Chapter 19

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1st person POV. (Y/N)

I walk out of my room into Loki's bedroom, newly changed into pajamas, black shorts with a dark blue shirt.
I'm about to close Loki's bedroom door when his hand slams the door stopping me from moving it further and startling me, "Are you trying to scare me?"
"I'm a master in that category so I wouldn't be surprised, " Loki winks and walks past me into his bedroom.
"Tired?" I ask Loki.
"Yeah, a bit." He answers.
I lay down on my mattress. "Yeah, me too," I tell Loki when I adjust my pillow and duvet. My eyes are fixated on the ceiling but in the corner of my eyes I notice movement from Loki, it's probably him changing.
"Goodnight," Loki says to me when he slides under his duvet.
I try closing my eyes, but my mind wanders to all of the strategies Hydra can use to abduct me. I try as hard as I can to forget, to think of something else. But I have no luck. I toss and turn while thinking.
It feels like hours have flown by but when I turn on my phone to look at the clock I discover that there are only thirty minutes since I laid down. Maybe I need to get this off of my chest, maybe Loki's awake and we can talk?
"Loki?" I whisper into the quiet air.
"Huh?" He lifts his head.
"Can we talk?" I ask, my voice soft when I speak.
"We're friends right?" I ask Loki.
"Well, yes." Loki answers.
"Can I join you up in bed while we talk?" I ask Loki, very carefully and nervously.
"I- uhh- yeah?" Loki seems unsure of his answer.
I stand up and tiptoe to the empty side of Loki's bed, he lifts his duvet for me to slip under. Instead of laying down on the bed, I sit up.
I feel Loki's eyes question me.
"Can you sit up for a moment?"
"Mhm." Loki hums and shortly after he's sitting upright beside me. "What?" He asks when we sit there in silence and don't move for a minute. Without thinking I reach my hands out to him and wrap them around Lokis torso, he's still while realizing what I'm doing, when he does realize he relaxes into me and hugs me back.
"Don't worry, it's what friends do," I tell Loki when I feel that he's still a little stiff.
I pull a bit away and look up at Loki who looks down on me, I stretch my neck out a few centimeters to reach Loki's lips.
I feel a flutter in my stomach as Loki's hand cups my cheek. I get on top of him and run my hand through his hair, pulling at the ends. I hear a sound escape Loki's mouth. It pulls me back to reality.
I draw myself slowly away from Loki, his eyes open in confusion. "I'm sorry, I don't think I'm up for anything tonight," I tell Loki, he nods. I get off of Loki but I don't get out of his bed.
We stay silent for a little while. My thoughts bring me back to Hydra and I shiver a bit, in fear. Loki adjusts himself in bed and turns his head to me, I look at him. "This might sound stupid but," I say. "I'm scared."
Loki looks at me and when he doesn't reply I feel really dumb and guilty for admitting it, especially aloud.
"I don't think it's stupid, your fright is reasonable," Loki assures me.
"I should probably try to sleep." I start moving to get out of Loki's bed and into mine when Loki stops me by gently grabbing my arm. I look at him not knowing what he's doing or what I should do.
"As a friend, I think I should comfort you," Loki tells me, I nod. "Y/N you should stay."
"I- erm- are you sure?"
"Yeah." Loki extends his arms out for me to lay down in them.
I settle back into the bed and when I'm done I lay down in Loki's arms. It's just friendly.
As I lay in Loki's arms I close my eyes, a few times tears escape them and drip onto Lokis's shoulder, he doesn't comment on it. Maybe he can be a good friend?

After a long and deep sleep, I wake up spooned up against Loki. I feel his chest rise and fall when he breathes. Carefully I turn around to face him, he's still asleep.
I look at his heart-like face, he's got a nice nose, it's the perfect size and shape. Loki has thin lips that can work magic. When I move onto his eyes, they're closed, so I imagine his emerald green eyes that are hiding under his eyelids. There's a strand of hair on his forehead, I softly move the hair away from his face and his eyes slowly flutter open. Loki then asks me, "What are you doing?"
"I'm-" I pause and think of an answer. "I'm not sure." I start to try and break free from his arms but he tightens not allowing me to leave. "Loki," I say in an unapproving voice.
Instead of answering me his hand moves down my stomach, I shake my head no, his hand goes further and when he reaches my waist he tickles me. Laughter escapes my lips, Loki gets on top of me pinning my hand down above my head with one hand while tickling my waist, stomach, and armpits. I laugh and try to get Loki off of me.
"What'd you say about going downstairs and train?" Loki asks me no longer torturing me.
"What if I say no?" I tease. He tickles me again.
"This will happen."
"Yeah, well this will happen if you do," I say after Loki once again stopped tickling me, I then concentrate on heating up the liquid inside Loki's body. His eyes start getting an annoyed look in them, I take it as an indication to stop. "Fine, I just have to change." I accept to go train.
I walk into the room that now only holds my stuff, clothes, make-up (that I rarely use, don't have time for that), and my valuables. I open my closet and pick out a sports bra and some leggings to wear for training.
Loki waits for me outside my door so when I open it I'm startled by the face staring at me before I even look up.
"Let's go," I say to Loki, and we walk off to the gym.
"Continue, I will meet you down there in a couple of minutes." Loki breaks away from me and into the kitchen, what is he doing?
I get settled into the gym by doing some stretches and warm-up exercises. Loki walks carefully into the gym with a bucket. "What's in there?" I ask him.
"I could never guess what the master of tricks has up his sleeves." Loki puts the bucket on a bench press in front of me.
"What I want you to do is make water droplets out of this," Loki explains.
"Are you serious?" I exclaim. "Do you really think an amateur like me can do that?"
"Sure, if you believe in yourself and try hard." Loki encouraged.
I take a deep breath, "Okay let's do it."
"Think of the water separating into droplets, then when you've got that, make them float in the air. After that, we can explore another thing I want to try." Loki instructs.
Another deep breath of air into my lungs gets me ready to conjure the power I need to use to manipulate the water.
Instead of closing my eyes like I always do I decide I'll try to have them open, I then stare intensely at the water, thinking about ripping the water apart, even though it can't be done. My mind floods with images of water droplets and scenes of water separating.
My eyes are locked on the bucket and still after ten minutes nothing is happening. I look up at Loki, annoyed.
"How about we try a different way? Make the water float first and then separate it." Loki says and I nod.
I do as Loki says, concentrate on getting the water to float first before I try anything else. Unlike earlier, it takes me less than five minutes to get the water moving up into the air, and in the corner of my eyes, I see a smile infect Loki's face.
"I'm doing it!" I giggle.
"Now separate the water."
I think of the same thing as before changing up the method, I think about images that reflect water dividing into smaller droplets. It takes me a lot of energy to hold up the water but when I think I'm almost drained I get it!
"Y/N that's great. Now I know you're tired but this will be easy, I want you to force the water to fall, and to control the pressure." I sigh when Loki finishes but I raise my hand, thinking they might help to control the pressure.
I make my hands go down slowly, thinking about how the water should follow my hand's actions when the droplets stop because I'm not lower to the ground I drop my hands harshly into the ground making a splashing noise as the water is finally on the floor.
I smile from one ear to the other, Loki is also smiling.
"Let's clean up this mess before someone else comes to train." Loki pats me on my back and we walk to the stack of towels, taking one each. The towels quickly soak up the mess me and Loki created together.
"Thanks for helping me with that, and I think I'm going to shower right now," I say to Loki.
"Want me to join you?" Loki teases.
I shake my head. "No Lo-"
Loki cuts me off. "Y/N I was joking, but it was no problem to assist you."
"Thanks again Loki." I walk out of the gym leaving Loki to stare after me.
After the shower, I walk into the now clean living room, it looks like nothing had happened here last night. I look at the seating area that is surrounded by the team, they look like they're having fun doing something that lays on the coffee table.
"Hey, what you up to?" I ask them and stand behind Loki, my hands instinctively travel to his hair and for a second we both don't realize what we're doing. But Loki is the first to snap back to reality and slapping my hand away from his head. I'm about to ask why he did that but then I'm back into the world where I and Loki are friends with benefits who seem to be becoming better friends with every day and no one knows what's happening between them.
"We're playing Monopoly." Sam answers.
"Nice, Loki can I team up with you?" I ask Loki who seems to be a bit insecure.
"Sure, " He vaguely answers.
We don't last long against the others but we enjoy watching and trash-talking them. Jokes are made the whole time and laugh an echo through the room. It's like nothing happened yesterday like we weren't under attack like the living rooms were partly in flames.
It's interesting how we humans can do that, just forget what happened the day before if we have the right people around us.

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