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Part 1. - 1st Person POV. (Y/N)

This quiet Sunday morning there are six years since I and Loki got married, went to Iceland, and there we opened the Bifrost and Loki became a human God.
I look into his eyes, while we lay in bed listening to the birds outside the window of our house we moved into four years ago, when we found out I was pregnant we wanted our own place. We wanted to be more committed to our family and we are, and have been but aren't quite retired from the Avengers, we go on missions with them and intend on doing so for a lot longer.
I sigh. "It's so peaceful," I whisper to Loki who's staring at me back.
"I know." Loki is already starting to change, growing small, subtle adjusting wrinkles I'm sure I've got too.
Just as we stop talking we hear the door open to Finn's room. I sigh more heavily this time. Quite footsteps of his little feet run down the hallway and stop at our door. The knob turns down and the door opens up to our room.
Finn stands in the doorframe before hopping over to my side of the bed and climbing onto the bed one over me. He settles in between me and Loki and without a word we cuddle for a while.
It doesn't last long as Finn sits up and tells me he's hungry for breakfast. I pick him up and swing him on my hip and we walk out to the kitchen to cook breakfast while Loki gets ready so he can take over after I cook so I can get ready.

Part 2. - 1st Person POV. (Y/N)

(Two Years Later) I and Loki open the car door quietly and I take out the baby chair as gently as I can. Loki then shits the car door, making more noise than I expected causing me to jump.
"Loki." I point my eyes toward him and allow anger to flood my voice just a little bit, Loki throws his hands in the air.
"He's still sleeping, relax." Loki joins my side and then runs ahead to open the door to the house. I hear chatter and laughter as I approach the door with the heavy baby seat.
When I stand in the doorframe Finn's head turns to the door immediately. He's playing lego with Aunty Nat while Tony and Bucky are chatting.
"Hello!" I say to them.
Finn runs around the couch and when he sees his dad he turns to go attach him, which is better as I'm holding the baby.
"And who is this?" Nat comes over to me as I put the baby seat on the kitchen island.
"This right here little Jonathan," I say and unbuckle him from the seat.
"Can I?" Nat asks and I nod.
I leave Jonathan alone with Nat who's introducing herself to him and then going to show him off to Bucky and Tony. When I get close to Loki and Finn, Finn reaches his arms out to me. I take him on my hip, barely able to hold his five-year-old slim body anymore.
"D9 you know who that is?" I ask Finn.
"No," Finn answers.
"This is your baby brother." I point to Nat and the baby.
"Can you guess his name?" Loki asks Finn.
"Thor?" Finn says only because he favors Thor the most.
"No, you silly." I tickle him. His laugh echoed through the room. "His name is Jonathan," I tell Finn and he tries the name in his mouth repeating Jonathan a few times.

Part 3. - 1st Person POV. (Y/N)

(Three Years Later) I sit in the car driving as Loki sits on his phone beside me, Jonathan is in his seat behind him and Finn runs from his school to the car. He opens the door and climbs up closing it behind him.
"Hey, how was school?" I ask.
"Good." Finn buckles himself up.
"Did you learn anything exciting?" Loki asks.
"I don't know." I smile and drive off away from the school.
"Mom?" Finn says from the back.
"Yeah?" I look at him in the rearview mirror.
"Didn't you and dad go to the doctors?" He asks.
"Yeah, we did," I answer. "Do you know what the doctor said?"
"What did he say?"
"He said that the babies in mommy's belly are a boy and a girl."
"Really!" Jonathan says excitedly.
"What about Hildr?" Loki asks looking up from his phone.
Loki continued to read up some Norwegian girl names.
"Dagny, Emma, Eisa, Jorunn, Liv, Solveig, Celine, Hailee, Ingrid-"
"Wait what was that last name?"
"No the one before that."
"Hailee," Loki tells me again.
"I love that."
"Okay, well I really loved the modern name, Emma," Loki tells me.
"Hailee Emma." I try.
"It sounds good," Loki says.
"I do really love it.
"For now that's her name until we find something better," Loki says.
"Sure, Hailee Emma," I say again.
"What do you boys think of Hailee Emma."
"It's pretty." Jonathan's voice perks up.
"It's nice." Finn answers.
"So the twins' names are Kai and Hailee Emma," I say and Loki nods as he is pleased.

Part 4. - 1st Person POV. (Y/N)

(Six Years Later) The twins are now six years old and it's their first day of school, they're running around chasing each other.
I stand at the kitchen counter with fourteen-year-old Finn, I'm making lunches, and Finn's helping me, Loki's checking everyone's bags, going over what's supposed to be in there.
Jonathan, now nine years old, sits at the island and plays a game on his Nintendo.
"Loki," I say when I'm closing the last lunch box. Loki looks up and I throw the box over the counter to him, he grabs it and puts it in the last backpack.
"Are we ready?" He asks.
"Yes. Everyone get in your shoes and out to the car!" I yell over the kitchen so the twins definitely hear me.
I hear their steps run down the hallway and out to the foyer to get in their shoes, lastly are the older boys and then me and Loki.
Before we go outside I get into his arms and hug him. He hugs me back and then when we break away we kiss.
"You ready?" I ask.
Loki gets out first and so I close the door.
"I love you," I say when we walk to the car.
"I love you too." Loki answers.

Loving A God - LokixReaderWhere stories live. Discover now