Chapter 27

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1st person POV. (Y/N)

Gaining consciousness, I open my eyes and see a blurry room at first that soon turns to normal.
Except it isn't normal, the walls are white, and there's machinery around me, when I'm ready I try and raise myself, but I'm tied to the chair I sit in, my wrists, ankles, head, and even abdomen are in ropes.
I'm no longer in my emerald dress but in a sports bra and shorts.
Shit, I try and wiggle my hands-free but am unsuccessful, only hunting my wrists that turn red. My ankles are ties even harder than my hands so the slightest movement of my feet starts bruising.
I try to summon any power from inside me to help in any kind of way but I don't even feel a tug of struggle in my stomach.
"Shit! Fuck!" I yell out in agony. "Shit. Help! Fuck, Y/N you know yelling isn't going to do anything for you." I mutter to myself.
"Fuck, oh my god! What was I thinking?"
A clicking noise from behind me shuts me up and a few seconds later I hear a door open and five sets of footsteps. Walk-behind me, coming closer with every step they all take.
They position themselves up in front of me and when I look at them, I realize they have Hydra symbols on their lab coat shoulders, except the oldest man, he's in a suit that has the same symbol on his shoulder.
I look at them and they look at each other then the man in the suit nods. The scientists or doctors start moving taking cords connected to the machinery that's around us.
They lead the chords to me and start to peel a small layer of their end of the chords, they then start approaching me with the ends, I start to try and break free again, I fight and try and back away, whimpering, the first chord is stuck on my chest. Two ends connected to the same chord are stuck to my temples. They put a finger pulse monitor on my finger. After they connect me to a few more chords they stand to the side of my chair.
"Leave us." The man says. Flicking his wrist to them, they turn to the door and when it closes, he takes a chair and sits down in front of me.
"Y/N, you're name is very beautiful," He says and I stare at him wanting to spit in his face.
"Tell me, how old are you? You're parents never were sure. Then Charles and Jhon they didn't know." The man says.
I wet my lips and purse them.
"Honey, you need to talk to me so we can be safe about this operation." He says.
"What operation?" I speak, finally for him.
"I can't tell you yet, but I'll tell you that you're going to be in some pain, and when we finally finish the transfer we'll erase your memory and we'll make you one of ours." He says smiling and stroking my cheek, he has leaned over me and I see this as an opportunity, I gather some spit up in my mouth and spit on his face, it hits his cheek and some goes in his eyes.
His eyes turn angry and he slaps my face. He stomps out of the room and leaves me be with my red and bruising body.
The lights in the room go down making it dark. I see a light from some of the machinery, it starts buzzing, and then pain envelopes me. I yell and it feels like I'm being electrocuted.
I feel cold shivers go up my whole body again and again but somehow I'm sweating. This transfer he's talking about is doing something to my body, I scream through the shock, trying to think of anything else than the pain.

1st person POV. (Loki)
I finish the page and when I'm flipping it there are steps outside my door, soon there comes a knock from the person standing outside.
I lay up to the wall on Y/Ns mattress, not moving anything except my eyes from the door to the page again.
"She was.." I start reading but the door opens. Thor stands in the doorframe eyeing the trashed room.
I stare at him while he takes in the horrible sight of everything except Y/Ns mattress.
"Brother you need to come downstairs to the meeting room, " Thor says slowly after a long time.
"I shall not, you treated me badly and I will not be treated that way again after I have become one of this team, this family," I answer, and Thor sighs.
Thor walks over to the end of the mattress and stands over me, I keep my head towards the book, and Thor moves his hand on my shoulder. "Loki, I'm sorry for what I said earlier and I'm happy for you, to have found love, I truly am." Thor rests his case and squeezes my shoulder before walking to the doorframe again where he stops.
"Brother just hear them out." He asks of me and I stand up from the mattress and pace down to the meeting room with him.
Thor walks in before me and when I walk in and sit down at the same place as before, eyes either rest on me or avoid contact.
"What?" I ask, feeling uncomfortable in the position I'm in now.
"Loki, even though we all agree you did something wrong we'll tell you sorry for talking like that, now we realize that you care and should hear the plan and be a part of it. So we're sorry." Tony speaks on the behalf of everyone, the team nods and I move on from the grudge I was going to hold against them.
"Okay," I say.
"First and foremost, we need to find Y/N, but when we do we need a plan for how we do it, any suggestions?" Tony says sitting down by the table.
"Do it like we always do, " Rhodey says.
Bucky shakes his head. "No, we shouldn't, if we're going to rescue Y/N, we need to have everyone at the same place that way we can take her and leave as soon as one of us gets ahold of her."
I nod. "I think Bucky has a point," Steve says.
"That will also be a way to do it." Rhodey shrugs.
"So we agree to stay in one group?" Tony confirms.
"We need to bring Doctor Strange and have Doctor Cho be ready for our arrival when we go if Y/N or any of us need medical attention," Nat says.
"I should stay on the Quinjet, waiting for you so if anyone gets injured I can, you know, bandage people or something like that." Bruce offers, kind of wanting to be outside the action.
"Sure, I'll call our Doctors, Loki do you have anything to add?" Tony turns to me.
"It sounds like a plan I could flow with."
"Great, then we'll stay together, and hopefully if anything happens or we find Y/N, Strange can send them through his little portals, and when we get back we'll have both Bruce and Cho ready to take care of her. Any ideas, you come to me." Tony breaks up the meeting and I go sulk in my bedroom alone.

1st person POV. (Y/N)
My screams echo through the room, I've been in here for god knows how long, I've been put to sleep, and then when I wake up I'm tortured with electrical transfers.
I feel so weird since they started doing this to me, I don't feel like myself, it's like the me I just started to know has started to fade.
But I'm not going to let it happen, I'm going to remind myself of me, by thinking of my life, all the bad things and good.
I gag and the door opens behind me, I try to stifle down the gagging but I'm still about to throw up when three people get in front of me.
The man in the suit sits down in front of me and soon the scientists are taking the chords off of me and putting new ones on that show my heartbeat and other things. They inject me with something and then after a few minutes of waiting they take my blood.
"What are you doing to me?" I point my words toward the man who's sitting.
He stares at me, not answering.
I look at him thinking of ways to kill him or watching him get killed.
When the blood samples are taken, the two scientists leave.
"What are you doing to me!" I emphasized the me, demanding an answer with my harsh tone and brave mask I'm putting on.
"See because you seem like an impatient lady-" He starts.
"I'm not a lady," I state.
"-I'll tell you about Hydras plan for you." He continues. "So we're going to be giving you these shocks a few hundred more times to give you powers."
"That's the transfer? You're giving me powers? I never even wanted any powers in the first place! You son of a bitch, you'll all will pay for this." I shriek, telling him off.
"Then after that, as I said before we'll do the same thing we did to your-" He stands up approaching me, "-little boyfriend." He twists a strand of my hair, and I try to back my head away from him. And he strokes my cheek before leaving me.
I sigh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
They're giving me new powers when I don't want them, they've already started so there's no point in praying for the Avengers, to come rescue me, when they do and they will, I'll either have new powers or just be a completely different person who doesn't remember them.
Poor Loki will have to experience what I did when his memory got erased. But that was permanent, when he hit his head he got it back, so maybe they don't know that yet, and think that their erasing skills are perfect when infect they aren't.
I can't believe this is happening, if I could right now, I would bury my face in my hands.
This is my fault and I hope they know that, I hope they don't blame Loki, which is probably what they're all doing right now.
A tear runs down my cheek, and then the scientists come back inside unattaching me from the heart rate monitor and connecting me back up to the machine that a few minutes after they leave starts to turn on and exploit me.

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