Chapter 41

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1st Person POV. (Y/N)

Under the big castle doors stand Thor, his face beams like a child, he's looking at us and our hands, when we get closer I who him my hand with the ring Loki got me.
"Loki you really outdid yourself." Thor joins our walk by Loki's side, kind of joking about the size of the ring.
"Thor he did, and the size of this thing is perfect," I say. Reassuring Loki.
Loki squeezes my hand. "Like people on Midgård say, what she said," Loki tells his brother, his finger pointing up to the air and his lips have a small curl at their ends.
"Are you ready Y/N, to meet the parents?" Thor asks me.
"I'm not sure."
We walk to another set of big double doors, two guards that stand in front of the open them without breaking character or sweat. The gold on the outside of the castle has continued into the interior especially in the throne room.
I smile as we walk up the carpet to the throne, a small distance away from us I see the King of Åsgard, Odin, and the Queen of Åsgard, Freya.
Loki stills hold my hand and adjusts my grip halfway there. Loki lets my hand go when we're almost at the steps to go to the throne.
Thor and Loki bow and so I curtsy for the King and Queen.
"Darlings, please do get up." The Queen says.
Odin stares at me before looking back at his boys. "Welcome back, my sons." He says. "Do tell me, who is this young woman you have brought from Midgård."
"This my father is my bride-to-be. Y/F/N." Loki introduced me.
"How old are you?" Odin pointed the question from me.
"She is-" Loki started but was quickly shut down by Odin.
"I'm asking Lady Y/N."
"I'm twenty-one," I tell him. Freya's smiling but Odin's face is in a deep frown that has settled into his face over the decades of repeating the expression.
"Where are you from."
"As you said, I'm from Midgård."
"Where from on Midgård?"
"The United States."
"How do you know my sons?"
"I'm in the Avengers."
"And do you truly intend to marry Loki?" Odin asked overstepping his boundaries. Freya mumbles something for Odin to hear but he ignores her. Loki's body is stiff beside me and Thor is awkward and uncomfortable in his steps.
"I do. And Odin can I ask you something?"
"You will call me by King." He says.
I ignore him and even though when I was going in I decided not to say anything about the things I had heard about Odin's behavior towards Loki but now I have changed my mind. "Do you think that how you treated Loki as a child was the right way to treat him?" I ask, my voice calm, but my heart racing as fast it has ever beaten in my life.
"How dare you ask me that question!" Odin's voice echoes through the room. Freya's lips have changed from a smile to pursed lips. I straighten out my back even more gaining the courage to say what I'm not sure I'm going to be proud of later.
"Yeah, I do want to and am going to marry Loki, I hope you realize the wrongs you have done in the past but since I am not ready to agree or forgive you for how you have treated Loki I'm going to ask you to not to come to the wedding. Thank you ever much." I say angrily, grabbing stunned Loki's hand and pulling him with me down the carpet and out to the hallway towards the exit and the bridge. Behind me, I hear Thor talk to his mother and father before giving up by saying sorry and running to catch up with us.
None of us say anything as I continue to drag Loki behind me and Thor almost jogs to keep up with us.
Loki stops when we've just taken a few steps onto the bridge. I turn around, I put my hands into each other behind my back, waiting for him to say something. He looks around himself and sighs, he looks like he doesn't know what to do.
"What did you do?" He finally asked me, Thor stands by his brother, taking one big step away from him so we're all in a triangle. "Why did you do that?"
"Because I couldn't listen to him disrespect you and me," I explain.
"Y/N if I wanted I would've done it myself, you didn't have to do it for me," Loki's voice started to heat up getting a little angry.
"I didn't do I all for you," I put my hands on my hips. "And I don't want someone who talks to me or you like that!" I wave my hand towards the castle.
"It wasn't your choice!"
"I feel that it was my choice though."
"No, these are my parents, you don't get to decide if they come to the wedding or not!"
"Why not?"
"Because I should've been involved in a discussion about it before you made a decision and shouted it out in front of them!" Loki is getting mad.
"Loki calm down." I try to calm him down but also warn him.
"No, Y/N, you had no right to go in there and... and make that decision!" Loki stutters.
I stay quiet, unsure what I can say or do other than let him let all of his anger out immediately.
"It was a thing that would've been truly special to me if we'd invited them!"
"Loki, how should I be able to stand having to watch them in the eye after everyone, even Thor stood around and watched him verbally abuse you Loki! I honestly can get over Thor, but your mom Loki, why didn't she stand up for you? Why didn't she protect you like any loving mother would do if that happened to their kid!" I yell back at him, try8ng to get him to see where I'm coming from.
I look down at Loki's hands and he's balling them up in fists, his knuckles getting blue? I look back up at Loki's face, his eyes turning red?
"Y/N, don't you understand that it would've been important to me to invite them, at least my mother!" Loki's face turns white and then from the scalp blue starts to show, slowly down his face it travels and gets darker. My eyes widen but I stay still in my steps. Thor when he sees the change that is happening to Loki he rushes over to him and whispers things in his ear.
"Come on," Thor says to Loki. Thor helps Loki go over to sit down on the few steps the lead-up and down of the bridge. They sit down, I stand over them not knowing what's happening to Loki. Thor's hand stays on his brother's back comforting him. I see Loki's lips move and mumble something only for Thor to hear.
Thor responds with: "No she won't. You and I both know she isn't like that. Don't assume that." I guess they're talking about me, talking about me leaving. I don't move to assure Loki, I'm still frozen in place over them.
"Loki, first of all, breathe, remember to breathe." I hear Thor say quietly, and see teardrops fall of Loki's cheeks.
The sight of the tears allows me to move out of place to Loki, I sit down beside him on the stairs, I put my hand on his back.
"Loki, please don't cry. Please know that I love you, I'm not going to leave you and I am going to marry you."
"You should be afraid of me!" He raises his head to me and yells.
"Loki," I smile. "I'll never be afraid of you. I love you, and I especially love you for your personality, not your appearance even though it is a plus it's not a necessary trait that I need for you to have for me to love you."
Loki shakes his head. "Loki, God of Mischief, you know lies, look at me and tell me am I lying when I say that I love you and I'll never leave you willingly, I will never be afraid of you and how you look doesn't matter to me."
I move my hand to raise Loki's face to me again, his eyes are red, he is starting to turn back to his human form as his skin is turning back to nude. His eyes stare into mine and so I repeat my last sentence for him. He analyses my face and words then he shakes his head. Loki pulls me into a hug, hugging me tightly, sobbing and tears falling from his cheeks onto my shoulder, I hug him back as tightly as he does me and look at Thor happily before closing my eyes and enjoying the hug after overcoming this fight.
When Loki moves away from me his skin is back to the way I know it. I smile. "D9 you feel better?" I stroke his cheek.
"I do." He answers.
"If you feel better I feel better." I pause. "Should we head back? Give everyone the news?" I smile and Loki smiles at me too. Thor claps his hands and stands up.
"Come on, we shall go and celebrate." Thor helps Loki stand, pulling him up from the stairs. I elegantly stand up on my own and join Loki's side, grabbing his hand and Thor walks beside Loki's other side.
We thank Heimdall and bid him goodbye before he sends us back through the glittering rainbow down to earth, or Midgård.
We stand on the grass where I and Loki stood a few hours ago before leaving to get engaged. I squeeze Loki's hand as the sickness floods over me for just a minute before fading away. I'm a little unsteady when we walk towards the entrance to the almost empty compound, my feet acting like I'm dizzy or drunk.
The whole compound is quiet and I feel as though something's wrong, also thinking back to the time I and Loki left earlier when it did seem a little too vacant.
The living room and the big dining table and stools are decorated in white and silver. My nose picks up on a delicious smell of something that's being cooked in the kitchen, but where is everyone if someone is supposed to be cooking?
"Suprise!" Everyone jumps out yelling sporadically, including the new kid Peter Parker.
I laugh and look at Loki and Thor who smile, knowing this was about to happen.
"You are too cocky!" I chuckle.
"No? We aren't cocky, we're believers in you saying YES!" Nat says. "Now tell me. Did you?"
I put my hand up, showing off my hand and the finger that holds the beautiful, fancy and simple ring. "Ahh!" Wanda yells, taking my hand, and she and Nat examine the gem that sits on my finger.
She and Nat pull me to the dining table and ain't me down. When they leave again to go to the kitchen I stand back up to receive hugs from the remainder of the team. I get congratulations and then Nat and Wand bring a box cake to the table. Everyone sits down and wait while the girls provide everyone with plates. Loki sits down beside me and for practice for the big day, we cut the first slice together and offer everyone else to get a slice after us.
"Now, tell us how it went down," Buck asks to hear.
And so we do, we tell him but leave out the part where I yelled at the King and Queen of Åsgard and Loki turned into a frost giant. They smile and listen intently, eating the cake.
"I honestly never thought about my wedding when I was a little girl," I say when the topic turns to the wedding.
"I never thought I would have a wedding," Loki admitted.
"Do you think it'll be easy, the planning process that is?" Wanda asks us.
"Yeah, we're simple people see; Loki what colors do we want at the wedding?" I ask him. "First thing you think about."
"Black, emerald, and gold." He spits out. A little cliche that he picked the colors he always wears or is associated with him but doesn't matter because I agree that it would look nice.
"I'm happy with that." We establish the color and show that we have similar tastes and hope it'll make the planning easier. I smile and the wedding talk starts to talk about our relationship then it turns into a drinking party the last in that compound.

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