Chapter 30

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1st person POV. (Y/N)

I hug Wanda back, each of the people who stand in front of me I have hugged, Tony, Nat, Clint, Doctor Strange, Buck Rhodey, and Sam, they're all going to the Hydra headquarters to rummage in some files to try and find my file, a needle in a haystack, I know. But it's worth a try.
"Please be careful, I really don't want to be another reason for whatever could happen to you all while there." Wanda takes my hand smiling and squeezing it, promising to be careful and call back up as soon as they know something's wrong.
"We'll be careful, now we got to go so let's go, and even though you don't have any restrictions to the compound anymore, doesn't mean you two go make some trouble on the outside, or inside," Tony says glaring and doing an action with his fingers, indicating that he's watching. "Remember there are people here."
Doctor Strange starts opening up a portal to the Quinjet and as one after another go they wave and say goodbye.
Doctor Strange himself walks through and then the portal eats itself up.
"What do you want to do?" Loki says.
"Make trouble?" I laugh but then shake my head. "Maybe try and walk."
He quirks his brow in question making sure I want to, I nod, and even though I'm not sure as I haven't tried to walk since getting in a wheelchair, but I want to.
"Let me push you." Loki offers.
"You don't have to be right beside me you know." I poke fun at him while he walks by my side.
"I do know, I just want to make sure you're okay, and that nothing will happen to you."
"So you want to be attached to my hip?" I tease.
"Sure. I wouldn't mind, nonetheless, it would make it hard to spend some time with you intimately." Loki says quietly. I don't comment on his statement allowing him the last word of this conversation.
Loki runs a little in front of me to open up the door of the rehabilitation room.
I roll myself in and look around, It's not quite as big as the training room and library but enough to fit in a lot of rehabilitation therapy equipment. Including bars to practice walking.
I roll myself towards the bars and Loki walks behind me. The wheelchair can't get in between the bars so I have to park the wheelchair a bit away, Loki takes my hand helping me get up.
The first step on my foot is hard and heavy, I feel pain shoot up my leg, and I squeal from the pain but try to ignore it, putting my weight onto the other foot too as I set it down, I cripple a bit but Loki holds me upright.
"Come on you can do it, just a few steps to the bars." Loki backs as I walk forward, his fingers are wrapped around my forearm.
I slowly get closer to the bars and when I do I steady myself on them, Loki gets the wheelchair as I prepare myself to walk. He sets it so I can drop into it as soon as I finish.
"You okay?" Loki approaches me again.
"Yeah." I take a deep breath and dive into the deep end.
Loki's hands are extended to me to catch me if I fall, but I walk, one step at a time, with each step I take a deep breath and move one of my hands forward. Loki watches my movements carefully taking more of each hesitation and pain I show.
"You're almost there." He says, not looking to see how much is left.
I try to rush through the small alley the bars make, but it comes hard to do so.
When I'm taking the last steps I barely feel my legs through the anguish from the deepest parts of my feet.
I turn my body around and plop myself down in the wheelchair, Loki holds it so it doesn't move backward when I do.
"Where do-" Loki is about to ask but I answer immediately; "To the living room."
"Maybe we should stop by the library first, to rest." Loki pushes me forward.
"No. And I can push myself." I say kind of harshly. Loki takes his hands off the wheelchair. "Thank you," I mumble.
"Are you sure it's a good idea to go up the stairs now?" He asks me. "And what is up with you?"
"Nothing." I ignore his first question.
"Loki," I say back, rolling myself through the door of the rehabilitation room.
He walks by my side to the stairs and looks at me doubtingly.
"Can you move the wheelchair up?" I ask.
"Yeah." I stand up instantly feeling the same as when I sat down.
Loki takes the wheelchair carrying it up the stairs. "Can you tell me what's going on?"
I take a step up two steps, making it hard for me to move up, so I move my foot down one step. The pain doesn't go intensifying but it doesn't stop either, it stays the same so I try and adjust and take a step with my other foot to the same level as the first foot.
"I'll tell you what's going on, " I say when he joins my side and he takes my hand. "I'm in pain from this stupid Hydra thing and I can't walk anymore. You're trying to do everything for me when I have to and need to do it myself." I complain while taking one more step.
"I'll stop if you want me to." Loki side steps up the stairs with me.
Somehow we get up the stairs faster than when we were on the bars, we don't talk until we're there and I sit down tired after the bar walking and going up the stairs almost on my own.
"You did good, you'll recover in no time." Loki smiles at me as I begin to roll the wheels of the chair.
"Sure, but just to be clear I don't want you to offer me help unless you think I'm not able to do it in any way, shape, or form," I confirm what we discussed on the stairs. "Do you maybe want to watch a movie?" I change the subject.
"Sounds good." Loki nods and walks before me to the living room while I roll behind him.
"What movie?" Loki asks getting the remote already.
"How about a sad one, it's called The Fault In Our Stars, it's originally a book which I have read," I suggest.
"If it's a book I'd like to read it first," Loki says and I nod in agreement.
"I have another one, it is a children's movie but I like it, it was like my comfort movie when I was younger, and it's called The Pirate Fairy." I propose the movie.
"Uhm- I'm not sure."
"Please I'm sure you'll love it and relate to it just a little."
"Fine." Loki searches for the movie as I move myself from the wheelchair to the couch. I lay down by Loki and the movie starts playing, his hand snakes around my abdomen pulling me closer to him. I feel so tired after the training we've done so I let my eyelids descend to a close. What then happens is I fall asleep without the movie properly starting.

My eyes open in a dark cave, when I look around there's no opening and no light. I call out into the void and a source of bright light appears in front of me, I have to peer my eyes to not go blind while I stare at it, it seems to be getting bigger and closer.
I ask hello, but get no answer, soon the light has covered the space around me in a glow that radiates from the light.
I try to poke my hand out towards it but I don't see a glow on my skin, "I'd advise you not to try and touch me." A voice says.
I look around me again but can't find anything except the light. "I'm right in front of you." The voice says again.
"I'm the light. I'm here to give you answers." It tells me.
"What kind of answers?"
"Any answers you look for?"
"My powers?" I scramble for a question.
"What do you want to know about them?"
"What do they do?"
"You have three, one gives you a warning if it's something threatening your surroundings. Another doesn't allow anything endangering you to touch you or go through your skin. The third-" The light is about to say.

I come to consciousness but keep my eyes closed and listen to low music play in the background of several different voices whispering. I feel something shift that's close to my back making me feel uncomfortable in the position I'm in so I shift, when I'm comfortable again I hear the whispers clearly and can identify who owns the voices.
Bruce says: "We shouldn't be talking about this without her."
"I think we should," Loki says.
"I agree with Bruce, Y/N should have a say in whatever we say about her powers and herself." I hear a female voice talk and I can only assume it's Wanda.
"You-" Loki is saying when I sit up slowly and looking around Wanda smiles at me.
"Hey hun, how are you?" She asks.
"Fine," I say with a dry voice. "What are you guys talking about?"
"Noth-" Loki once again starts but is cut off.
"We're talking about your powers," Bruce confesses.
"Ohh. Uhm- what about them?" I begin to recall my dream.
"We're wondering how we should go about to find out what they are." Vision says.
"We don't need to put much work not that." I put my feet on the floor, my elbows on my feet, and rub my temples. "I- uhm- dreamt about someone, or something telling me about them." I close my eyes shut. Everyone's quiet waiting for me to continue.
"It said that I've got two powers, no three. One's basically a danger warning, the second is- nothing that could affect me badly can touch me."
"And the third?" Loki asks.
"I don't know? I got woken up before I could hear what it said."
Loki sighs and looks at Thor.
"You should try these new powers," Thor suggests.
"I feel like they don't do much, " I admit.
"I think they'll be very useful." Vision assures.
"Come on, let's spar." Loki helps me into the wheelchair and everyone follows down to the training room.
I ask Loki to hold me down the stairs not wanting to lose any energy that I will need in the play spar we're about to take part in.
I roll into the room for the first time in a long time. Memories of old fights come up and I smile when I set myself up at the end of the room. Loki's in front of me at the other end of the room.
"Bruce, can you run and get me crutches?"
"Yeah." He walks out and a few minutes later he comes in holding two crutches.
"No problem." I take them from him and place them under my arms standing up by myself from the wheelchair. My knees feel like collapsing but I hold myself up with the crutches.
"Ready?" Loki asks.
"Yeah," I say not knowing what to do as I'm limited to my movements.
Loki makes a power ball with his hands, it's dark emerald green, like his aura and favorite color.
Before he releases it towards me I know that if I don't move to the left it'll hit my right shoulder. He nods before throwing two more at me with a short amount of spacing in between.
I dodge them going right, back left, and tilting my head down. He starts throwing more and more at me not letting me have a break. Soon my dodging comes to a halt and I start to come closer to being hit by Loki's power balls.
And that when it does hit me, I expect the pain to spread out from my left thigh but I don't feel anything, everyone looks at me waiting for some reaction from me.
"Y/N, you okay?" Wanda calls to me but doesn't move just yet.
"Uhh- yeah," I say kind of shocked.
Silence clouds over the room. "Loki, throw a dagger at me," I call to him.
"I'm not doing that."
"Please. You saw what happened it didn't affect me, I want to know if it's only about things that aren't physical."
He walks to the rack of daggers, he looks at me when taking one up and walking back to me.
"Are you sure?"
He positions himself to throw it at me, he never misses a target, especially when not moving, so this should be easy for him. Hopefully, he doesn't hit me and it goes through puncturing something important.
He takes his hand back and confidently sends the dagger cutting through the air. It comes closer and I take a breath closing my eyes.

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