Chapter 33

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1st person POV. (Y/N)

I walk quietly down the hall to the bathroom. I open the big medicine cabinet and pop open an aspirin bottle pouring two pills out into my hand.
I put them in my mouth and get water from the sink before I return to my own room to change clothes.
Someone knocks on my door and I open it up to Maria.
"Hey," I say and wave my hand into my almost empty room.
"Hey I just wanted to say goodbye, I've been called into work." She says and I nod after I pull my shirt over my head.
"Alright, well I'll walk you downstairs," I say and we head out of my room.
"Thanks for inviting me, I had fun." Maria waves and says as she walks away. I tell her goodbye and allow my eyes to travel into the kitchen where there is some talk coming out of.
"Good morning," I say before my eyes see that Thor stands in the kitchen and Loki leans on a counter beside him he has his arms folded and we make eye contact. I feel heat rush up to my cheeks and walk past him without greeting him to the fridge.
I feel some eyes on me probably wondering what's up with us. Doesn't matter, I don't even know what's up with us so I can't act like anything whether it's in the friend, enemy, or lover's direction.
"What's up?" I start up the quiet room again.
"Well we just got these two back and I got an email from Fury back saying, guess what?" Tony says.
"I don't know, what?" I ask him turning back to them with yogurt in my hand.
"It says that we are allowed my request to go on a holiday on my private beach in Hawaii."
"What?" I'm not sure I heard him right.
"We're going on a trip. Hurry up and eat and everyone go pack, I'm also going to send everyone who's not here to pack immediately." Tony starts to walk away when he turns around and yells, "Pack for a five-day trip! Be ready in an hour!"
"Will do!" I yell back.
I put the wooden spoon for the yogurt in my mouth and I'm trying to find something to say to the brothers when Loki walks away.
I sigh, oh well. "How was Åsgard?" I ask Thor who looks quite uncomfortable and confused.
"We had a nice annual ball and mother had a chat with Loki that has left him quite speechless," Thor informs me.
"Oh really, do you know what about?" I wondered.
"No, they changed in private but when they came out Loki was and still is in deep thought."
I nod and finish my yogurt, and throw it in the sink to be cleaned and recycled. "Anyway," I change the subject, "how was this ball you were talking about, and on another thought why is it annual?"
"It's my mother and father's anniversary ball, and I thought it was traditional, fun, loads of drinking and dancing and I even introduced my friends to what you all call an afterparty, so we had more fun after that!" Thor speaks.
"Well, I'd love to hear more about it but how about we save that for later as we both need to get ourselves ready for a trip, that's once again a surprise." I laugh and walk away to go pack up in my room.
There I discover that some of the clothes I want are in Lokis's room and he's most likely in there. I've been standing in front of his door for about a minute when I hear some door open up and in a panic not wanting to be asked questions I take a deep breath and open up the door walking in hastily.
Loki turns around his face looks confused at me. I look at him and quickly look away and walk to my designated drawer and search for the clothes I had in mind for the trip, I feel Loki looking at me and the tension in the air is heavy and uncomfortable, God I need to get out of here! I take the clothes I find and want and throw them on my shoulder before walking out of Loki's room without one single word been said while we were alone in the same room.
I roll my suitcase down the hallway and the stairs all the way to the lobby where I sit down and wait for the rest to come. They come pretty quickly and so we leave in our cars to the airport where instead of taking the Quinjet we take a jet Tony owns. I'm one of the last people in and the few seats that are left are with Loki, Bruce, Thor (there's little space to sit beside him though), and alone. I choose that the seat with the least questions is beside Loki so that where I walk to and sit down, gaining a quirk from Loki's brow.
"I didn't think we were on speaking terms, let alone sitting together terms," Loki whispers when I settled.
"I don't think we are either but until-" I'm interrupted by the flight attendant leaning down to us.
"Can I offer you something to eat or drink?" She asked.
"I'll take anything with the most amount of alcohol in it," I order and she nods.
"Me too," Loki says and after being interrupted we don't talk again the whole flight, we sip on our identical drinks in silence and order two drinks each time one of us wants another one, which is a lot if I wasn't experienced with drinking, I'd be so drunk.
The plane lands at around six'o clock and soon we're off in a cab, we take three small taxis, and when we all get to our private beach owned by Tony. He stands in front of us and says, "Welcome to playa Tony, that is Tony's beach."
"Are you saying it like people say casa for a house?" I ask with a smirk on my face ready to hold my bags over the rocks that lead up to the big house on the beach.
"It sure is, now come on let's go." He says and everyone picks up their bag and walks in a line behind him who leads the train up to the house.
Tony opens up the grand sliding door to the entrance which immediately becomes the living room b the sofa is a hallway that holds four bedrooms, on the right wall of the living room is the kitchen, a wall is hiding a hallway beside the kitchen and so when you walk down there you'll find six bedrooms. All the bedrooms have an ensuite bathroom, plus an extra bathroom that's off of the huge living room.
"So everyone has their room except us couples who will share a bedroom with our partners, I don't know if anyone was expecting otherwise but there we go, now go pick your rooms and leave your bags there, we're then going to order in some food for dinner," Tony announces, I shake my head not able to remember everything he dumped on us all at once.
Loki takes the lead to find us a bedroom we're going to have to share. Before I follow Wanda speaks up. "Y/N, Pepper, and Nat want to go out and catch the last of the sun?" I nod and excuse myself to find the room Loki hat's chosen for us to share, he's just opening the door when I enter the hallway and I think he's about to shut it when I put my foot inside.
"We have to share," I say and smile at him with a fake smile.
He nods and allows me to come inside, he closes the door and turns to me, we stand awkwardly and I decide to unpack my clothes, even though it is just for five days.
"How are we going to do this?" I break the ice.
"Do what?"
"Act in front of everyone."
"I think we should act like we are acting, we haven't decided anything so we don't hide anything, or that's my opinion at least," Loki says.
"Okay, so we'll do that." I get my bikini and go for the bathroom door.
"It's not like I haven't seen that before." I hear Loki say behind me.
I turn around. "It's different when you're not together like you were before. So what I mean is even if you have seen it doesn't mean that in this situation, you're allowed to."
He nods and so I continue my task to change into my bikini in private.
Loki has already left the room so I leave as well, I see that everyone has gathered in the living room and Wanda is standing in front of everyone with Vision beside her.
"So- great Y/N, you're here -as I was saying that means that the list me and Vision have made is for everyone to participate in. Everyone okay with that, no? Well, I don't care." Wanda says and disbanded the meeting.
I head out immediately and wait alone on a daybed while the girls get ready.
Soon they pile up beside me, Wand on my right, and Nat and Pepper on the second daybed on my left.
"So how are you and Loki?" Wanda asks.
I sigh. "It's weird, I'm not sure our relationship stands and if we're going to try to work it out or just end things, I just don't know what I or Loki is going to do."
"Wait why aren't you happy to see Loki?" Nat asks.
"I don't know and I don't think that I told you, that just before Loki went to Åsgard we had a huge fight and didn't get a chance to talk again until now and we still haven't talked," I explain and they're all quite shocked.
"You've got to figure things out, we cannot survive without Loki being so happy, and you guys are cute together," Nat exclaims.
"I agree," Pepper says.
"What was the fight about?" Wanda asks.
I shrug. "I'm not sure I want to talk about it," I tell them.
"That's fine."
We slowly start to fall quiet during our tanning session.
I feel the sun glisten on my skin and produce some small sweat pearls that fall down my forehead.
Tony then interrupts our rest by yelling, "Change of plans we're going out to dinner so go get ready!" His head pops back inside and reluctantly we stand up and trail a way back to the house.
My sandy feet lead me to my and Lokis's room, I see him lying on the bed in a white, fancy shirt, his jeans are black and he looks very handsome.
Fuck, I think when I remember that I forgot to put on sunscreen and that the girls are getting ready so I can't bother them to ask them to rub my back with some aftersun. I roll my eyes and sigh.
"Loki, can you do me a favor?"
He looks up at me and his eyes tell me to keep going. "Can you put aftersun on my back?"
"Sure." He mumbles and gets up, I reach for the after sun and give it to him to squeeze some onto his palm.
He starts at my shoulder blades and rubs my shoulders and when it comes to going farther down he asks me to untie my bikini bra, I do so knowing myself that it's better to rub any liquid into something without any restrictions.
I hold the bra up to my breasts while his big, soft but rough hands apply the aftersun onto my whole exposed back.
"Thanks," I say when he tells me he's finished. "And one more thing, there's a dress in the top drawer, it's black with flowers and has a white top, can you give it to me in the bathroom?" I ask him because my hands are restrained to holding my breasts in place and unexposed.
He nods and finds it while I walk into the bathroom. "Here you go." Loki hands it to me and I finish putting aftersun on the rest of my body before sliding into the dress and shoes I have matched to it.
Loki is gone when I get out just like before so I'm the last out of our room, and into the living room, I discover when I step in and everyone stands around chatting and wait for me.
Our reservation is at eight and we're leaving at seven-thirty.

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