Chapter 38

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1st Person POV. (Y/N)

The team takes quick showers and eat the pizza that was ordered when we arrived at Tony's private resort.
I look at myself in the mirror, at the silky black dress that stops at my thighs and hangs on my shoulders, it reveals some of my breasts, and all the right curves are hugged by the dress complimenting the shape of my body.
The knob of the bathroom door turns and Loki walks out in his underwear. I look at him knowing that he is mine and we don't have to worry about each other tonight at the club as we would have a few days ago.
"Hurry up, getting dressed," I say allowing his eyes to look over my body before I leave to get myself a few slices of pizza.
I listen with one ear to the conversation they're having around the kitchen island. I chuckle at the right places but my mind keeps wandering to my horny side thinking about Loki and how his body looks like when he walked out of the bathroom. I'm not sure why I'm all of sudden thinking like this.
Loki walks into the open room in a white button-up shirt and black pants.
I smile while checking him out and he joins my side his hand lightly touching my lower back. He grabs a slice to eat and then a few minutes later Sam comes out last of the team and Wanda calls for the cabs to pick us up.
We stand outside in the warm air and I sigh, Loki squeezes my hand he's holding and I look up, he smiles before leaning down to kiss me. I kiss him back and before we know it we're sitting in cabs and on our way to the club of Wanda's choice, like always, and then getting out to join the crowd of people standing in a row waiting to get in but Wanda tells us we're getting in.
She goes to talk to the bouncer and I look at Nat who nods to Wanda and I nod agreeing, knowing what she means and so I break away from Loki and link arms with Nat who's already fixing up and making her breasts more visible, I replicate her pulling my black dress down to reveal my boobs better.
We join Wanda's side and the bouncer looks at us thinking for a second before letting us in, so we call the team over and hurry them in before us girls to make sure the bouncer doesn't close the door suddenly.
I squeeze Loki's hand and go with Nat to the bar to get a drink to start the night. I order four shots, two for me and two for Nat, we gulp them down like champions and I lead Nat out to the dance floor.
We slip through the crowd into the middle and we sing out the lyrics of the songs and when Wanda joins us we start dancing like the world ends tomorrow.
I look towards the bar finding Loki's eyes and he eyes me and Nat pressing our bodies up to each other, of course in a girl-friendly manner. When the song ends Loki downs his drink and starts walking over. Loki takes my hand and swings me away from Nat and she smiles winking at me and turning to some man dancing with him and showing her natural beauty and confidence.
Loki's fingers trace my hips while my body discovers his and we move in rhythm. I turn around to face Loki and drag my hands up his abdomen, his chest, and to his neck where I wrap my hands around him, we sway to the music Loki's hands still on my hips, I lean toward him and kiss him, Loki reciprocating my kiss with pressing his lips hard against mine, my hands travel to his chest where I'm about to fumble for the buttons of his shirt but Loki grabs my hand and reminds me where we are, I look at him and show him I'm sorry through my eyes but he leans to my ear.
"Come on." He says into my ear through the loud music, his hand holds mine as we walk somewhere of Loki's choice, he leads me and soon, we start to walk in a less crowded space and then there's a line and, it's the bathrooms.
Loki sways in front of someone when a bathroom becomes empty and drags me in behind him.
I feel kind of sorry for the people who'll have to wait out there for a longer period because of us but anyways.
When Loki turns around to me after closing and locking the door I thrust my lips against his in eagerness still in want of his body. Loki's hands wrap around me and walk me to the wall, my back arches off the wall rubbing against Loki's body. His hands move from my lower back to my ass and squeeze gently and my most opens a bit taking a break from the kissing to give out a small moan. Loki picks me up, my dress moving up my thighs and I wrap my legs around Loki's torso while he moves me to the small counter the sink sits in.
My breathing is starting to become more shallow and Loki's kisses travel from my lips to my neck as I unbuckle his belt, through his boxers, I feel for his cock slightly rubbing it and giving Loki a small satisfaction before he takes a step back and reaches up my dress and looks at me, I nod and then he continues to remove my underwear.
He gets back in between my legs and I help him remove his boxers and then his cock slides into my wet pussy. He gives a small moan when he reaches the inside of me and I duplicate his noise but louder.
He tells me to be quiet and I nod and he grabs my waist and I grab his hands that hold me in place. He starts to thrust his hips forward and backward, pumping his cock in and out of me, making me moan quietly.
Loki's body starts leaning over me as he starts to come close, I reach down to my clit and make circular motions to join Loki in the finish we both enjoy at the same time, Loki pulls himself out of me then he whispers to me, "Oh, Gods, I love you." He said.
I smile, "I love you too."
Loki and I hug for a minute staying in the same position while we recover, Loki's cock and splooge lay on me.
Loki straightens out his back and gives me paper towels to wipe his cum off me. It slides along with the paper slowly disappearing into the paper. I throw it in the toilet and pick up my underwear and put them on again, we straighten out our outfits and fix our hair before we leave the bathroom smelling of sex.
Loki and I separate, me heading back for the dancefloor and Loki going to the same place at the bar as before.
"Where were you?" Nat yells through the music.
"You don't want to know the answer to that question," I answer her also yelling.
I feel Loki's eyes find me again and I start dancing with Nat while Wanda tries to teach Vision how to dance in a party style, beside us.
Minutes pass by as me and Nat get back in the element of dancing together, then we get approached by a muscular man, he towers over us and grabs my arm trying to drag me away from Nat to dance with him.
I shake my head and tell him I'm dancing but he doesn't listen, he hears me he just ignores it.
"I'm taken, I have a boyfriend!" I yell and try to pry my hand out of his grip. "Let go of me."
Nat finally sees I can't get out of this myself so she tries to intercept.
"Hey, back off." She pushes but he barely moves from the place he stands. Wanda notices us so she comes over while Vision stands awkwardly unsure what he's doing or what's happening with us.
"What's going on?" Wanda asks.
"This guy won't let go of me," I tell her and also to him, hoping he'll get the message.
"Baby, maybe you can offer me the same offer that guy got?" The man suggests while pointing to Loki and referencing the bathroom sex we just had.
"No way, now get off," I say. I feel a little threatened but I have the girls by my side and the whole team in this club, I'm safe but still, it's not comfortable.
I look over at Loki still trying to get my wrist out of the man's hand. He's chatting to Steve and sipping his hand, finally, he glances over, I look back to the man and rip my arm out of his hand, finally succeeding. He towers over me and starts to walk to me, I straighten out my back Nat and Wanda still having my back. Loki then comes to us grabbing my hand, sliding his fingers in between mine, and then dragging me away. The girls watch after us and the man walks away like this didn't happen. We pass Tony who's getting a drink at the bar.
"We're going home." Loki abruptly stops then continues walking as quickly.
We're out of the club in a minute and then West End on the sidewalk, Loki waving a cap to pick us up, his fingers still tangled with mine. I don't say anything,
We get in the cab, Loki inviting me to get in first. I do and Loki then gets in and looks at me.
"Where to?" The driver asked.
I realize Loki is looking at me because I know the address and he doesn't so I tell the driver who drives off when I finish.
The drive is quiet and Loki looks mad, he keeps his hand on my knee but I sense that he's angry. Why should he be though? Does he think I started the thing with that guy? Oh, God.
Loki pays the driver when we arrive, and when we walk up the steps to the door of the house I mentally prepare myself for an argument that's going to be based on untrue things.
But that's not what happened. Loki opened the door offering me to go in first, like the gentleman he is. When he closes the door I turn to him and he turns to me.
"Are you okay?" He asks.
"What?" I ask.
"I asked if you were okay."
I catch my breath and nod. "Yeah I am, why wouldn't I be?"
"Because you were getting harassed?" Loki said.
I stay silent unsure what to say.
"Aren't startled?"
"No? It's happened a lot of time, I'm used to it."
"Y/N, that's not right."
"I know but that's how life is here on Earth, or Midgård like you call it," I say.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Loki made sure.
"How often has this happened?" He asked while we moved to our bedroom.
"Three, maybe four or five times now after tonight." I take my heels off and sit down on the bed. "I thought you were mad."
"I'd never be mad at something like that."
"I know, I'm not sure why I thought you were mad, maybe experience from past relationships? I don't know." I chuckle and Loki starts to strip down, mumbling things about how disgusting Midgård is. I smile and strip myself down.
I crawl under the bedsheets and Loki joins me, we look at each other faces.
"I love you," I admit.
"I love you," Loki says back, stroking my cheek.
"Thanks, for being worried," I say and Loki smiles. He kisses me and pulls me into a hug and I breathe deeply closing my eyes and letting myself fall asleep quickly, In Loki's arms.

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