Chapter 24

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1st person POV. (Y/N)

"We need to move me back into Loki's room," I say when we're at breakfast.
Tony looks at me then Loki.
"You sure?" He takes another bite of his toast.
"It was a mistake moving me into my own room, and not have anyone there, I think we're lucky that I wasn't abducted while I was on my own," I say.
"Loki, you okay with that?" Tony stares at his food. Everyone's a bit uncomfortable for some reason.
"Yeah, I am, all of this happened because I was protecting Y/N, and I'd do it again, so yeah." Loki answers. We'd discuss this morning when we woke up and I persuaded Loki to take me in, didn't take long before he said yes.
"I also want to say that you definitely don't have to do anything like Loki when it comes to me. If there are a lot of people in danger we should give one up instead of a hundred." I've got the attention of everyone and they're all looking at me and back at each other.
"Y/N you shouldn't say that!" Steve says strictly.
"I don't want to put you all in danger."
"Well, it's not an option," Tony says and he does not let the conversation stop him from eating as he takes another bite of his toast.
"I agree, we're not going to give you up if they ask for it." Loki joins the argument.
"I'm not saying that, I'm saying that if they demand or threaten, we should give me up," I say, getting annoyed that they're not acknowledging my idea and preferred choice.
Tony's about to open his mouth and say something but Nat interrupts him. "We'll discuss this later, now eat."
The rest of breakfast is spent in silence or quiet chatter.
"Loki want to help me move my mattress?" I say when taking his plate and putting it in the sink.
"Sure." We walk up together and when we're out of the team's sight I slide my fingers in between his. I smile at him and him quite shocked at the affection I'm giving him he takes a second before he smiles back.
I open the door to my room and look around it, it's so plain. "I need to decorate my room," I say and Loki nods.
"Take that end," I point towards the headboard of my bed.
Loki and I move the bed quickly and once we drop it on the ground I close and lock the door. I walk towards Loki who sits at the edge of his bed.
I smile as I try to walk seductively, knowing I look horrendous. Loki is smiling and on the inside, he's laughing at me, or maybe with me because if I'd watch myself do this I'd be laying on the floor crying.
I finally get on top of him and make him lay down with his feet off the bed. I slide my hand over his chest while biting my lip.
I lean down to him and start by kissing his neck. I make my way up his neck, following his jawline jumping over his cheek onto his lips where he slips me tongue soon after the first smooch.
His hands grope my ass and one hand slides up my shirt, his hand reaches my bra and he tries to undo it but fails so he moves to my chest putting his hand under my bra, embracing my breast.
He moves his hand away beginning to take my shirt off but then we're interrupted by a ringing sound coming from my phone. Soon after Loki's is also ringing.
I stumble off of Loki getting my phone from his dresser across the room.
"Hey," I say, Loki copying soon after.
"You need to hurry and get down here." Tony's voice says through the line.
"I'm on my way," I say and get off the phone starting to walk down the hallway, Loki joining me still on the phone.
"Brother, I'm coming." He hangs up shaking his head as we walk.
"Thor?" I ask, knowing that siblings get on each other nerves.
I stop and grab Lokis's hand. He quirks his eyebrow but instead of answering I wrap my hand around the back of his neck and drag him down to me, getting on my tiptoes to kiss him. He kisses me back lightly and when we separate we walk to the living room as nothing happened.
"Finally," Tony says when he sees us in the doorway.
"You literally called two minutes ago."
"And?" He says. I shake my head smiling a bit.
I and Loki sit down opposite each other.
"So.." I start.
"We need to establish some new rules," Tony says.
I glance at Loki, do they know? "What type of rules?" I ask.
"Rules because of Hydra," Steve says and inside I sigh in relief.
"Again?" I say quite surprised.
"Well, the rules we set before weren't enough as we know," Steve says referring to last week's incident.
I purse my lips. "What kind of rules could make sure that doesn't happen again?"
"Rules stating that you're not allowed to go out."
"At all?" I ask.
"You're not going out, even though you have someone to go with you, you're not allowed out of the house." Tony states.
"Even out on the lawn?"
"The only place you can exit is inside the compound or out to the balcony."
"Are you kidding me!" I stand up, fuming.
"Y/N-" Loki tries to say something but I don't let him.
"No, you're gonna let them control me! Let them make me stop living! That is some kind of bullshit!" I yell, pointing my anger at Tony and Steve. I storm away out of the living room with Tony yelling behind me that the rules are not to be broken.
I don't get far before my stomach and headache, I stop teary-eyed and put my back up against the wall, hugging myself.
I hear no one getting up from the sofa so I don't try to continue to my room.
The first sound that's made is from Loki adjusting himself in his seat.
"I- uhm- I need to tell you something. Since we're all here." Loki says, sounding kind of miserable.
"I remember now what happened before they erased my memory." I start moving closer to the corner of the living room to hear what Lokis going to say.
"Uhm- I was-" Loki stops to take a deep breath.
"I was tortured until I gave up information about Y/N," Loki says heavily. "I wasn't going to tell them anything, but they gave me a truth serum, that after a few hours of being inside the body of a person, erases their memory and removes their visible injuries, that's what happened to me." Loki finished. My eyes are dry but when I hear a commotion in the living room I stand up and walk to my room where I let everything out.
I cry thinking about how Loki got tortured because of me and he could've gotten killed. I yell into a pillow I left in my room, my fingers digging into it and crying hard wetting the pillow.
A quick knock on my door comes from it shortly before it's opened, by Loki.
He looks at and is surprised, worried, and hurt. He closes the door on sits down beside me at my bed frame. "Y/N, what's wrong? I know you wouldn't cry over those rules, at least not this much." Loki says wrapping his arm around me.
"It's nothing," I whisper.
"Love, I know it's not nothing," Loki tells me and I don't hear the nickname as I'm too focused on what happened to Loki, how last week he had bruises I couldn't see because of a serum.
"Can we not talk about it," I ask Loki he nods but doesn't stop asking me what happened, comforting me and I know he also worries about me.
"Love, please tell me," Loki says all the things to try and get me to talk, and I don't want to break but he slowly cracks me open to me telling him what I heard.
"I heard you tell them about what happened while you were at Hydra," I say dryly, having stopped crying.
Loki stops stroking my hand, probably surprised. "You weren't supposed to hear that."
"Were you ever going to tell me?" I ask quite hurt that I wasn't supposed to know, at least not now.
"I'm not sure. If I was going to tell you I wouldn't have wanted to tell you in front of everyone where I knew you would feel guilty and bad for me." Loki explains.
"Loki, I never should've left you when you told me to, we should've fought together and gone inevitably down together."
"That's not true."
"Yes, it is. You know it." I'm trying to tell him strictly but not by yelling so I say it firmly but with a soft voice.
"No, I don't know, because if you hadn't gone we wouldn't sot here talking and been together as a couple, we would both be at Hydra whether it be dead or alive, we'd be separated you'd be in a worse shape than I ever got into there."
"No, Y/N, you're not allowed to say something like that because that makes my sacrifice for you sound like it wasn't worth doing," Loki tells me, and this time I keep quiet. A tear drops down my cheek and Loki is looking straight at me so he sees it and wipes it away with his thumb. He then pulls me closer to kiss my forehead and hug me.
"Want to go to my room, lay in bed?" Loki offers.
I nod and he stands up first pulling me up with him. Loki is about to walk to the door and into the hallway but I stop him by saying his name, walking to him, putting my hand on his cheek, and getting on my tiptoes to kiss his small but soft and perfect lips.
Loki smiles at me and squeezes my hand.
We walk out to the hallway and into Loki's room. I lay down in his bed and pull the covers over me. Loki crawls in bed beside me and slides his hand over my stomach pushing his body up to my back.
Soon I've closed my eyes and I'm asleep.

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