Chapter 2

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1st person pov. (Y/N)

Loud knocking on my door wakes me up.
"What!" I yell at my door.
"Get up! We're having breakfast." Nat's voice says through the door.
"I'm coming."
I get up and dress myself. Today is the day I start training and help Tony start designing a suit for me.
I sit down at the table filled with pancakes, eggs, and bacon.
"Yummy, whoever's cooking today deserves a compliment."
"Well, thank you Y/N," Tony says.
"I take it back." I smile stacking my plate with pancakes.
"Can't do that."
"Tony's very keen on the if you say it out loud you can't take it back," Steve tells me.
"Been there," Nat says.
"Oh yeah? So no way back?"
"No way. Gotta be careful with what you say around this guy." She says pointing her fork towards Tony who smiles looking down at his plate.
"So, Y/N I think we should start designing your suit," Tony states.
"Yeah, sure, just whenever you have time," I reply. "Aaand, just a question when do I get to start training?"
"You can start today but for now you have a choice on a partner. When Loki gets back you'll be partnering with him."
"Who's Loki?" I question.
"Thought you did your research?" Tony remarked.
"I did, but only on the official Avengers."
"Loki is my brother," Thor told me, "He was quite evil before but decided to join the good team."
"So he's pretty new to the team?"
"Yeah," Nat said. "You know that it was Loki who attacked New York in 2012."
"Really!" I say intrigued. "How come you let him in but didn't want to let me join." I point the question to Tony.
"He changed. He proved it. And I didn't know you. Also, Thor practically begged for me to give him a chance."
"Okay." I nod.
We finish breakfast and I ask Nat and Steve to train with me for the day, they are training partners.
"Let me change and I'll be down in a moment," I tell Nat who already changed.
"Great, we'll just get started."
I run up and back down now in my exercise clothes and the gym. In the gym, the whole team is there, everyone's in pairs doing their own thing, Nat and Steve are in the boxing ring in the middle of the room. By the door is a schedule for what pairs are where for every day of the week.
I walk to them as Nat punches Steve in his gut and he punches her right back.
"Winner get's to fight me," I say as I lean against the ropes of the ring.
"I'm winning this one," Nat tells Steve.
"What you talking about, Y/N get ready to have a punching fight with me."
"I'll just wait patiently."
They go back to fighting each other when a question pops into my head. "When's Loki coming back?"
"Umm, I don't know? Steve?"
"You should ask Tony." He swings at Nat's side but she dodges his swing, she trips Steve to the ground and puts her foot on his chest keeping him down even though she's not pushing hard.
"Nat against Y/N it is," Steve says and rolls from under her foot. "Newbies first training fight is about to happen!" He shouts over the gym grabbing everyone's attention.
"Ready?" She asks.
"Don't go easy."
"Same for you."
I stare at her putting up my hands to shield my face.
"There's only one rule, not the face," Tony yells from the bench press.
Nat takes her first swing and I pull her arm locking her in my grip and punch her with my available arm, and again. She gets her arm loose from me and smiles, she hit's me in my shoulder then ribs. I back away recovering within a second and get back near Nat and smirk I try to punch her groin but she blocks me immediately punching back at my upper chest, I lose my breath for a second from the hit but regain it instantly. "That all you got." I lick out of my mouth and taste the saltiness of my sweat.
"I can give you something better." She declares following with pulling my hands to get me closer, she gets a punch or two in before putting her foot behind me and pushing me backward, making me fall. I barrel roll to get myself up and she seems impressed for a second. I get close again and squat down quickly pulling her foot, she falls behind herself but does a kick back up getting her back on her feet, she swings her fist but I catch her hand again and punch her abdominal then put my foot behind her in her style and make her fall, in mid-air I turn her so she doesn't land on her back I quickly put her hands behind her back and claim my victory gaining applause from the team who's still watching.
I let go of Nat's hand and she turns around, I offer a hand pulling her up from the ground of the ring.
"Nice move." She says while we clap each other backs after a good fight.
"You had some good ones too." I compliment her back.
"That was amazing to watch," Steve says when we get out of the ring.
"I bet it was."
"Y/N where'd you learn moves like that?" Steve asks.
"Tony didn't tell you? Well, I got my powers and skills from some guys who gave my parents money and bet the rest of theirs on me in fights."
"Wow, okay."
"Yeah, I know. How long do we train?" I change the subject
"Two hours," Nat replies.
"So an hour left."

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