Part 25- A feeling

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Then they left, continuing their little trip that's slowly, but steadily coming to an end  

They were running away and Obi-Wan called the Jedi Temple.
"I'm afraid we've had a situation with the shuttle"
"By situation he means big explosion" Anakin joined Obi-Wan.
"We're gonna need a rescue" he continued. Master Plo confirmed that they will come and rescue them.
"This landscape is almost impossible to cross" Fives said, looking around himself.
"That is the trap of the Citadel, it was designed so it would be almost impossible for fugitives to get off the surface" Obi-Wan gave them a lesson.
"Luckily we aren't just any fugitives"
"I hope you're right" Melian told her master, still holding Echo's helmet in her hands. Rex could see Melian didn't take Echo's death easily, neither did he. But he would help her however he knew and could.

Melian's pained scream still echoed in Rex's mind. It hurt him seeing her hurt. As they were walking he put his arm around her shoulder, trying to make her feel better. He knew it was gonna be hard, but he'll do anything for her.

"What's our next move gonna be?" Melian asked.
"Well, we're gonna have to fight our way off this rock"
"Contact the Council. See when the plan to rescue us"
"I'll handle it" Master Piell replied and Obi-Wan nodded. Master Piell turned around to Artoo who already had Master Windu on hold. Master Plo was already en route to where they were. He would send a gunship to pick them up on a small island in the middle of everything. They could not delay though, because if they don't arrive on that island in time, the gunship may have to leave without them.

Right after they finished the 'meeting' they had, they got ambushed. Few of the commando droids. Fives threw a bomb and it almost made the cave we were in collapse, but just one part did, killing the droids. They left in a hurry, there were certainly more on the way.

After escaping droids once again, they were inside a hole of some sorts, a small cave, something. They were just walking, a couple of them talking, but Melian just wasn't in the mood. She was looking at Echo's helmet that was securely held in her hands. She didn't realise it yet, but she was holding it just like Echo did. It made her smile a little, even chuckle. She still couldn't believe Echo is gone. It sure didn't feel like that. And it wasn't just misplaced hope that he's alive, no. It was the Force. His appearance in the Force was still there. If she told anyone that they would tell her that she just wished he were here. A fancy way of saying 'misplaced hope'. She'll keep that to herself. Melian was so in her thoughts that she didn't feel something... she didn't feel something was coming.

They were exiting the hole, cave or whatever they were in. Tarkin was yet again complaining.
"What if your jedi friends are not there when we arrive?"
"Keep moving and you won't have to worry about that, Tarkin" even Master Piell was irritated by his captain.
"Why did Master Piell have to share half the intel with that guy. It's like he's not even grateful we rescued him" Melian asked her Master, thinking of Tarkin. Anakin sighed a little.
"Captain Tarkin feels the jedi should be... relieved from the burden of leading the war effort". Melian stopped for a second to think about it.
"Well, it doesn't sound so bad. After all, we're peacekeepers. But then again we are skilled fighters capable of many things, so people should be glad we're leading the war".

Suddenly, they all heard howling. It sounded rather distant, but that doesn't mean it's gonna stay distant.
"Do you hear that?" Melian asked.
"Yes. We're going to have company".

Tarkin and Anakin were having a 'discussion' as they call it, but they all knew it was a fight. Now, as they were fighting, arguing what ever word you wanna use, they slowed down.
"Let's keep moving. If we're not at the rendezvous at the exact time, we'll miss our window" Obi-Wan interrupted them. They let go of the fight and continued moving.

The howling was getting closer and closer. They had to think of a way to get rid of the animals following them.
"What about using this cave to surprise them?" Melian suggested.
"If we can get them to pass by, we can attack them from behind" Master Piell added to Melian's suggestion.
"But we need a distracion" he finished.
"Leave that to me" Anakin said. Obi-Wan looked at him a cleared his throat.
"And Obi-Wan, of course".
"Okay, the rest of you, follow me" Master Piell said. Melian had to think of a solution quick. A solution for what, you may ask? What is she gonna do with Echo's helmet? Is she just gonna fight with it in the other hand or is she gonna think of something better? Right now she didn't really have time to think of something better so it'll do.

Melian and the others were hiding, as the animals were passing by. The distraction seemed to work and the animals were going in the direction of Anakin and Obi-Wan. As Melian, Master Piell and the others were running, they got ambushed. Four of the crab-like droids came from the walls. The first one came alone and Master Piell destroyed it, then three more came.
"Keep going! Melian and I will take care of the droids" he looked at Melian and they both nodded.

Melian was completely surrounded. She had to think of what to do, fast. She didn't think of it fast enough so she just ended up blocking their shots. With Echo's helmet in her other hand it was a bit harder, but not her first time using only one of her lightsabers, it'll be fine. She finally got the hang of it and stabbed it in it's eye. There was only one left now and Master Piell destroyed it too. While he was stabbing the droid, one of the animals jumped on him. It started throwing him around like a toy. Melian reacted as quick as she could. She scared the animal with her lightsabers then pushed it away.

She kneeled next to Master Piell.
"I have to get help" she started leaving but he stopped her. He was gonna tell her the coordinates of the Nexus Route.
"I need you to deliver it back to the Council". Melian wanted to go find Anakin or Obi-Wan, but he stopped her again, saying that she needs to hear this.
"But I wasn't assigned to the team. I lied so I could be a part of the mission" she told him the truth, but he didn't give up. In the end she let go and listened to the coordinates, promising to bring it only to the Council.

He died. Melian was carrying him over her shoulder, finally arriving to Obi-Wan and Anakin. She found a solution for Echo's helmet- she attached it to her belt. Anakin took over Master Piell and they laied him on the ground.
"I have the information. He told me before he... died" Melian knew what everyone wanted to know. They wrapped Master Piell in a fabric and lowered him in the lava, river, whatever that was.

They were nearing their rendezvous, the island. Anakin and Cody shot two cables that they'll use to cross the lava, river, whatever. Rex and Tarkin were the first ones to cross to the island. Just as the two of them crossed to the island, another set of droids on STAP's came, only this time Commander Sobeck was with them. Melian didn't have time to slowly cross to the island by cables so she jumped as far as the Force would let her. Luckily it was just enough so she landed on her feet. She started blocking the shots, while Rex, who was near her, was shooting at them. Others were slowly crossing too. Rex managed to shoot Sobeck's STAP and it fell... right on the island. He got a hold of Tarkin, knowing he has a half of the information. He wanted to throw Tarkin in the lava but Melian stabbed Sobeck. As much as she hated that bastard Tarkin he still had the information. And Master Piell didn't die so only one half of the information was delivered.

The gunship finally arrived. The carb-like droids were climbing on the island and almost cornered them. On the gunship, everything was silent, not a word was said.

Tarkin wanted to tell the information to the Chancellor but Melian hadn't forgot her promise. Only Council can know. Besides, she didn't like the Chancellor. She would rather die and take the information to her grave than tell him anything. A feeling of hers.

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