Chapter 11

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1st person POV. (Y/N)

My mother doesn't stop for long, I'm dazed in shock and Steve is already chasing them.
I take a minute before I realize I've got a job to do, I run after them, finding a door leading to the outside in the room they went in. Shit.
I see Steve chasing them running into a forest. Of course, there has to be one right there. I continue to run and give it my all. I'm halfway to Steve when he stops and runs toward me. I continue to run to him wondering why he's changed directions.
"Turn around!" He yells at me but I don't take his order.
We meet and for the second time, he throws himself on top of me.
And then a blast.
What the hell. My ears ring a little bit. There are small fires in the ground, Steve rolls on his back breathing heavily.
"What was that?" I ask oblivious to what just happened.
"They threw a modified grenade at us." He explains.
"How did they modify it?" I've recovered my hearing by now and standing up I feel vertigo. I put my arms out when my vision goes black I expect to pass out but I don't. Steve stands beside me looking at the forest.
Soon we're joined by Tony who asks us what happened.
"We found my parents. We tried to chase them but..." I pause and Steve takes over the description of the events.
"We need to get back to the fight." Tony sighs and he flies off leaving me and Steve walking back in silence.

"I have to talk to them!" I say while following Tony.
"I'm not letting you do that?" He says. We just got back from the mission and as soon as Tony separated from the others I started asking him to question Charles and Jhon again.
"Why not?"
"Y/N, I have my reasons."
"That's not an explanation. I just want some answers." I feel my face reddening at anger but also the saddens and betrayal that is starting to flood in.
"Y/N, I have to get approval from Fury. And Charles and Jhon aren't even here."
"Where are they?" I ask him shocked
"They've been taken into the custody of SHIELD and placed in a protected facility."
"Protected for what? Them escaping or getting hurt?"
"Will you calm down?"
"How am I supposed to be calm when I know that I'm being targeted for kidnapping and my parents are most likely involved in it. An- and I don't even get a possibility to find out any answers to some of my questions." I have tears forming in my eyes but don't let any escape.
"Y/N." Tony sighs emphatically. "I'll do my best to get you into a room with them but I honestly don't know if that's gonna happen."
I leave Tony standing watching me walk away. The library welcomes me with a smell brightening my mood, I get a book, and before I start reading myself out of reality I pray to the gods I don't believe in, to grant me a wish, that I can question Charles and Jhon. Please.
My phone ringing wakes me up and looking around myself I see that I'm in the library, I must've fallen asleep while reading. I pick up the book I had from the floor putting it on the table in front of the couch, I then answer the phone.
"Y/N, we're going for a drive," Tony says on the other end of the line hanging up after his sentence.
I return the book to its rightful place and meet Tony in the lobby.
"What's up?" I sound sad without realizing I am.
"Let's just go. I'll tell you in the car."
"Okay." I nod following Tony to the car of his choice.
"Now tell me," I say when I've buckled up.
"Straight to the point." Tony jokes.
"Tony, I'm not in the right mood to joke around right now."
"We're on our way to meet Charles and Jhon."
"Meet?" I ask slightly less miserable.
"They're bringing them to the SHIELD headquarters. Where you are going to get to ask a few questions and then we're gone again."
I nod.
The drive is full of AC/DC songs and when 'Thunderstruck' comes on we both sing out our lungs.
I chuckle and we park in the SHIELD parking lot. We had a great bonding time on the way over here and I appreciated and enjoyed it.
"You'll be alone with them but I'll be watching."
"I'll be the only one watching so don't worry about that," Tony assures me when we walk onto the main floor.
Nick Fury and Maria Hill stand in the middle of the room looking at the door like they were waiting for us.
"Hi, nice to meet you again." I shake Fury's hand.
"I heard this was your demand?" He asks.
"I wouldn't call it a demand."
"Fury, " Tony gives him a look and I can tell it's some sort of 'don't do this' look.
"Well, Maria." Fury says and Maria tells us to follow her.
"They're in here, and Tony, Fury want's to talk to you alone when you're done," Maria tells Tony and goes away.
"You can go in when you want to," Tony tells me and I take a deep breath before opening the door.
I step inside and close the door after me. Charles and Jhon are restrained to a table, they're whispering but when Jhon sees me he stops talking and Charles turns his head towards me. They stare at me while I take a seat in front of them. For a minute I don't say anything and neither do they, we stare at each other.
"If it isn't our most successful experiment," John says to Charles who smirks a bit.
"I'm not here to play games," I say to them and try showing anger in my voice, I don't know how successful my attempt was.
"What do you want?" Charles asks me.
"I want answers."
"About your parents? I knew you'd come asking about them soon." John says.
"What do you want to know?" Charles offers, and Jhon looks at him trying to give him a warning but Charles doesn't turn his head.
"I see that your partnership is on the rocks." My face is still straight.
"What do you want to know?" Charles repeats his question and I let my face loosen up. John tries whispering something in Charles's ear but he shakes his head.
"How did my parents get involved with Hydra?"
"When you left, they didn't have anything to give us so we offered them a proposal."
"What kind of proposal?" My eagerness arises within me.
"Charles don't say anything else," John demands Charles to follow his order but he ignores him.
"It was offering them to get clean and join Hydra, the organization we got the serum we injected you with, or to have nothing. They chose Hydra." Charles informs me.
"We hear that they were a great addition to their team." John tries taunting me but I don't let it get under my skin, how can I when I hate them, I don't care about them and their successes.
"When did they join them?"
"A month after you disappeared," Charles tells me and Jhon shakes his head in disbelief.
"You know we really got off on watching you get beaten up, sometimes you'd win which wasn't as fun as looking at you lose." John intervenes in our conversation bringing back memories angering me more.
"I rarely lost!" I raise my voice.
"Yeah, you did, but then we'd beat you up didn't we?" I don't answer him so he continues. "That was even better than watching you get beaten up."
"You're sick." I walk out of the room.
Tony meets me outside the door of the interrogation room.
"You did great," Tony says.
"I'm not done."
"What do you mean you're not done? You're not going back in there."
"Yes I am, just not with Jhon, can you get somebody to take Jhon out?"
"I'll be back in a minute, stay in there." Tony points towards the room he was in.
I do as he says going into the room allowing me to watch Charles and Jhon. I look as they start whispering, Jhon mad at Charles.
Two minutes pass when the door in their room gets open and Jhon was taken away. Finally. I wait for an extra minute before walking back into the interrogation room, only including Charles this time.
"How do you contact Hydra?" I ask as soon I sit back down in front of Charles.
"You contact them through other connections you have."
"Who would have access to Hydra?"
"Advanced drug, weapon, maybe human dealers." Charles answers.
I sigh and pause my questioning for a moment. "Why are you so cooperative?"
"I have nothing left in my life, might as well do some good if I can."
"What are my parents specialized in?"
"What do you mean?" Charles inquires not understanding the question, or maybe he's just not going to answer more questions.
"There have got to be special groups in Hydra, I'm asking what group are my parents in?"
"I don't know."
"Don't know or won't tell me?" I ask Charles, still not having any trust in him.
"Why would I not answer that after answering everything else?"
Instead of coming up with a valid answer, I thank him for his cooperation and walk out letting SHIELD agents take him from the room.
"How do you feel after getting some answers," Tony asks me while walking over to Fury and Agent Hill.
"I don't think this did any good or bad."
"Well great to know that the strings I pulled were for nothing." Tony jokes and when I'm about to answer Fury asks about the interrogation.
"It went fine," I respond not allowing Tony to answer for me.
"Good to hear." Fury responds and asks to speak with Tony alone, leaving me to go wait for Tony in the car.
"What's up?" I ask Tony when he sits down in the car.
"Nothing." He answers and starts the engine letting the radio start playing where we left off.
We drive in sound but not making a noise, not talking, singing, or humming. Something felt off about Tony, but I didn't know what.
"Can you do me a favor and send Cap down here," Tony says when parking the car inside the garage.
"Will do." I don't question Tony but I connect the dots quickly, recognizing he's going to talk to Steve about whatever Fury told him.
"Steve, Tony is waiting for you down in the garage." Steve raises his eyebrows at me and I walk to the kitchen.
"You alright, Y/N?" Nat asks me when I sit down beside her.
"I'm fine."
"How'd it go?" She asks me.
"As you'd expect."
"So, what happened?" She asks me again.
"Nat, I just told you, it was fine." She doesn't believe me and I can see it in her eyes but she doesn't try to pursue her question any further.
"I think I'm ready to have a weekend off," I say breaking the silence after I shut down Nat's question.
"I bet you won't get one." She smiles.
"Oh no. Another mission?" I groan.
"Nope, well kind of, tomorrow we're voting on which pair is going to double-check the last mission site," Nat tells me and I roll my eyes.
"I think everyone's going to be voting on you and Loki." She laughs when I groan even harder.
"God! Nat, please do me a favor and don't do that. If you vote someone else I'll buy you something of your choice."
"Are you trying to bribe me!" Nat laughs and pats my shoulder when she walks away from me.

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