Part 5- The Queen

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There were battles in space, on the surface... "What have they done to my home?"

They entered the gunship, Anakin, Rex, some other clones and Melian. She was never so determined, it felt like she was a different person. Maybe my tattoo has something to do with Naboo? she was still stuck on that tattoo... The gunship was supposed to drop them off in Theed. As always, they almost got shot on their way down. Melian didn't really like flying in the gunship because she knew so many solders that never made it to the battlefield, their gunship got shot. The door to the gunship opened and Melian stared in disbelief: so many droids, clones, natives, dead bodies... She would've stared for longer if Anakin didn't drag her out of the gunship.

Their primary goal was to protect the Queen. They had a plan: Anakin and the 501st will keep the droids away from the Palace, while Rex and Melian go inside the Palace, find the Queen and lead her to a bunker, then they return to Anakin and help them free Naboo. Simple enough, right? Wrong.

Rex and Melian were on the move. They had to move quickly but carefully. They were better with only quickly, so they just ran through the Palace. Surprisingly, not that many droids attacked them. A few of them, but Rex shot a few of them down and Melian returned the bolts they fired. Somewhere in the middle of the Palace they ran into the Queen and her royal guards. They were already on their way to the bunker. And, how it usually goes, droids overwhelmed them. Now is the time Melian shows what she learned.

She stood in front of everyone, with Rex on her left. She turned her lightsabers on, purple and cyan shining thru the Palace. Droids started shooting, but they can't shoot as fast as Melian can block those shots. After she returned their shots destroying some of the droids, she went into real action. She ran closer to them and sliced them one by one. In no time, they were gone.

Melian turned to the Queen and nodded. The Queen nodded back and they were on their way to the bunker again. One shot brushed off of her left hand and left a little wound, nothing she couldn't handle. This was her actual first wound on the battlefield. She didn't want to admit it, but it felt nice. The adrenalin pumping thru her veins, making the wound seem less serious than it actually is. It made her feel alive.
"Is your arm okay?". It was Rex, he saw the wound.
"Yeah. It's just a small wound. I didn't get shot, it just brushed off of me"
"Kix should check it out. You know how he is, he would be angry if he knew you had a wound and didn't come to him". Kix was the medic and one of the first of the clones that was Melian's friend.
"Yes you're right. I don't want him to be angry. Or to get a hour long lecture from him on why ignoring your wounds is bad"

They led the Queen safely to the bunker.
"Take care milady. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go defend our home" Melian bowed a little, then went back to help Anakin.

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