Chapter 42

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1st Person POV. (Y/N)

My thoughts are traveling to the night I and Loki got engaged, the small engagement party. That night we talked colors and then I asked Wanda, Nat, and Bucky to be my Maid's of Honor. Bucky's face was priceless, it did take a little convincing to get him to say yes, however, the girls didn't need a second to think about their answer. Loki asked Thor to be his man of honor and he of course said yes.
The door to the kitchen where I stand opens up interrupting my thoughts, we're in the venue getting everything ready for the wedding that is in two days. I look up at the door and see Bucky, Nat, and Wanda stand there, their hands full of boxes filled with cupcakes someone starting with 'B' ordered two days early, I don't even know how he did it.
"Where should we put them?" Bucky asks.
"Just under there." I point.
They gather them and stack them under the shelves on the floor. I leave them to it in the kitchen and walk to the big hall everything is supposed to happen in, except the dancing, that's supposed to go on outside. White, black, gold, and emerald green with brown wood are the colors in the big room. I smile admiring the beautiful colors we choose for our day.
I hear steps come up behind me and hands stroke my back traveling to my stomach, hugging me from behind.
"It's amazing!" I whisper.
"It is, thanks to you and the girls' vision," Loki whispers back. He then kisses my cheek and twirls me around to face him. He takes my hand and looks at me. "This is turning out great, and our day will be even better than what this looks like," Loki says.
"Loki," Thor's voice rumbles from outside. "I need you to come here."
Loki leans in and kisses me. "Only a few more kisses until we're a married couple." Loki walks away and so I go into the kitchen again and get cutlery to put on the tables set in front of the altar instead of rows of chairs. I place the forks, knives, and cake spoons precisely beside the three plates we have neatly stacked on top of each other with napkins in between the dishes. Wanda comes and helps me and Nat and Bucky place other decorations in the middle of the circular tables, and before we know it that's done.
I tell them to go out and buy some refreshings for the team and I sit down on the steps that are up to the alter. Loki walks back in from the dance floor and sits down beside me.
"I'm sorry," I say.
"For what?" Loki looks at me confused.
"For your parents how I behaved and talked," I explain.
"Y/N, we've gotten over this, it's okay." Loki put's his hand on my knee.
"I know, but I just want to say if you want we can go invite them tell them we're sorry and you know ask them to come."
Loki shakes his head. "Y/N, it's alright. Besides Odin would never come even if you said sorry for how you talked to him, he probably doesn't want you back on Åsgard ever again."
"What about your mother?"
"My mother knows she's welcome, she knows those words weren't meant for her. That is if I know her right." Loki laughs a bit. I smile.
"That's good." I squeeze his hand that's on my knee.

The day before the wedding the venue decoration was finished and the Maid's of Honor went to the spa, we girls and Bucky, plus Pepper and Maria all got pampered and treated, nails painted, hair cut, face masks, and small amounts of champagne drank made the last day of me being single to the government. We had gone to get our marriage certificate a few days before but it doesn't count.

The morning of the wedding I wake up in a room full of mattresses and nothing else. Wanda and Nat are on each side of me, Pepper and Maria are beside the actual bed and in front of the bed sleeps Bucky. We're in the new compound alone, the other boys are in the old compound. A few phones ring at the same time, notifying us that the clock is now nine and we have to get up and let in the people that are here to do our hair, make-up, and photos.
I'm the first to hop in the shower and then when I get out my hair is dried by a professional hairdresser, a friend of Tony's, like the make-up artist and the photographer are. Photos are snapped while my hair gets ready then after that my face is made more beautiful than in its natural state by putting only a small amount of make-up on me.
The girls also get their hair and make-up done. Bucky keeps it simple and get's ready immediately, all in his suit and hair slicked back he is ready.
All of us are ready, except we aren't in our dresses yet, that's for after everything is ready so nothing gets ruined. So in the cars, we get and take the dresses in big dress bags with us.
Quickly we're in and out of the car and into the venue, Loki and the boys haven't arrived yet, which is pretty good, but at the same time bad because we have to make some finishing touches before the wedding begins which is in three hours.
Those three hours speed by and making me quite furious the men didn't show up until one and half an hour before the event started.
I sit in my private dressing room and look up at the clock, half an hour until I walk down the aisle. The aisle! I... Shit.
When Nat comes back in to check on me I ask for her to get Tony. She sends him in and he asks me what's up.
"I know it may be last minute, but I don't have anyone to walk me down the aisle."
"Okay." He says.
"Do you really need me to say it?" I smile.
"Yeah, I'm not sure what you're talking about," Tony says cockily and smirks.
"Will you find someone to walk me down the aisle." I change up what he was supposed and expected to hear. His smile turns straight.
"Do you want to rephrase your sentence?" Tony asked.
"No," I tell him.
"Well, then I know the right guy for you," Tony said, a second later waving his hands toward himself. "Me." He announces.
"I agree."
"Then that's settled," Tony says. I nod. He approaches me and then pulls me into a fatherly hug, ending our silly banter.
"Thank you," I whisper.
"I'd almost do anything for you," Tony admitted.
"Oh, you better." I smile.
"If you want to know," Tony pulls away. "Which you probably do, Frigga is here."
I stare at him for a second. "Frigga, Queen of Åsgard, Thor and Loki's mom?" I ask to make sure I'm not missing something.
"Yeah, who else?" Tony quirks a brow.
"I don't know." I chuckle. "Well, that's great!" I sigh.
"Sure is." He says, checking his watch. "You should get into that." Tony points to the dress bag hanging on the wall.
"Can you send the girls in?" I ask Tony.
"Sure." Tony leaves the room and a bit later the girls in their emerald green dresses come in and they help me get into my white wedding dress.
"You look really beautiful," Pepper says. I'm looking at myself in the mirror admiring the dress on my body.
"Thanks." I smile.
"You look amazing and now we have to go," Bucky says coming up to me and kissing my cheek. They all hug me and then leave to go and sit down or walk down the aisle as bridesmaids. I smile in the mirror and listen to the bridesmaid's music play for them to walk to the alter. Then I walk out and join Tony's side.
Tony offers me his arm and when the music changes we allow it to play for a bit before starting the gradual ascent up the aisle to Loki my few-seconds-soon-to-be husband.
When we travel ourselves in the doorway to the ceremony room Loki's eyes turn immediately to me, analyzing my dress, then his eyes lock mine and he starts to tear up. I smile as he smiles and is about to cry. I hold back the tears.
Tony walks me to the two steps, Loki comes down to take my hand and walks me up the steps to the alter, they make eye contact, Tony and Loki and some kind of understanding go between them. I squeeze Loki's hands as we get ourselves in position.
The priest starts the small speech they all give, we asked him to keep it shorter than every wedding, and he does. After a few words, he asks Loki to say his vows.
"If you told me a little over a year ago that I was going to marry you Y/F/N, I never would've believed them. But here we are doing what we both thought was incapable. I want to tell you that I'll stay with you through thick and thin because you have proved to me that you will do that. I love you and you know that so I don't have much other to say unless we all want to stand here and listen to me talking about every single detail of your appearance, personality, and more." Small laughter goes through the hall. He smiles.
"Y/N, you can now say your vows." The priest tells me.
I smile and sigh. "How can you follow up on that?" I chuckle a bit. The audience does too. "When I first saw you in my room after attacking me, I did think you were really fucking hot, but the only thing ruining that was you attacking me-" I smile. "-so we kind of became rivals. Which turned to something more by each week, slowly leading to us falling for one another and having to overcome big obstacles together, which eventually lead us here and I'll never regret anything I did because it lead us right where we are saying these words to each other right now. Loki I love every single thing about you, the good and the bad, I will never leave you of my own will so you better buckle up." I smile finishing off, Loki is smiling too and our hands are sweaty in one another's.
"Now comes the question." The priest says. "Loki Laufeyson will you take Y/F/N to be your wife?" He asks.
"I do not only take her to be my wife,-" Loki starts. "-I link my life up to hers." My eyes go wide. I smile but I'm shocked.
The priest clears his throat. "Now, Y/F/N, will you take Loki Laufeyson to be your husband."
"I do," I say quite out of words after Loki's stunt. The priest moves away for us to have our first kiss and the perfect background for the photo the photographer takes.
Loki pulls me in, I let him, and we kiss, passionately, his hand's cup my face and my hand are on his back while we enjoy our first kiss as a married couple, husband and wife.
We pull away smiling and people clap happily for us.

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