Chapter 40

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1st Person POV. (Y/N)

Months have passed by since operation building a new compound started and now that we've finished building it we're in the last steps of decorating the new compound and then we'll be moving in.
Everyone has taken part in building and decorating, as it was Fury that told us we all had to do it. Tony choose the design I liked the best, I guess I did take part in the final decision.
In the past few months, Tony met and invited a kid named Peter Parker to join the Avengers, he didn't, but still spends a lot of time with us, he's from Brooklyn and as he calls it he's a friendly neighborhood spider-man. Tony spends a lot of time with him as well.
I push down my clothes into the suitcase and sit down on the closed suitcase to fully close it with the zipper.
I hear steps coming from the hallway and then Loki stands in the doorframe of his, or maybe our, bedroom. He stares at me struggling to get the zipper to close the packed to the rim suitcase.
"Are you just going to stare or are you going to think of coming to help me?" I ask him.
He chuckles and walks over to me. I push down one side of the suitcase and he zips it closed. He does it easily leaving me to stare at him perplexed how he could close it and I couldn't.
"I want you to come take a small break with me," Loki says, reaching for my hand over the suitcase we stand over.
"Loki I can't, I'm overwhelmed, for some reason. And I can't get these things out of my mind." I tell him.
"Y/N, it's just an hour, maybe two. You've been so busy the past few months I want to take you on a small break." Loki smiles.
"I can't resist that smile," I mumble and start to smile myself.
"It's an hour or two. Please." Loki says and tries to give me puppy dog eyes, he doesn't really know how to pull it off but knowing he really wants to take me somewhere I give up and nod.
"Okay, Y/N, we need to get dressed up and in the newly empty closet is a dress for you to wear for this getaway. I'll be in a suit." Loki says, he kisses my cheek and leaves me to get dressed.
I'm stunned, but walk over to the closed closet and open it. In it, there are only two things, the dress, and shoes. I take them both out and lay them down on the sheet less bed. The dress is the floor-length emerald green dress I lost when I got abducted by Hydra, I smile realizing Loki got it because it was my favorite dress. The shoes are black heels. I look at the outfit Loki picked out for me and then get in it. I'm not sure how but Loki got all of the measurements right.
The heels click on the floor and echo through the empty compound, Loki stands at the end of the hall by the stairs. He smiles ear to ear in a black suit. He fixes the sleeves on my way to him.
Loki offers his arm for me to link and I do, We walk down the stairs, through the second floor, and again down the stairs to the lobby without seeing anyone, Loki then starts to lead me out of the compound, it's starting to become spring so the air is a little cold. Loki leads me to the grass and stands with me. He then looks at me and smiles.
"Hold on tight." He then looks up to the sky while his hand snakes around my back and pulls me closer to his chest. "Heimdall!" He yells up into the sky. I don't know what's going on but I do as Loki says and hold on to him. A rainbow encircles us and sucks us up with it as it goes as fast as it came. I want to scream, but I don't, Loki knows what he's doing, I'm okay, I'm safe.
All of a sudden we land on a floor made out of gold, at least it seems like that.
My breath is rapid and I try to slow it down, I hold on to Loki's arm still facing his chest.
"Y/N, are you okay?" He asks, with a bit of worriedness in his voice.
"Mhm." I nod and start to back away from his chest and going back to the side of his arm. I look up from the floor and the sight of a man in golden armor with golden eyes greet my eyes.
He bows for, I assume, Loki. "Welcome back Prince Loki." I don't know what to do. Loki smiles a bit and greets the man back. "Welcome Lady Y/N to Åsgard." The man says to me and I finally realize that was the Bifrost and we're on Åsgard.
"Loki, what the hell! You said an hour or two." I turn to Loki.
"It'll be an hour or two, I hope." He says. "Y/N, this is Heimdall, protector of the realms." Loki waves his hand towards the man.
"Good evening." I decide to let it out of my mouth and he lets a small smile creep out on his face.
"Enjoy your evening," Heimdall said and Loki takes my hand and we begin to walk out of the circle house and out on a bridge, I'm still in shock.
The view of the golden city pulls me out of the shock and into admiration. The palace is the highest peak in Åsgard if you don't count the mountains surrounding the city. The houses around the castle are small and big, residential, and commercial. It's like traveling back in time to the medieval ages only along with all of the fold the world could offer.
"Is it all real gold?" I ask Loki stunned.
Loki smiles. "Yeah."
"Where are we going?" I ask him.
"We are going to take a walk." He says.
Quietly we walk the bridge, and through the houses, we stroll hand in hand. When we start to approach the end of the city and the forest starts to begin, I expect us to turn around but Loki doesn't say anything so I don't and so we walk a trail that leads through the forest.
The trees are at first close together but start to spread out until candle lights start to appear on our path and a big open space in between the tress reveals itself, in the middle, there's a table and seats, there are candles on the table and surrounding it, on the table are also empty dishes and cutlery beside the plates.
I look at Loki who's been looking at me and my reaction. I smile.
"What is this?" I ask him.
"I want to introduce you to my world." He says. He leads me closer to the table, breaking away for me to drag out a seat for me to sit down in. He sits down in front of me.
"Are you hungry?" Loki asks. "I hope so." He then snaps his finger and food appears on the plate.
My eyes go wide. "Why don't you do this more often?" I ask him.
"Because I like cooking with you."
"Yeah, and whenever I cook, you come and help me?" I laugh. He does too.
"You got me." He put his hands up in the air, before putting them down and picking up his cutlery.
I pick my fork and knife too and look down at my plate. On the dish are lamb ribs, mashed turnips, two sausages, and boiled potatoes. "Mm." I hum and dig in.
"This is really good," I tell Loki and grab another bite.
"I'd hope so." He answers.
We eat and chat, laughter sometimes echoes through the forest.
"You ready for dessert?" Loki asks and snaps his fingers, clearing out my almost empty plate.
"I guess so." My face has a wide smile on it. Loki snaps his finger for the third time. This time a slice of Apple pie with cream appears, along with two rolled-up pancakes with sugar in them and rhubarb compote. I smile and pick up my dessert spoon and fork and enjoy the delicious flavors that dance in my mouth. Loki eats too, he seems to enjoy it as much as me, maybe more, the memories he has with these deserts are probably many and help with the enjoyment.
Again we talk about the last few months, especially about our relationship. Loki's laughter that was rarely seen then, makes me smile as we take the last bites of our desserts.
Loki's eyes look at me and smile, quieting down after his laugh, he's still smiling and his eyes look deep into my soul, I feel like he's searching for something. Then he snaps his finger for the last time that night.
I look down at my clean plate, the only thing on it is a box. I look up at Loki my eyes wide and that date we had a long time ago pops up in my mind where I didn't think about anything else than a ring I wasn't sure I wanted then. Now, I smile and shakily pick up the box.
I look up again at Loki who sits in his seat, smiling and waiting for me to open it.
I open the box slowly and it reveals a simple gold ring, it has a greenstone on it, two smaller clear stones are set beside the green one, the ring itself is a small band.
My eyes tear up and I look at Loki who's now on one knee, he reaches for my hand and takes it.
"This speech may be similar to the one I gave you a few months ago." Loki smiles. "But anyways. I could never have imagined myself on my knees for anyone, and now today the only person I'll get on my knees for is and always will be you. It may seem quick to others, maybe even you, but I know you're the one for me and I don't want to wait longer than the wedding planning takes to be able to call you mine, my wife. Y/F/N, I do wish to be the luckiest man in the whole nine realms and all the others, that's why I ask you the most beautiful, funny, kind, and infuriating woman in the whole wide galaxy to become my best friend and wife." Loki says.
I push my seat away from the table and nod, I pull Loki to me, and in my hand, while I hug him I still hold the box holding the beautiful ring. "Yeah," I manage to stutter. "Of course I'll marry you!" I laugh, feeling like I'm in a dream.
"You will?" Loki's voice sounds relived.
"Yeah." I laugh again.
Loki pulls away and takes the open box out of my hand. He carefully picks up the ring, still on his knees on the ground. "Will you be my wife?" Loki asks again. Holding my left hand in front of him with one hand and in the other waits the ring for my approval once more.
"Yes!" I yell. I was starting to get impatient with him to slide the ring on my finger, but finally, he does, his hand trembles while he moves the ring a few centimeters up my finger.
"This is unbelievable!" I say and stand up with Loki. I hug him tightly and he does me too.
"I love you so much!" Loki says, he pulls away from the hug and leans to my lips, kissing me passionately. I kiss him back and my hands stay on his back and his hands stay on my lower back.
"Do you want to go to the palace to meet my mother and father?" He asks, cupping my face, and our for heads touching, while we smile, both the happiest we've ever been in our lives.
"Sure," I say and I drop my arms, along with his and we entering them like we always do and we leave the table in the forest and we head towards the castle.

Loving A God - LokixReaderWhere stories live. Discover now