Chapter 28

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1st person POV. (Loki)

I look at the clock on the computer that sits in front of me.
It reads 04:36, I sigh and look around to Wanda and Thor whose eyes are both glued to their files. I look down at the file I have in my hand and read about the abandoned building which is considered to be a Hydra building.
The many files I have deemed to be unworthy of a Hydra headquarters sit by my chair and I throw the one in hand on top of it.
It tumbles over itself, and I scoff before standing up to gather the files we'll look over again someday.
The first file is in my hand, a second one and I'm reaching for a third when Wanda speaks.
"I think I've found something."
I drop the files on the floor and rush over to see, Thor, standing up.
I glance over the words and I find it interesting and something worth waking up Tony to have him make us check it out.
"We should get Tony," I say and we leave the lab in a wrecked state.
Thor knocks heavily on Tony's door.
We hear steps get close to the door and Tony stands there, in his pajamas.
"What?" He yawns.
"We think we've got something." Wanda hands him the file that's in her hand and he turns on the light reading it over with his just woken up eyes. Before he understands what he's looking at, he read the file over about three times.
"Wake up the others, I'll call Strange, Clint, and Cho." Tony throws the file to Wanda before taking up his phone and opening up the case to his suit.
We knock on the doors of everyone, telling them to suit up and meet downstairs. When all the doors are open except Y/N's, and honestly they haven't been opened since we got back together.
But it still hurts to know that we're not only going on a mission without her, but we're also going on a mission because of her, to rescue our beloved Y/N.
I really just go into my room to see a picture we took and hid in a drawer, as I could snap my finger and be in my suit. But I wanted to see her in an okay state before I go and see her miserable.
I run downstairs and soon everyone's there. We wait in silence for Strange I arrive with Clint, somehow that takes a long time.
Finally, an orange circle starts appearing in the middle of the circle we have formed, waiting to go rescue our beloved teammate and more. The circle's fully formed when we see another room inside it and Strange walks through to us.
I'm relieved we can hurry up and go but when I notice he's not with Clint my mood takes a nosedive.
"We should hurry up! Who knows in what state she's in? We could lose her if we spend more time doing nothing for her!" I say angrily, ready to have her in my arms again.
"Loki's right, while you get Clint we'll get on the Quinjet, meet us there," Tony tells Strange and he leaves through his circle while we start running through the rain to get on the Quinjet, it has been standing out on the field waiting for us to take off in a hurry for Y/N.
We sit down and Clint and Strange join us when Nat is about to sit down in the co-pilot seat but has to stand up and hug Clint. I roll my eyes and am about to tell them off when they break up their embrace and turn the engine of the Quinjet on.
"Where are we headed?" Clint yells to Tony and he and Nat answer him at the same time. He punches in the coordinates and we fly towards Y/N.
I hope she's okay, I just hope that we arrive in time whether it's a lot in time or just when she's about to end up either dead or with no memory. If she's alright, I'll be alright.
I look to my side at the window the whole flight, about two hours, when we start to lower the Quinjet I notice and start to get myself ready emotionally. But then again if she's really damaged, emotionally or physically, I won't need to hide my pain, they'll all know why I'm in pain so there's no need to do that, but it would be kind of embarrassing if they'd see me like that so, that seems like the better option.
But no need to think about that now or any time unless she's gone for good, but I firstly, need to find out how and where she is.
The door of the Quinjet opens and we pile out of the jet, when we're all ready, we step to the side where we're revealed the whole shack that's in front of us. What the hell is this? How could this ever be the Hydra headquarters?
I'm answered when the door opens and greets us with Hydra agents holding loaded guns pointed at us, and the small glance I get into the shack uncovers a staircase I believe leads underground.
We jump in all directions to avoid getting hit by bullets. We start to approach them with our talents, Wanda throwing them in the air and to the sides. Thor summoning lightning to strike the agents with his hammer. Tony, Rhodey, and Sam blast them up and other things in the air, while Steve and Bucky lead the group on the ground, running, punching, and stabbing. Nat and Clint use their amazing aiming talents. And Vision and Strange do some kind of magic. I however run and stab with my daggers, mimicking some moves Y/N showed me.
It feels like whenever we're close to getting to the door another wave of agents come up to fight us. I start to pull out some tricks I haven't used since training in Åsgard and we get a lot faster through when I've bent a blade throwing it like Thor throws his hammer and it slides through the torsos of a load of our enemies.
Fallen opponents lay mostly dead on the moist ground as I fetch the blade that has sunken into the soil. I pick it up and wipe the blood and dirt off the damaged dagger.
"Come on, before more guns come shooting bullets at us," Nat says standing by the door, she holds the handle, and Tony, Thor, Steve, and I are first, the rest walk down the long stairs case behind us.
We go down slowly, eyeing the steps below us to see if someone is coming up to us, doors open, we hear quick footsteps, and screaming in the tone of a woman below us. I want to run down to get her in my arms but Tony doesn't start walking any quicker.
Finally, we take the last steps of the stairs and are in the middle of two doors, one on the left the other right.
"What now?" Thor asks.
"We have a better chance to find her by splitting up, " Rhodey says.
"No, even though we do, we're better off to go together as we planned, that way, we always have the upper hand," Steve says.
"I agree," I tell the team, they nod and the final decision made by Tony is to stick to our plan.
So we flip a coin to choose a side. Left or right, heads or tails? Left is heads, right is tails. "Heads it is," Tony says looking at the coin that sits in his hand, he points to the left and Steve takes the lead, opening the double door to a long hallway with many rooms we have to clear, hopefully, this is the right choice, hopefully, we're not making the wrong choice by staying together or going down the left corridor.
Here we go.

1st person POV. (Y/N)

I look at the ceiling wishing that this was the ceiling of Loki's room, that I was in his arms, hiding from the other Avengers, I hope that they're on their way. I hope they get me out of here.
The sound from the machine starts and I take a deep breath to get myself ready. The shock goes through my body and I try to hold down the screams but I can't, the screams that got out echoed through the room, a woman comes through the door before I finish screaming.
She stands in front of me, staring, waiting for the machine to stop its actions. When the machine stops and the sound with it, I hear a loud commotion far away, the woman starts to step towards me but I fight, I try to wiggle my hands out again just like all the times before that now have left big bruises that hurt me more when I struggle than before.
The woman then gets to my side and stabs me with a needle, once again injecting me with a liquid that makes me feel queasy and then makes me fall asleep.
My body is used to it so I can stay awake for a minute or so before I doze off unwillingly.

1st person POV. (Loki)

The corridor is full of rooms that look like labs, training rooms, hostage areas, file rooms, or computer spaces. Every person we see in the hallway Clint shoots a net exploding arrow that capsules them, he and Wanda always stay outside to catch those who run between rooms. We go into the rooms to cuff the people together making them sit on the floor, clearing the room that way.
It continues down the whole hallway and there's still no sign of Y/N. She must be down the right corridor. We hear screams from the same woman when we're getting close to the door. I really do want to run to my love, but even if I tried the team would stop me and send me up to Bruce to wait there, so my only option is to keep up with them, no matter how slow they are.
We walk through two double doors and then we're in the right corridor. I see people run in and out of a few rooms, Clint takes them down with his net and we enter the first room, and second, then third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth.
When we're getting out of the tenth room we have cleared I see about six doors down, a woman in a lab coat peek out of the room. She quickly pulls her head back in, piquing my interest in the room she's in. I decide to join Clint and Wanda in the hallway to keep an eye on the room that might hold Y/N. Now when I'm in less action it feels like they're taking forever to clear every single room up to the door the woman was in.
When we're about to enter the room I take a breath and Steve tries to open the room, it's locked so in one swift move he kicks down the door.
We see a big metal-like chair facing away from us, a strand of Y/N hair color lays down by the side, there's a woman, who I saw, standing in the corner with her hands up.
"Please don't hurt me." She cries. Tony and Steve Step forward to her past the chair, I follow looking straight at the chair.
All the features from Y/N's face greet my eyes, her lids are closed and head tilted down. I look at Tony who's looking at Y/N.
"Take her." He says. Looking back to the woman.
I take out one of my daggers cutting the ropes that hold her away from being free.
When the ropes are removed they reveal bruises on her wrists and ankles from the struggle of trying to get free. I rip the cords that are stuck to her body and take her almost bare body up bridal style, trying to be careful and not cause her more pain than she has suffered here.
"Strange, open up a portal," I ask of him.
He makes a circular movement with his hand holding the other stead facing away from me. The orange color starts to flicker in the air, when it's fully formed it shows me the view inside the Quinjet, the table Bruce has set up but no Bruce. Hopefully, he's there but we can't see it from here.
I walk through when Strange nods his head assuring me it's a stable portal.
We walk through like a normal door, no added side effects, that I feel at least, and Y/N can't express herself about it.
"Bruce!" I yell, laying Y/N slowly and cautiously.
He's right there in front of the table, maybe you can't ever see anyone through the portals Strange makes.
"You don't have to yell." He mumbles and turns his eyes immediately toward Y/N.
Bruce moves and gets a machine, connecting new and similar cords to her and the machine. He peels off a protective layer and sticks it on her.
Beeps start alerting us of her aliveness.
"Loki can you try and get that off of her?" Bruce points to the armlet she has on one of her wrists.
I take out my dagger, and pry it open, at first everything stays normal but then Y/N starts to shake, and the machine beep uncontrollably.
Bruce looks at the monitor screen and runs to a shelf. On it sits a first aid kit.
"Start CPR!" He calls to me, I just look at Y/N not sure what to do.
"What happening!" I yell at Bruce.
"She's going into cardiac arrest."

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