Part 36- Again

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Almost immediately, the frigate jumped to lightspeed on its way to Kamino. Melian closed her eyes, whispering "May the Force be with us", hoping it will truly be like that.

Rex had some work in the front of the ship, leaving Fives and Melian alone with Tup and their thoughts. While Fives sat with his back straight, Melian was practically laying down.
"I still miss him" Melian suddenly said, looking up at Fives
"Echo" here eyes were glassy, getting filled with tears, a lump in her throat forming
"Melian, it's been so long and-"
"You can't tell me you don't miss him too" she interrupted. Fives sighed
"Of course I do. He was my best friend, my twin..." he sadly chuckled, remembering how all the other cadets used to refer to them as "The Domino Twins". But now one of them was gone, leaving Fives alone with all the sad memories.
"But if we think like that about every single soldier in this army... you just have to learn to let them go" he finished.
"But how do I do that? How do you do that so easily? I'm not asking about usually, I'm asking just about Echo. How can you keep going and act like you never even knew him? How doesn't it hurt you?"
He sighed again
"You want me to be honest? I miss him. A lot. I really do. I still have nightmares and I can never stop thinking about him. The worst part is that wherever I look, there's a person looking almost exactly like him. Even when I look into the mirror his reflection is there, haunting me. I still carry the burden of not stopping him from running out at that moment. I still blame myself for it. That's why you have to learn to let them go. If not, it'll only eat you out and destroy you. Trust me" he looked over at Tup, avoiding her gaze.
"He'll make it. Don't worry" she tried to comfort him, referring to Tup
"You don't know that" he snapped his head and looked back at her.
"Well I refuse to loose another friend, I refuse, Fives!" she stood up, a tear falling down her cheek. This whole ordeal was driving her crazy.
"It's not something you control Melian, because if it was, none of them would be dead now" he harshly said, pointing with his finger to the side, turning around to walk away. But before he could, Melian caught his arm.
"Don't go. Please. I don't wanna be alone"
The look in her eyes and the shaking of her voice was enough to make him stay.
"Alright" he softly said, pulling her into a friendly hug.

As always, rain was pouring on Kamino. Rex had called for Fives and Melian to ready themselves and to ready Tup for the landing. And since it was pouring, they had made Melian wear her cloak, her only reaction being "You serious?". From all the things, wearing those giant cloaks was the worst. Nevertheless, she put the hood over her head and prepared to exit into the cold rain. The ramp lowered down, Melian coming out first, Fives and Rex on her heels, pushing Tup. They were greeted by a Kaminoan, still unfamiliar to any of them and a pair of clones. With a few nods, they pushed Tup into the buildings themselves.

The clones had been pushing Tup now, leaving Fives and Rex empty handed, walking by Melian's side. She took her soaked hood off, sighing. Fives took his helmet off as the Kaminoan talked.
"You will have to say goodbye to your friend now"
"Yes, Doctor" Fives looked up at her, the clones pushing Tup away. And as the Doctor walked away, a familiar face approached the three.
"Master Shaak Ti!" Melian greeted, happy to see the Master she had come to love as a mother.
"Melian, am I glad to see you. It's been so long and you grew so much" Shaak chuckled at her.
"Captain Rex" she nodded at him after noticing he took his helmet off, recieving a nod in return.
"Fives, am I correct?" She turned to him.
"Yes, General" he nodded, remembering her from his late days as a Cadet.
"You've served with Tup?" She asked as he was pushed away behind her, getting a nod in return again.
"You must come with me"
"With... with all due respect, General, I can't just abandon him now" he was unsure if he really wanted to leave Tup alone now.
"You must let the doctors do their work. Do not be afraid. Your friend is in quite capable hands" she spoke as the four walked.
"Doctor Nala Se is the Chief Medical Scientist on Kamino" she referred to the Kaminoan in front of them, the one who greeted them on the landing platform. Melian took a good look, the Force felt a bit off at her. Perhaps just worry over Tup. Or perhaps her feeling was right... Nevertheless, she would keep a good eye on all of them.
"Now we must take care of you" Shaak said as Melian finally zoned back in. She supposed Shaak was referring to Fives.
"Me?" He asked surprised.
"There's nothing wrong with me, General. I'm perfectly fine"
"We can't be sure of that until we've completed a full exam. If a virus was the cause of Tup's breakdown, you have more than likely been exposed to the contagion" her tone was serious. Fives looked back at Rex and Melian with a "Is she serious?" look, though in return he only got a "come on, just listen to her" look and a soft nod. Turning back, unhappily, they all listened to Shaak.
"You haven't entered the advanced stages yet, as Tup has, but any information we can gather from you could help find a cure for Tup" as Shaak mentioned that, Melian felt something in Fives change. Something shifted in him, his priorities changed. There was no indecisiveness or fear left in him. Only determination. Determination to find a cure for Tup.
"Alright General, if it'll help Tup" he stopped, and with a sigh talked. Shaak nodded at him with a smile, then turned to Rex.
"Captain Rex, General Skywalker has ordered you back to the war zone. You are to leave immediately"
"I'm sorry you two" he turned to them
"I wish I could stay, but, duty calls"
"Don't apologize Rex" Melian smiled.
"Fighting a virus is a nice change of pace from all those clankers"
"Take care of yourselves..." Rex put his helmet on again
"And Tup" nodding at them one more time he walked away.

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