Part 39- But you left me

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"You better not leave me!"
"I would never!" She yelled as the door closed behind her, and with a sigh, she was on her way. Finally. Done with this ordeal. It can't go very wrong after this, right? Hopefully

Melian and Shaak stood in the middle of the small cargo ship, Fives in the room behind them. The two Jedi would have a small conversation from time to time, but nothing major. Melian was a bit distant for some reason, and Shaak didn't wanna push it. At the sound of soft groans, both of them looked over their shoulder, at Fives. He was strapped to a table and was shaking a bit, mumbling something. Melian slowly walked up to him, glad that Nala Se decided to leave the room at the moment.
"Fives. Fives what's wrong" she shook him a bit and asked barely louder than a whisper. He opened his eyes and searched for her, though it was impossible to see almost anything. He mumbled something again, and Melian sighed out of worry
"Fives please just,, say something I can understand" she leaned closer to him
"She...did...something..." he coughed
"What are you doing?" Nala Se's voice sounded through the small room
"Nothing. I was just talking to my friend" Melian put on a serious face
"Melian, we will be landing soon, could you please accompany me here?" Shaak called
"Of course, Master" she answered with a sigh. Shaak turned her back towards the two again, and before leaving, Melian looked at Nala Se and sticked her middle finger in the air, a sweet smile spread across her face. Nala Se scoffed as Melian stood next to Shaak again, the doors between the rooms closing
"She does deserve it, but try doing it a bit more secretly the next time, hm?" Shaak smiled down at her, Melian chuckling.
"I supposed you would be mad"
"Oh how could I. You're my favorite. I'll let you pass this time"
"Master you say that every time I do something like this" Melian looked down and laughed.
"You want me to stop?" Shaak asked with a smile
"Please don't"
They shared another laugh as the ship landed.

The ramp fell down, letting the warm, dirty air of Coruscant inside the ship. Shaak was the first to step outside, Melian following quickly. Mas Amedda and a pair of shock troopers were outside, waiting for them.
"Greetings Master Jedi" Mas Amedda nodded his head at Shaak.
"Padawan" he nodded at Melian as she stepped next to Shaak, nodding back.
"The Chancellor is waiting inside" he turned around, Shaak and Melian following with Nala Se and Fives behind them. Fives was still muttering something, and Melian got more worried. She could swear she sensed something, though she couldn't for the life of her discover what it was. For now, she would ignore it, there were more important things. They walked inside, two shock troopers standing in front of the door that opened as soon as they stepped close. In the room, Chancellor awaited, accompanied by a few shock troopers, as well as 2 Red Guards. They always gave Melian the creeps.
"Master Shaak Ti, it is good to see you again" The Chancellor spoke, turning around to look at them
"Ah, and Padawan Viggó, is it?"
"Yes, Chancellor" Melian smiled
"You look so mature now. Master Skywalker is still teaching you well, hm?" He asked with a smile. Melian already knew how close the Chancellor and her own Master are, so she nodded quickly.
"I wish we could chat more, but there are more important things" he looked back at Shaak and put a hand around her shoulder as Fives' table and he were pushed inside the room.
"I trust you've kept this matter extremely confidential"
"Of course, Chancellor"
"Ah, good. So this is the clone who has caused so much alarm" The Chancellor said as they stopped in front of Fives.

They hooked his table onto a machine, which turned him vertically over to the to Jedi and The Chancellor, and lifted him up. He might as well just be standing.
"No, no, you drugged me. She..." he mumbled, a lot clearer this time. Clear enough for Shaak's montreals, and even Melian's ears, to catch it.
"There, there, soldier, don't strain yourself" The Chancellor comforted him as Melian came closer to the two.
"... Sir" Fives straightened his posture when he realized who he was talking to.
"Guards, let him down please" he gestured to the two shock troopers on the sides. They pushed a button, and the two belts tying him to the table retracted, making him fall and stumble  but quickly regain stability on his feet again.
"Now, trooper, what brings you before me?"
"The chips, Chancellor" Fives rubbed the back of his neck, his voice harsh, different than usual. Melian slightly tilted her head in confusion, then looked over at Nala Se. She could bet that whatever's going on with Fives, she caused.
"Chips?" The Chancellor furrowed his eyebrows
"These were removed from both clone troopers" Shaak lifted the two chips between two pieces of glass. She stretched her hand and gave them to the Chancellor.
"Clone trooper Fives claims they are the problem"
Melian cleared her throat quietly, Shaak knowing what she meant with that. She slightly turned her head over to the Padawan and shook it no. Melian sighed and looked over at Fives, shrugging her shoulders. He nodded at her, and looked at the floor. Melian wanted Shaak to tell him she thought the chips were a problem as well. Shaak refused, thinking it would cause just too many problems.
"Those are inhibitor chips, which are placed in clones to make them less aggressive and more complaint to orders" everyone in the room looked over at Nala Se as she spoke.
"I tried to explain to this clone, and Padawan, that they are placed in clones for their own good, but this clone removed his chip regardless" she walked closer to them. Melian's eyes widened when Nala Se mentioned her, and Shaak just sighed. This wasn't really supposed to happen. She could see The Chancellor side eyeing her. Dammit.
"Our own good?" Fives asked, clueless of what was happening other than Nala Se talking.
"This thing they put in us malfunctioned in clone trooper Tup. I removed his and analyzed it, there were signs of rapid decay" he looked straight at The Chancellor.
"And we're positive this has nothing to do with a virus?" The Chancellor looked to his right, to the two Jedi and the Kaminoan.
"No, we still do not know for sure what caused trooper Tup to kill" Nala Se shook her head
"We only know that the chip failed, and now this clone has removed his own chip, which makes him a risk to himself and others" she continued, walking to the left.
"Doctor please, he is not a risk. I've been with him for so long after he removed his chip and yet here I am, alive with not even a scratch" Melian finally spoke up, the attention of the room shifting to her.
"Sir they're covering something up. We know it, I know it" Fives added, pulling Melian closer by her arm.
"If it's not them, it's a Separatist plot. They use the chip against us to make us more violent than less. That's why Tup killed General Tiplar!" He continued.
"A Separatist plot from before the war even started? That seems unlikely. Don't you agree, Master Shaak Ti?" The Chancellor questioned .
"It does Chancellor, it seems very unlikely" she side eyed the two, both looking at the ground immediately.
"It is absolutely impossible. What we have here is a single malfunction to one clone's inhibitor chip caused by a virus, Separatist plot or not" Nala Se quickly jumped in, waving her hands through the air. Fives and Melian rolled their eyes as soon as she started talking, and then The Chancellor turned to Melian.
"And how exactly do you fall into this story?" he rubbed his eyes, trying to process everything he's heard.
"Oh, well it's nothing major. When Fives and I were sent to Kamino with Tup, he was sent as to keep an eye on Tup, and,, I was sent to keep an eye on Fives and Tup. There was nothing we could do about Tup it was too late. But I'd do anything to keep Fives safe" she crossed her arms.
"He's gonna kill you the first chance he gets, just like Tup did" Nala Se smirked, barely visible. Melian saw Fives look down and she would've snapped at her, but in a room with so many guards and The Chancellor himself, she decided to try and keep her cool
"He has never done anything to hurt me, or tried to. Before or after he removed his chip, it doesn't matter. You don't know him like I do. Nobody does" she slowly walked over to Nala Se
"Perhaps it would be best if clone trooper Fives and I discussed this without your presence" The Chancellor put his hands behind his back.
"Chancellor I must object" Shaak shook her head slightly.
"Please, Master Jedi, trust me. I will not be alone, I have my security here" he gestured to the clones and the Red Guards.
"I want this soldier to feel he is having a fair say in this matter" he continued. Though unhappily, all three nodded and started walking out of the room, Melian stopping besides Fives and whispering something.
"Stay safe. I have a bad feeling about this" she nodded, and he nodded back. She didn't want to alarm him but it was best if he knew. Melian was the last to step out, Nala Se and Shaak already outside, and the door shut behind her.

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