Chapter 12

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1st person POV. (Y/N)

Once again I'm woken up by rays of sunlight peering through the windows. I groan, telling myself off for forgetting to shut the curtains. I turn to my other side and close my eyes and try to fall back asleep but soon find out that it's pointless, I'm fully awake.
I get dressed in some sports clothes wanting to go train.
Almost the whole team greets me in the kitchen.
"What'd you want for breakfast?" Sam asks me, making a French toast on the stove.
"Depends on whether I'm the cook or you are."
"Me," Sam answers me and I take a quick second to think about what I want.
"(Your favorite breakfast), it's my favorite!" I exclaim and sit down at the counter.
"One (Your favorite breakfast) coming up." I smile at Sam who finishes the french toast giving it to Bucky and starts on mine.
"Are you a big cook?" I question Sam who smiles.
"You should see him on Sundays!" Steve says, and he and Nat share a look smiling at each other.
"When everyone's finished up, there will be a meeting in the living room," Tony informs us before he leaves the kitchen, first to finish his breakfast.
My eyes dart to Nat who's already looking at me. She smiles, proved right about the meeting that was supposed to happen, but is she right about everyone voting for me and Loki?
The breakfast is an hour-long with everyone taking their time to eat on this beautiful Saturday. People start walking to the living room and when I get there I'm ordered to go get Loki who's still in his room.
I knock on his door and when I'm about to knock again Loki swiftly opens his door.
"Can I help you?" He asks me wanting me gone quickly.
"Tony wants you to join us for a little meeting in the living room." After I speak I grant Loki his wish about me leaving. When I take the first step down the stairs I hear him closing his door and walking down the hallway to the stairs.
A wall blocking his view at the turn of the stairs I decided to wait to try and scare him.
He walks closer and closer and I get ready, when he turns I jump out in front of him and he doesn't react at all.
"Really think you can scare the God of Mischief?" He asks me unimpressed at my attempt.
"Maybe." I frown and walk in front of him to the living room. "What's up?" I plop myself on the couch beside Nat, Loki decides to stand, even though there is space for him.
"We're going to be voting on what pair go and have a look around the last mission," Tony explains and I nod. "Everyone get yourself a piece of paper, write what pair you would want to take this task, and put it in the hat." Tony gestures his hands toward a hat that sits in the middle of the coffee table.
A big piece of paper is passed around and ripped into little pieces, after the paper circles around, two pens pass on from each end to the middle. I write Bruce and Thor, thinking that Bruce would be great at analyzing the scene.
When everyone's paper is in the hat Tony takes it and starts counting out loud which pairs have been voted.
"Y/N and Loki, Thor and Bruce, Y/N and Loki, Y/N and Loki." Tony takes the last piece reading out mine and Loki's names. "There's no competition but, Thor and Bruce have one vote, Bucky and Sam also have one vote, leaving Y/N and Loki with ten." Tony smiles entertained at the number of votes we've got.
"Wipe that smirk off your face Stark, or I will." I threaten Tony and everyone seems surprised, especially Loki, he peers his eyes at me, studying me.
"Y/N, watch it." Tony laughs and I give him a sarcastic smile. "Well, get in your suits you need to get going."
I get suited up them meet up with Loki in the hangar.
"Can you fly?" I ask him.
"I'm sure it's not that different from what I learned in Åsgard." My eyes widen and I shake my head.
"Oh, God," I mutter. "I'm gonna die." Loki rolls his eyes and I slip him off.
"I have no idea what that signifies," Loki tells me.
"It's probably good that you don't."
Loki starts the Quinjet and we fly off in the same direction as we were going a few days ago. I sit with Loki in the steering area but I don't ask if I can help I look at the view that quickly passes us by.
The two hours we need to fly to get there are spent in silence, we land in the same spot as before and from above the base looks empty.
"What do we do?" I ask Loki.
"We look around the place to make sure that there aren't any people here, and for some useful knowledge." I nod when we open the Quinjet. "Let's do this task quickly."
"I agree, " Mostly because I always get so annoyed in his presence.
We walk the same way as last time with Loki leading. There is a little destruction around the building but not much.
We walk through the halls clearing the rooms, I walk to the door me and Steve ran out of following my parents. Leaning on the door frame I stare at the woods that my parents escaped into. Where are they now?
"Y/N, we have tasks to execute." I roll my eyes turning away from the forest and walking back into the building to check the files stored in the lobby room.
"What are we looking for?"
"Anything valuable."
"So pretty much the same thing as we did in Canada?"
The silence overtakes us once again and I flow through the files quickly, barely reading the words properly. In the silence, I start hearing a ticking sound. I don't think much of it, but the longer I hear it the more uneasy I become.
"Loki do you hear this noise."
"What noise?" He asks me, clearly not paying attention.
"Loki, listen." He looks up from the folder in his hands. He looks at me while listening then shakes his head turning back to the folder. It's nothing, stop thinking about it.
I try focusing on the files I'm going through but I just can't help myself from going back to listening to the sound.
Tick, tick, tick.
I look back at Loki who's deep into the file he holds.
"Anything important?" I ask him.
"Nothing exciting but could be crucial." He answers not looking up at me.
"Loki, are you sure you can't hear it?" I desperately ask Loki, not wanting to be labeled crazy.
"Y/N, I cannot hear it." I sigh at Loki's response.
"I'm going to check it out."
"Y/N, will you stop this exaggerating."
"No, Loki, we're supposed to check out the scene then go through the files. I feel, and hear, that we've missed something." Loki rolls his eyes but doesn't try to stop me again.
I walk upstairs again hearing the sound come from above. I enter a hallway on the second floor walking into a room that seems to be above the main room downstairs.
It looks like an office with desks pushed up against walls, another two tables facing each other in the middle of the room look out of place and when I stay quiet and listen for the sound I hear it coming from that area.
When I get to the tables I crouch down to see under them, I then see what looks like a homemade bomb. Oh, God.
"Loki, you need to get up here," I say through the earpieces we have.
"I'd rather not."
"Loki, I'm not joking, I found what's making the noise."
"Y/N, I'm going through the files, doing what I'm supposed to, and you're doing your own thing. So I'll do what we're supposed to do while you go on whatever this little expedition of yours is." Loki tells me and I think about how I would like to stab him again.
"Loki, it's a fucking bomb! Or at least I think it is." I lower my voice saying the last part.
"What'd you say?"
"It's a bomb," I repeat myself, and I hear him starting to tell me he's on his way when the bomb goes off.
A big blast of noise sounds through the building and into the wild around it. I feel concrete collapse on me and my ears ringing.
I feel the ground under me collapse onto the first floor.
I breathe in dust and other particles making me cough. There is a small hole over my right arm and head, the other parts of my body are stuck under the destroyed building, weighing me down from making any movements.
I bring my loose hand up to my head feeling a lot of blood flowing into my hair and down the sides of my forehead.
Shit. My thoughts then travel to Loki who was on the first floor, probably more injured than me. Then again I was in the room of the bomb.
"Loki!" I can barely shout with the lack of air my lungs are getting. "Loki!" I try again, still with no answer from what I can hear.
My vision goes blurry and my ears still have not recovered. God damn, Loki's infuriating but he cannot die now, not when I actually need his help. "Loki! You better God damn answer me!" I cry out for his response still not getting one.
"Loki! Come on!"
"Y/N?" I hear Loki muffle.
"Oh, God! Loki!" I sigh in relief.
"Wh- what happened?" Loki asks me confused.
"The bomb, it exploded."
"Are you alright?" He asks still stunned.
"No. Are you?"
"I could be better."
"Do you think you could get to me? I can heal you."
"Y/N, even if I could, you should not use your power when so weak and injured."
"Loki, please try," I beg for him to try to come.
"Y/N, I'm not even sure how?"
I look around myself and the hole that's above me turns into a vent-like hole allowing Loki to crawl my way if he can get into it. It's in the direction of his voice so hopefully, it'll be easy for him to get into.
"Loki, listen to me if you can clear a small amount of the concrete in my direction you'll most likely find a hole that you can crawl through." I struggle with the long sentence having a hard time breathing.
"I can try."
"Okay, that's great," I say and try to keep my heavy growing eyes open. "Loki, can you talk to me? Keep me focused on something." I ask Loki while I hear him trying to move a rock of concrete.
"What should I talk about?"
"Just anything." I blurt out
"Well, I'm adopted, it was for political purposes. I was lied to about it for many years." Loki starts.
"That's good, just something random," I say asking him to continue.
"I don't have much to say."
"Loki, please," I ask him to do it so I don't pass out, I had been informed that if anyone ever gets badly injured to not let them close their eyes, it could lead to many things, and knowing that I tried to enforce it onto myself.
A grunt comes for Loki then a bundle of rocks roll around I look at the small tunnel and yell at Loki.
"I'm fine." Loki answers.
He continues to move through the small holes in between the concrete slowly but surely finally finding the small tunnel.
"Loki, come here," I say to Loki when I hear him in the tunnel. "Show me your injury," I ask of Loki when he's in the small space around my head.
"Do not use your magic." He tells me when handing out his arm to me. It's a deep cut with a lot of blood flooding out.
"Are you okay? Don't you feel lightheaded?"
"No, I don't, God's are different from mortals," Loki explains but I still feel uneasy about his cut so I tap into my power while grabbing Loki's hand with my loose hand.
"Y/N, I told you not to heal me! Stop this now!" Loki demands but I don't obey his command. He rips his hand out of my grip.
"Loki, please, I don't care if you bleed differently, I have to, it's my job!" I say angrily but don't have enough energy to show it. "I also want to," I add.
"Y/N, you can't fool me, we both know that you despise me," Loki says still not giving me his hand.
"Even if I despise you doesn't mean I want you dead."
"You could die yourself," Loki says. "If you use too much power, you could die."
"Loki, just let me heal you." Loki stops arguing with me and gives me his hand again, I feel my power flow out of my fingertips, I hold my hand over his. Loki's hand slowly starts healing and my eyes get heavier the longer I heal him.
"Are you hurt anywhere else?" I question him when I've finished treating his hand.
"Okay." I try keeping my eyes open, but I keep on slipping up allowing myself to close them. "I feel cold."
"Yeah," Loki says sadly not knowing what to do. He puts his hand on my shoulder, it doesn't do anything, but I don't tell him that.
"I'm sorry," I mumble falling into slumber.

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