deciding on which side to check first when we heard muffled voices coming from the door we weren't going to chose. I look at Loki worried and step to the door, I put my hand on the doorknob, and Loki positions himself to invade the room. I quickly open the door and when Loki goes through the door I follow.
We see girls stuck in cages, they all sequel in relief of their rescue, we tell them to wait for a second and we quickly search the rest of the upper floor.
When we secure the place with nothing but the victims, we let them out then call Tony to tell him about our mainly successful mission.
"I just called Fury who is calling the police department, he's telling them about this and you're just going to have to wait there for the police and ambulance's to come pick up the girls. Good job, we'll see you in a few hours." Tony tells us over the phone and then hangs up.
I use my powers of healing to heal the physical wounds of the girls.
"I'm going to circle the building one more time," I state, then walking away from Loki. I don't do that I walk outside and sit down on the pavement leading up to the building. I sigh.
I put my head in my hands that rest on my legs. Rustling from the leaves in the forest next to the incomplete house makes me yank up my head, I look around when I see something in the woods, two men. They look like they're in their forties to fifties. They notice that I have spotted them and I jump up. They turn around and when I'm starting to run after them Loki walks out of the building. I don't stop to tell him anything but run after them.
His eyes scan the area and then he starts running with me after the guys.
We run and enter the woods. We hear them still running so following the sound we run.
The noise of the leaves crumbling under us starts getting mixed in the sound of the men running, which probably indicates that we're getting closer. Hopefully. We are getting to the other end of the forest and see that the men have a car they're getting into. We race to it but they turn it on, it's then when I recognize the faces of the men.
I almost fall over when seeing their faces. Making me stop running, I don't really have to catch my breath but I choke up, they drive away and Loki finally gives up running after them. When he walks over to me I have sat down in the grass.
He offers me his hand but I'm very concentrated on the men.
"Y/N, we have to go back." He says after standing over me and me not doing anything.
I don't answer I just stand up and we start walking back to the house.

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