Chapter 10

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1st person POV. (Y/N)

There had been three restless nights since Steve and Tony sat me down to tell me I was on a kidnapping list and this night was no different, every night I'd get about four hours of sleep so the days were hard and tiring, but still, it wasn't any easier to fall asleep.
I was afraid to let my guard down, Hydra was planning my kidnapping, it could happen whenever. My bedside table had daggers on it and under my pillow were more. Even a gun was under my bed. Was I too paranoid? Maybe, but I wasn't about to get abducted without a fight, even if that meant little to no sleep.
I stand up from my bed and slide a dagger into the back of my pajama shorts. I open my door quietly and seeing that Steve's door is open I raise my brows and questions emerge into my thoughts. I tiptoe down to the kitchen and fill a glass with water. Gulping I hear whispering voices and my hand tarts to my back gripping my dagger.
I stalk the wall to the hallway corner and lights from some room in the hallway shine on the floor.
I point my sharp blade toward the direction I'm facing and quickly I've entered the hallway, just to see that the light is coming from the meeting room where Tony and Steve are talking. I knock on the glass door and both of the men's eyes dart to me worried.
"Hey, " Steve opens up the door.
"What are you guys doing." I walk inside.
"Y/N what are you doing up?" Tony asks me.
"Can't sleep."
"What's wrong?" Steve questions me.
"I- uhh- it's nothing." I look at the floor then back at them. "What are you guys doing?" I ask again.
"We're- uhh- we'll tell you in the morning," Tony tells me.
"Come on, I can't sleep and I have nothing to do."
Tony and Steve exchange glances like they did before they told me about Hydra wanting me.
"Just tell me, it can't be worse than the Hydra thing."
"Y/N it is, just trust me, you don't want to hear this anytime soon."
"Oh my God, Steve, tell me!" I raise my voice and he looks at the ground. "I'm an adult I can take care of myself, I don't need to be protected from whatever's happening."
"Y/N, we know." Tony begins and is about to continue but I cut him off.
"If you know that then why hide it from me?"
"We're not telling you what's going on, not this time," Tony speaks.
"God, when you realize that I can handle whatever this shit is, I'll be waiting!" I storm out of the meeting room and run upstairs to slam my bedroom door not thinking about everyone else that's sleeping.
I drive my fist to the wall, luckily it doesn't break but my hand burns with pain. I shake my hand and putting music in my ears I lay down in my bed and slowly, really slowly I fall asleep.

I wake up and unlike the last few days I'm not tired, I read for my phone to check the clock seeing that it's 11:16. Wow, for once I got a good night's sleep. I wonder why no one has woken me up.
I walk out of my room dressed in sports clothes ready to find Loki and train. I think about last night and regret the way I reacted.
"Hey let's go." I poke Lokis's shoulder and he ignores me and finishes talking to his brother and Sam.
"What?" Loki turns his attention to me.
"I'm going to train and since we're partners you're coming with me," I explain to Loki annoyed at his incompetence.
"What if I don't want to?" He asks trying to annoy me even further.
"Then I'll drag you with me."
He tells me he'll meet me down in the training room in a few minutes because he has to change into his training clothes.
"What are we doing today?" Loki asks me when he finally joins me.
"We have the ring," I tell him while getting inside the boxing ring.
"I won't go easy on you, " Loki tells me, this is the first time we've fought each other in training so I'm excited to get to punch him.
"Neither will I." I smile putting my fists up to my face. "Anything off-limits?" I ask his opinion on punching limits.
"I don't have limits." He smirks while preparing himself.
I attack first as I like to do as it tends to give me the upper hand. Loki doesn't seem fazed by my fist that collides with his hardened abdomen. He was ready, I see him relax his stomach as he tries to punch at my face. I dodged and kick up my knee to now hurt his gut. He grunts and straightens his back, running his hand through his hair to get it out of his face.
"Need a hair tie?" I offer still ready to attack.
"Do you have one?" He asks starting to circle me and I try to keep my eyes on him by turning with him.
"I do." I shortly respond.
"I don't think I need it." He finally says along with tackling me.
I grunt when I hit the floor, I spin from under Loki and barrel roll myself up from the floor. "Nice try."
Loki stands up clumsily looking a little dizzy. I take the opportunity to throw in some punches at his stomach, side, and face. After I hit his cheek he throws up his knee and punches me away by kicking his foot out.
"Do you train much like this in Åsgard?" I inquire of him when I stalk my way back up to him.
"No, we don't." He tells me.
"Care to show me how?" I request mostly as a joke.
"I'd prefer not to."
I and Loki start quickly throwing punches and kicks, dodging some and getting hit by others. I decide to push Loki throwing him a little off balance. I hit his shoulder but he doesn't fall over, he regains his balance and punches me in the nose. My eyes water up and I feel a liquid drip out of my nose but I don't bother to stop. But before I can do anything else to further the fight I'm pushed to the ground, spun around, and both my hands pinned to my back. It happened so quickly that I barely comprehended the fact that I was on the ground when Loki had my hands behind my back.
"You've won," I say and Loki let's go off my hands. "This time," I mutter.
"I heard that," Loki says and walks out of the gym without another word.
I huff and put my hand to my nose, I pull it back seeing blood, and hurry to the small bathroom that's in the training room.
I clean myself up and walk upstairs where I'm pulled into the meeting room, once again with Steve and Tony standing in front of me.
"What?" I ask wanting to get this over with and into the shower to get the now cold sweat off of me.
"Y/N we're sorry about yesterday," Steve speaks first.
Tony following with: "You deserve to know so we're going to tell you." He pauses, I'm not sure if it's for the dramatic effect or to let me get ready but it was both dramatic and I was definitely not ready. "We pretty sure your parents are involved with Hydra." My eyes widen with shock.
"No they can't be, when I left them they were overdosing once a week, it was a miracle they were still alive!" I pace the floor in front of Steve and Tony. "I don't believe you, you've got it wrong!" I'm breathing real fast now and then Steves's hand is around my hand and he pulls me into a chair.
"Y/N, take a deep breath, calm down." Steve has my hands in his trying to get me to calm down.
"No, you don't have the right information." I shake my head and my vision starts blurring from tears that are starting to form.
"Y/N, we're ninety-nine percent sure that they're active agents of Hydra," Tony tells me.
"No, they can't be." I let out a sob, my cheeks wet from the tears that are now flowing. "Oh, God!" I stand up with my blurred vision rushing out of the meeting room not wanting to cry in front of the most important men in the Avengers.
Instead of running upstairs to my room I avoid passing the living room where there are some most likely people, I go downstairs into the library.
I sob when I close the door of the library. I walk to the lounge and sit down hugging my knees. I cry for what feels like a long time and when I look up from my knees I see Loki leaning on a bookshelf.
"How long have you been there," I ask him annoyed at the presence of him.
"Not long. Tony sent me looking for you." Loki clarifies his presence.
"Why you?"
"He sent Wanda first but she couldn't find you, that's when he told me to check the library."
"Let's go." I dry my face and walk past Loki he then follows me.
"Get your suits on we're going on another mission," Tony tells the whole team, except Nat that's supposed to take it easy for a day or two, we once again separate to get dressed and then meet up again in the hangar, just like last time.
We get on the Quinjet and my red, puffy eyes have now gone away and I don't get any questions. Though I dislike Loki I appreciate that he doesn't ask questions about what happens in the library.
"You gonna brief us or what?" Rhodey asks Tony who sits on the bench in his Iron Man suit.
"We're going to invade another Hydra base." He tells the team but keeps his eyes on me.
I stand up and walk to Tony. "Are my parents involved in this?" I whisper so no one else hears me.
"Yeah, we suspect that they're based in the Hydra lair we're about to invade," Tony tells me.
"Why did you think bringing me on this mission would be a good idea?"
"We need you, not only to fight but if anyone gets injured we need you to heal them."
"Then keep me on the Quinjet and if anyone gets hurt you bring them to me." I suggest the idea to Tony who looks like he's barely listening."
"Y/N, it's a big lair we're attacking, so we need you with us, I would've wanted to have Nat with us but Bruce refused to let her step foot on the Quinjet." I walk away from Tony when he finishes talking without answering him.
"Get ready, we're landing," Clint calls from his steering seat.
The team all sit down and when we land everyone is standing at the exit of the Quinjet within a minute.
"The groups will be like last time, the only change is that Wanda you'll be coming with us inside," Steve tells us and we walk off the Quinjet, we split up both approaching the seemingly abandoned building.
It's concrete and two stories tall. The windows are blocked with wood panels, so we can't see anything going on inside.
My heart is racing and my mind is clouded with anxiety.
"Steve, I don't think I can do this," I speak through the intercoms, everyone is listening so I know someone will question me later.
"Y/N, you can, we need you, remember that," Tony tells me before Steve can even open his mouth.
I shake my head but don't say anything, I'm very uncomfortable stalking the walls feeling like there's a knot forming in my stomach. I'm gonna throw up. But before I can we're breaching the front doors of the building.
Now starts the action. Steve walks in first with his shield up, ready for the bullets that start firing in our direction. Next, the rest of our group walk behind him and slowly start to spread out taking on Hydra agents in hand-to-hand combat.
"Cover me," I say to anyone and who's listening and I start tapping into my power to make a shield around my teammates. I am now the only one, along with Hydra agents, that is not covered in a shield. Likewise to my healing power I can only use the healing and shield on other people.
"Y/N is this you?" Wanda asks me intrigued while still trying to throw as many agents to the walls or ground.
"Yeah, it's a shield," I clarify for my team.
"This is remarkable," Thor says looking down at his arms where he sees a slight lining around his body. I chuckle and turn back to fighting our way through the mass of enemies.
I need to find my parents, I can't let them escape, are my thoughts and I fight harder and harder the longer I think about the possibility that they could get away.
"Steve you know that thing you told me about, " I say secretly not wanting anyone to know I have relatives in Hydra.
"Yeah," Steve responds.
"I need to find the- it." I correct myself.
"Me and Y/N, have to get through to the hallway, cover us," Steve says and I think about the questions they want to ask but don't, they tell us to go and we get out of the big entrance.
"Thanks," I say to Steve, not through the intercoms.
"Be on high alert." Steve reminds me when he notices me slacking my back a little. He doesn't answer my thanking so I don't mention it again. "Take cover!" Steve throws himself behind a book rack that's in the hallway we're walking, I look around myself not registering what he said.
Steve then throws himself again just this time on me rolling us into a room. I look wide-eyed at him who quickly stands up getting behind the door. I understand him now so I roll under the bed in the empty room we're in.
Footsteps hurry down the hall to us and I take my gun out from the sides of my shoes. Pointing it out from under the bed. A male agent walks through the door and Steve punches him in the back making the agent turn around getting greeted by another punch straight to the face, knocking him out.
I get out from under the bed and walking over the unconscious body of the agent me and Steve continue our way down the hall. This time I keep my gun up ready to shoot something that comes down the stairs that are on the end of the hall.
We're six meters away from the stairs when I hear rushed footsteps down the stairs. I position myself to shoot and Steve is ready with his shield and fists.
Two Hydra agents meet us down on the first floor and one male the other female, the female one stops when her eyes dart to me while running to the room in front of the stairs. I take a look at the woman and I realize it's my mother.

Loving A God - LokixReaderWhere stories live. Discover now