Chapter 15

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1st person POV. (Y/N)

The lovely breeze dances through my hair, I take a sip of the orange juice I got from breakfast. I sit out on the balcony because I felt uncomfortable in there with the team after they found out who my parents are.
The balcony door opens and I look over, it's Loki.
"Hey, " I smile.
"I was sent out here to tell you that the team doesn't care about your parents, they won't talk about them if you don't want to," Loki says and I nod and look back at the view from the balcony.
"Thanks, " I say and Loki takes it as his cue to leave.
Loki and I had talked a bit after I told him about what I was upset about yesterday, we were really starting to fill up the requirements to being friends.
I don't hear the door open again and notice Nat when she is down beside me on the bench.
"I've got some exciting news!" She tells me and I'm quite afraid to look at her, I'm afraid I'll see disgust in her eyes.
"Yeah?" It doesn't take all my courage to look at her, but much, when I look in her eyes she looks like herself, maybe she's showing some empathy.
"Tony just came to tell us that we're going on vacation!" She beams and stands up, handing her arms out to me. She drags me up when I take her hand. She tries to run with me inside but I return to the bench retrieving my glass.
"What do I need to pack?" I yell out into the hallway, all the doors are open so I wait for the answer that should come.
"One of everything?" Sam answers me, but he sounds unsure so I walk out into the hallway finding Tony.
"What should I pack?"
"Swimsuit, a bunch of clothes, take your essentials, uhh- some shoes? Different kinds of jackets?" Tony counts.
"How long are we going to be there?" I ask Tony one last question and he answers that we're going to be there for a week unless something major comes up. I jog back to my room ready to complete packing my bag.
The team is in three cars, the drive is filled with singing and a bunch of fun. I have never had as much fun and been as happy in my life.
If I wasn't singing with Tony, Thor, Loki, and Rhodey then I was looking out the window. I sat in the right-back seat, with Loki in the middle and his brother in the left-back seat. In the front Tony is in the driver's seat and Rhodey in the passenger seat.
Sometimes, accidentally, my relaxed hand would slide so it would touch Loki's thigh when Tony would make a turn. It started to, not exactly become uncomfortable but, I don't know, I haven't got the word for it. Loki would look at my hand then at me and that's when I pull my hand away, then I'd smile at him. This happened about five times on the ride, I don't know how.
"Okay, we're here!" Tony exclaims when we drive up a small driveway, the cabin was hidden inside a big forest. It was the basic wooden cabin that every moderately rich family would own.
"This looks great!" I say when Tony parks the car and we get out.
"It looks like we're first, let's get our bags inside," Tony says and while we wait for the others to arrive we take the bags out of the car as Tony suggested.
"Oh, God!" Nat yells when I just finished bringing my bag inside. I run out, I decided that I was going to try and forget that they know about my parents, maybe things can go back to how things were before.
"What?" I ask Nat while the others out of their car get out, Bruce, Wanda, and Vision.
"Banner drives so slow!" Nat laughs and stretches out her body.
"We thought we'd be driving for hours to get here, " Wanda says.
"You guys I'm sorry, I was going on the speed limit," Bruce says quite quietly, and we laugh.
"Bruce, they're just joking, it's alright," I tell him and then they start unpacking their cars.
"Y/N, get in here!" Tony yells.
"Coming." I run inside where most of the bags are gone.
"Take your bags, you're putting them in your room," Tony says and I follow him with two bags on my back. Tony shows me to a room, it's pretty small but has a double bed and other 'necessities'.
When Tony leaves me to get settled in, Loki joins me in my bedroom and leans on the door frame.
"Guess we're neighbors," Loki says, indicating that he's in the room beside me.
"I guess so, lucky me," I say and smile at him, he laughs and tells me we're about to start playing some board games.
I join the team in the living room and when we've played for a bit Bucky and Steve finally join us in the cabin.
"Where have you been?" Nat laughs.
"We stopped by the store on the way, thought we'd need some more supplies," Bucky says and as he finishes Steve walks in with two, up to the brim-filled bags of food, drinks, and candy.
"Steve, while you're in the kitchen, could you bring us some glasses and, I don't know, any kind of liquor," Tony yells to Steve who's in the kitchen taking up out of the grocery store bags.
Steve doesn't answer but when he comes out, he brings glasses and wine.
"Couldn't you have brought anything more fun?" Tony asks Steve who places the stuff in front of Tony.
"I didn't see anything else," Steve says, sarcasm hinted in his voice and obviously joking, or at least to the people who've gone into the kitchen, where a whole counter is filled with booze.
Tony starts filling the glasses with wine, barely filling all the cups. When I'm handed a cup I look up and see Tony looking at me strictly.
"What?" I question.
"Nothing, just, we allow you to drink because you're almost twenty-one, but, that doesn't mean that you're going to get hammered so, you're not going to be getting drinks through the whole night. Okay?" Tony asks me, he sounds fatherly but not in his voice, just his words.
"Sure." Answer and on go the board games.

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