Chapter 32

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1st person POV. (Y/N)

Day 23 since I was rescued and 20 days since Loki left, I honestly don't know what I've been doing since he left, almost every night I've had a few drinks but for two days I haven't and it feels like I'm getting over whatever happened between us, or maybe us, him, Loki.
Whichever it is I shouldn't think about this so much. So I've got to start my day.
I throw my feet over onto the floor and no taking any crutches or sitting down in any wheelchair I stand up and walk out of my room, not bothering to change into my clothes just yet.
In the stairs, I hear the TV on and discover Bucky eating cereal on the couch.
"If Tony would see this sight you know he would tell you to get the hell off his couch." I laugh and Bucky smiles his mouth full of breakfast.
"It doesn't matter as long as he doesn't see it," Bucky answers after he swallows.
"Sure," I say and am about to turn my head back forward when I say a wall in front of me, it's too late to stop myself from walking on it so I brace myself. But when I'm done taking the step that was supposed to land me on the wall I don't feel anything.
I open my eyes and I'm in the kitchen? What the hell? I look around and I don't understand what happened, then Bucky comes to me from the living room.
"How'd you do that?" He asks.
"Do what?"
"Walk through the wall?"
"I walked through the wall?"
"Yeah, you did," Bucky says, his hand's over his mouth, he's in even more shock than I am. "What happened?" He asks again.
"I don't know, I was looking at you then I looked forward and the wall was there, I thought I was going to walk on it but apparently I walked through it?" I chuckle in disbelief.
"Do you think this could be another power of yours?"
"From Hydra? Do you believe that Hydra could give me such powers?" I ask.
"Well, where else would you have gotten them from?"
"You have a point." I put my hand on the counter and lean forward on it. "What the hell," I mutter.
"Bucky! I swear to God if you're in the kitchen!" Tony yells from the living room. I look at Bucky and he rolls his eyes and points them to the kitchen entrance.
In walks, Tony and he folds his arms but then he notices me. "What's going on here?"
"Uhm, how about we call a meeting and I just tell you all the whole story, especially you who were away the day Loki and Thor went away."
"Sounds good, I will," Tony says having his eyes narrowed at me.
Tony walks back out of the kitchen leaving me and Bucky alone in silence, both still shocked.
Shit man.
Bucky walks away and I rub my temples before getting myself some breakfast in advance to the meeting Tony's calling right now.
The team starts to pour down from their bedrooms, some clothed some in pajamas, and every time someone walks into the kitchen I look up to see who it is, not necessarily hoping it'd be Loki just out of habit.
After I finish eating I jump upstairs to get dressed and when I come back down everyone sits around the dining table.
"So you already know we found out my two powers that we've named danger warning and unmanageable skin, what I forgot to mention along with everyone else who was there is that I had a dream about it, and something was telling me about my powers, it told me I have three powers but before I heard what the thing was going to name it I was woken up, so we all kind of forgot about it and now I think me and Bucky have discovered my third power." I pause to take a breath, all eyes are on me waiting for me to continue so I do. "This morning I walked through a wall."
"What?" I hear many mumbles.
"Bucky." I gesture my hand to him and he explains what he saw.
"-and then she just was gone." He shrugs.
"Well we need to call Doctor Strange, you two need to practice your powers." I nod and I look to Wanda. When Tony breaks up the meeting I pull Wanda aside.
"You know it's been a long time since we've had a girl's night."
"Yeah, it has been a long time."
"Maybe you and Nat could invite Pepper and Maria for a drinking party and a slumber party after that," I suggest.
"I'll bring it up to Nat," Wanda says.
"Okay great well we'll be in touch got to run."
I walk away from Wanda and jog down the stairs to the training room where Doctor Strange has just arrived.
I walk to him and greet him.
"And thank you for helping the team rescue me."
"It was a pleasure." He gives me a half-smile. "Should we start?"
"Sure." I smile and he begins to explain a bunch of things involving my new powers. His mouth lets out the words like a script. When he's done explaining what I take from it is that I definitely don't need to practice the undamageble skin, I need to know how the danger warning works meaning I need to have slight practice for it but then comes what Doctor Strange calls phasing, he wants to have that as the main focus of all our little training sessions.
"So let's start with seeing how your danger warning presents itself when it's warning you."
"I already have a small idea of it but doesn't matter we'll do it." I walk farther away from him but still facing him.
"Good, no are you ready?" He makes sure before he begins.
Strange doesn't say anything more and starts to make some magic with his hands. Every time he releases I dodge and it's easier to dodge if you're not on crutches.
"You're doing good but let's amplify this." Strange stops to talk. I nod before he continues. "We can see that you've got the danger warning under control but know I want to work on two things, the danger warning and phasing, I want you to try and phase instead of dodge my spells."
"I'll try."
"Good so you're comfortable with that?"
"I mean you can't really hurt me unless I think to allow you," I explain.
Doctor Strange positions himself to be able to throw many spells, blasts, and some other magic things at me.
I stand still and try to think how I thought this morning in the kitchen.
One blast dissolves after it hits my hip, another dissolves when it hits my hand, every one of the things Strange uses to throw at me dissolves in the air after touching me but not really touching me. I can't phase and so the magic just keeps trying to damage me.
"Come on you need to think hard, think of your appearance, think of how you want to look when you're phasing, so just invisible, think of the danger you're in if you won't phase." Strange says while he keeps the blasts coming.
And I do try that, at first, it doesn't seem successful just like before but when I start to become agitated I start to feel like my body is doing what my cells were seen doing in the lab after my blood test.
Strange keeps his eyes on me carefully and releases a big ball of some magic he's summoned.
When it starts coming at me at a threatening speed I take all my energy and summon it to the nearest cells in my skin. That's when the ball is supposed to hit me but doesn't as I have phased it through me.
Strange walks to me clap my back and smiles. "That's enough for today." He walks away and I breathe heavily as I sit down.
I sigh and look around myself before I stand back up with normal breathing and walk upstairs to the living room.
Wanda sits on a couch her phone to her ear. Nat stands by her waiting for Wanda to say something to her.
Doctor Strange is saying goodbye to Tony by shaking hands then walking to me. "We'll pick up whenever you have time next."
He's walking through his portal when I'm turning around to tell him tomorrow's fine.
"Hey, Y/N!" Wanda calls and waves me over to her and Nat.
I walk to them and they wait for me to get close before starting to talk.
"So?" Nat asks.
"Well, that was Maria, and I already talked to Pepper, they both have free nights tonight so they're coming in an hour, and it's a slumber party, except for Pepper, she's going to sleep with Tony, but will be with us until then," Wanda explains.
"Okay that's great I'm going to go get ready for this hour, and I'll see you then." I excuse myself to my room to dress up into some nice pajamas.
The minutes tick by and soon enough sixty minutes are gone to me changing clothes and starting to get my party on with a bottle of champagne.
I walk into Wanda's room without knocking and see that Pepper is already here. After I close the door I stand in front and take a big gulp in front of Wanda, Nat, and Pepper, and when I'm swallowing Maria opens the door frantically.
"Hey girl!" I say happily and pass her the champagne bottle.
"I'll say cheers to that!" She throws her bag on the floor and takes a big gulp.
"Pass me that," Nat says. And soon the already opened up champagne bottle gets finished and we send Pepper to get a new one from Tony's big collection in his bedroom.
"But can you believe that Tony just has a bottle of champagne in his room!" I laugh and they shake their heads with me.
"Have you been in contact with Loki?" Nat asks me.
"What?" I ask her to repeat herself.
"Have you spoken to Loki after he left?"
"No, I haven't."
"Wait where are they, Thor and Loki," Maria asks.
"Aren't you supposed to know every move we make?" I laugh.
"I've been working on another project." She explains and Pepper walks into the room holding the champagne in her hand she holds up in the air.
"Great, I need another sip." I hold my hand to her and before she gives it to me she pops it open with a bang.
"So where are they?"
"They needed to go to Åsgard," Wanda explains as I take a long sip.
I pass Nat the bottle. "Y/N do you know why they had to go?" Maria asks one more time about them.
"Who needed to do what?" Pepper cuts back into to conversation.
"Thor and Loki went to Åsgard," Wanda says.
"To do what?" Pepper asks.
"I already asked," Maria mumbles she puts the bottle up to her lips.
"No one knows." I spit out. Getting irritated at the topic of the conversation. "How about we change subjects," I suggest and we do.
Maria tells us about a date she barely had time for making her fall head over heels for him on the first date.
And then we listen to Pepper talk about Tony and all the things she wished he wouldn't do.
After that, we point the conversation to Wanda to tell us about what she thinks of Vision and her future. She wants children so that's something they have to talk about soon and mainly about adoption or maybe donors.
Nat then takes over to talk about the things she wants to do after she retires after the Avengers, everyone wants to retire sometime but no one really knows when to or how to retire, but that's something that will come later we all agree before agreeing on to go to sleep.
Pepper sneaks out into the hallway and tiptoes to Tony's room.
Wanda and Nat get into Wanda's double bed and I and Maria get on the mattress that's on the floor.q

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