Chapter 14

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1st person POV. (Y/N)

We had been having a relaxing afternoon when Tony came shouting over the living room; "Let's go!"
The team didn't question why, they all ran to their rooms.
"Mission," Tony tells me when I don't move and have a question mark on my eyes.
"Ohh." I run to my room changing into my suit.
"You coming?" Wanda yells through the door when I open it. "Oh sorry." She laughs.
"It's fine. What do you think it's now?" I ask when we walk out to the hangar.
"Probably Hydra again?" I nod.
"Once again it's a Hydra base we're invading, but the purpose isn't to take it down it's to catch these people," Tony says and shows the team pictures of two people. I recognize them, they're my parents.
The whole flight I feel embarrassed, I fiddle with my shorts and I sense some eyes on me. Oh, God.
"Let's do this!" Steven says to the team when we walk out.
The team is just in one group now, we're all on our way inside trying to capture my parents. As soon as we'd find them we'd handcuff them and put them on the Quinjet.
Much to our surprise, we surprised the Hydra base. Agents were on computers, on couches relaxing, and some taking naps in beds. Some tried to pull their guns on us but Wanda stopped them with her powers.
"Walk around, call out when you find them." Steve commands and I run to the end of the long room.
I look at the faces of agents on their knees.
"Here!" Rhodey yells.
I run to him and seeing their faces, especially my mother's angers me.
I decide it's best for me to go outside to take a breather.
"You okay?" Tony joins me on the ground.
"I'm fine," I say pulling on some grass.
"You sure?"
"Well, you can talk to me. Or anyone on the team." Tony assures me and I nod.
He leaves me alone and I sit pulling on grass and looking at the sky. Breath in, breath out.
"Y/N, you have to tell them to let us go!" The voices of my parents beg me but I don't look at them.
SHIELD cars start arriving soon after and taking the Hydra agents.
"This went well," Nat says. "Hey what was that?" She asks when I don't answer.
"What was what?"
"Those agents knew you, they knew your name." She says.
"I Uhm, it must be some people that were talking about the abduction?" I try to excuse it but Nat doesn't seem so convinced.
"Sure." Nat walks away and I walk after her.
"Bring them out we'll take them from there!" Some SHIELD agent commands us and we do so.
"Y/N, would you like to question your parents?" Tony asks me quietly when we're starting to walk back to the Quinjet.
"I don't think I should."
On the Quinjet, my parents sit on the bench, I walk past them without taking a look at them.
"Can I sit here, just now?" I ask Nat who sits in the seat beside the steering station.
"Yeah, sure?" She stands up allowing me to sit in a chair looking away from my parents.
The flight back is as uncomfortable as it was before, if not even more.
I'm the last one out of the Quinjet walking behind everyone, instead of following them down to the interrogation rooms I split up from them and enter the library, discovering Loki also broke away from the group.
"You look uneasy." Loki declares when I sit down on an armchair in the small library lounge.
"It's nothing."
"No do tell, what's wrong."
"I'm not going to tell you."
"If we're trying to be friends, we should tell each other things," Loki says.
"Can't you just accept the answer; I'm fine, it's nothing."
"No?" He answers and I sigh taking a break from saying anything for a minute.
"It's just the mission, nothing else."
"What about the mission?" Loki pushes further.
"Loki, drop it!"
Loki doesn't answer, he looks at me and then turns to the book he has in his hands.
"Thanks," I mumble when opening my own book.
My phone starts ringing in my pocket when I finish my book, few hours had passed since we got back from the mission and I had been reading the whole time. Meanwhile, the rest of the team was either interrogating or watching the interrogation of my parents.
"Hey?" I say through the line.
"It's me listen we've got to talk," Tony says and I sigh.
"Can't you just tell me right now?" I ask him.
"Fine, they know, the team knows."
"About what?" I jump up in my seat already knowing the answer.
"They know that they're your parents."
I hang up and lean back in my chair closing my eyes, wanting to hide away from the world.
"What is it that's now bothering you?" Loki asks who is still sitting in the library with me.
"It's still the same thing." I stand up going to talk to Tony. Loki follows me. "Friends usually give up when the other friend says no or it's fine."
"Well, I'm not like other friends."
Instead of answering, I ignore him.
"Y/N-" Loki begins.
"Loki, I'm on my way to talk to Tony about some personal stuff, could you stop?" I turn to face Loki when I say this and he purses his lips and turns around walking back towards the library. I feel kind of bad, but he wouldn't give up.
"Hey, " I say leaning on the door frame of the conference room.
"You okay?" Tony asks me, turning his chair around to face me.
"I don't know." I pause. "What happened?"
"Nat and Steve we're interrogating them, Nat started to ask them about you and how they knew you." Tony starts explaining and I take a seat beside him. "Your parents only answered questions about you, when asked other questions they'd just stare at anything."
"How much does the team know?"
"They obviously know about how you got your powers and their drug problems, " Tony says referring to my parents. "They know that they're your parents, but I pulled them out before Nat could ask any more questions."
Tony doesn't answer me.
"I'm gonna go," I say and walk out of the room. I then quickly walk past the living room where most of the team is, I hear some call me, and someone standing up to follow me. Avoiding them at all costs I slip into the bathroom and lock myself in a shower stall.
"Y/N!" I hear Nat call when she enters the bathroom.
She checks all of the stalls, I realize that she'll know I'm in here if I just sit here without actually having the water turned on like I'm someone else taking a shower.
Without much thinking, I turn on the water, getting myself wet pretty quickly. I sigh. Nat knocks on my stall and asks whose in there.
I decide it's best not to answer.
Nat finally gives up and walks out. I turn off the shower, for a second I'm still hot from the heat that's in the clothes, but that heat quickly fades when I step out of the shower and start walking to my room, I shiver.
"What happened to you?" Loki's voice asks me.
I turn my head to see that he's standing by the stairs.
"Just go," I say and continue to walk towards my room.
Loki doesn't do as I say, he runs up to me and blocks me from continuing to walk.
"Loki, can you let me get changed?"
"Only if you tell me what has happened."
"Let's go." I give up on arguing with him.
He steps away from my path and follows me. When I open my door and walk in I expect Loki to wait outside but he walks inside with me.
"What happened?" He asks.
"Loki, I said; let me get changed. Then I would tell you. Just relax."
I open my closet, taking out some new clothes for me to change into.
"Turn around," I tell him to do when I start taking off my wet shirt. I don't know if he does because my shirt sticks to my face and I struggle to get it over my head. I grunt and when I do I feel hands on mine, helping me get my shirt off.
Loki was obviously the one to help me as he's the only person in the room. When I see again I see that he's looking at me.
"I told you not to look!" I say annoyed that his eyes look me up and down.
"I'm sorry." Loki turns around and I sit on my bed getting ready to take off my pants.
I was in leggings so they're skin tight and even harder to get off when wet. I use my hands to help me get them off, along with trying to use my feet to slide them off. Another grunt escapes my mouth and I notice Loki shiting in his steps.
"Fuck!" I mumble and that's it for Loki he turns around. He looks at me for a second before kneeling in front of me to help me get my pants off.
He seems to have no struggle with it and I'm in just my underwear within seconds of Loki starting to help.
"Thanks," I say to Loki but he goes to the other side of the bed and sits there, facing away from me.
I take off my underwear quickly and put another set on even quicker.
When I'm in all of my dry clothes I sit down on the bed, I'm not ready to tell anyone what happened but I kind of needed to right now.
"First of all, you have to promise not to tell anyone," I say and Loki turns to me.
"You have my word."
"You know how I got my powers, right?"
"No." He answers surprisingly.
"Ohh, okay, well, my parent's ar- were drug addicts, you know what that is?" I ask Loki not sure if he does as he's from a fancy planet or something.
"When I was young, " I didn't want to tell him how old I was, I didn't know why. "My parents basically sold me for drugs. Some men got to take me whenever they delivered drugs to them. And that was pretty often." I pause and Loki stares at me. "The men would experiment on me and that's how I got my powers."
Loki nods and doesn't break our eye contact.
"Now when I became eighteen, I ran away and lived on the street, in shelters and sometimes hotels or motels, when I had money." I take a deep breath. "Then I decided I wanted to help people, especially since I had powers, so I got to planning breaking into here and did it. Then that mission only we went on, I saw those guys who essentially tortured me. I was told to interview them and found out about my parents leading us to catch them."
"I barely see anything to be upset about?" Loki says.
"The last thing I'm about to tell you is the team knows, and I feel embarrassed about it. I didn't want anyone to find out, I guess it was bound to come out."
"Y/N, you shouldn't be embarrassed about your parent's activities, you aren't them, you don't speak for their actions, people who don't realize that should reevaluate their morals," Loki tells me putting his hand on my shoulder. I look at his hand and Loki slowly pulls it away.

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