Part 12- The Night

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"If you say so. But if you change your mind, just wake me up" he want back to sleep.

In the end, Melian was so tired and decided to sleep after all. She didn't wake up Rex though, he was sleeping so calmly. She took some hay from the animals, placed it in front of Rex's bench and sat on it, leaning on the bench. Not the most comfortable sleeping place but it'll do.

Melian was sleeping, but she stopped herself from falling into a deep sleep incase something happens. Just as she was about to drift off, she heard something. It sounded like a door opening... footsteps... some kind of a staff... As soon as Melian was sure there was a weapon she was done sleeping. But she knew what Rex is planning, so she stayed sitting where she was. Her hand was on her right lightsaber, but she wasn't going to attack, just protect. Footsteps were getting closer and closer. Rex pointed his blaster at the man, but the staff hit his blaster and it flew away. By the time all of this happened, Melian had turned her lightsaber on and brought it up, between the staff and Rex. That's when they noticed something.

"Who are you?" The man asked us with a sharp tone, but Rex saw it
"You're a clone" he replied with the same sharp tone. The man rested his staff on the floor
"So, I see the war has finally made it's way here, and I can expect a visit from some droids soon". Melian had gotten up but she still wasn't turning her lightsaber off, not until they know more.
"What's your number and rank?" Rex was determined they know more about him. Melian sat on the bench, her lightsaber still turned on. The man laughed
"Lawquane. Cut Lawquane. And I'm just a simple farmer"
"You're a deserter" Rex was standing up and Melian knew better then to let him, so she turned off her lightsaber, grabbed his arm and gently pulled him back on the bench.
"Well I think I'm merely exercising my freedom to choose. To choose not to kill for a living"
"That is not your choice to make, you swore an oath to the Republic, you have a duty" Melian was still holding Rex, now was she holding him so he wouldn't kill the man or just because she can? Both.
"I have a duty, you're right, but it's to my family. Does that count or do you still plan to turn me in"
"Do I have a choice" Just as Melian was feeling her grip on Rex become weaker, the kids ran in.

They seemed so happy their dad came back. The boy, Jek, even drew him something, it was really sweet. Melian looked at Rex and nudged him a bit, he can't turn him in.
"You look hungry uhm... what's your number?" Cut asked sarcastically and Rex answered with the same dose of sarcasm
"Rex. I also have a name, believe it or not"
"And you, jedi, what's your name"
"Melian" she said, extending her arm so they can shake hands.
"Well, you should join us for a meal"
"Oh no, we don't want to bother you" Melian answered with a smile. The kids started endlessly screaming "please".
"They're never going to stop until you say yes" Cut laughed. Melian remembered how much she actually didn't like children. She looked at Rex
"Alright, we'll join you" at least kids seemed happy and quiet. Cut and the kids left the barn, leaving Melian and Rex alone. She helped Rex get up. He didn't really look happy, but Melian nudged him again
"Well what would you have me say? They seem polite enough."
"Melian, he's a deserter" he really didn't like him, did he?
"I know Rex, but I'm sure he has a good enough reason."

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