Part 27- The new General

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"Have the men be ready to move out. That is all"
Melian looked at Rex and rolled her eyes, not liking that he de-humanized clones. Rex just sighed, having nothing else he could do.

They were walking in a normal pace, like they always did. That wasn't enough for Krell though.
"Quicken your pace battalion! This isn't some training course on Kamino!" Melian and Rex were right behind Krell when Fives joined them
"The new General certainly has a way with words" he said as he caught up to the couple
"He's just trying to keep us on schedule"
"By raising everyone's ire?" Melian replied to Rex and rolled her eyes. Rex didn't like Krell either but they didn't have a choice; he couldn't disobey him. Melian knew that, and respected it.

Suddenly Fives got both of them out of their thoughts
"Do you see that?" He pointed to the sky, two banshees were approaching.
"Yeah, ready your weapons" Rex said a little louder and the men pointed their weapons at the animals. Melian turned her lightsabers on.

"Don't really shoot them just, try to scare them away"
"Well- I- ugh, I love animals... maybe a bit too much" Melian blurted out. The banshees got closer and Melian jumped to try and scare them, but nothing. One banshee picked up Kix and Melian knew now she couldn't guarantee they'll live. She stopped jumping after them, afraid she'll hurt Kix. Krell, on the other hand, had a different idea. He flew on one of the banshees, ripping its 'arms' to free poor Kix who was on the banshee's way. That banshee crashed and Krell stabbed his lightsabers right thru its head. Melian's eyes widened, he could've just let the banshee go instead of brutally murdering it. The other banshee was going right at Krell. Melian knew it was wrong, but she kinda hoped the banshee would take Krell with it and never return it. Unfortunately, that wasn't true. Krell murdered yet another innocent animal. Melian kneeled down next to one of them for a moment, then got on her feet again. She looked Krell, dead in the eyes, with so much hatred.
"Anyone else wanna stop and play with the animals?!" He asked as he stepped on its head once more
"Didn't think so. Now keep moving!" They all did as they were told. Melian was burning inside, already wanting to tell him so many things.

After a long time of walking, Melian was tired, and she wasn't the only one. The air was becoming heavy from so many sighs and puffing coming from tired soliders. Melian and Rex were still in the front, just after Krell. Kix needed to talk to them. He walked up to Melian and quietly, so only she and Rex could hear said
"Sir, we've been keeping this pace for 12 hours now. The men are getting worn down. We should rest" his voice was so tired and drained. Rex looked at Melian.
"I'll take this one" he said, catching up to Krell.
"General Krell, the top of this ridge will make a good place for the men to make camp" he pointed to a ridge
"The men don't need rest, Captain. They need to resolve to complete the task at hand" Krell replied, not even looking at Rex
"But, sir-" Rex started but was interrupted
"CT-7567, are you reading me?" Chills passed thru both Melian and Rex when Krell said the number. They have names for a reason, to use them.
"Excuse me, sir?" Rex asked in a lower voice

"I asked you a question CT-7567. Do you understand the need to adhere to my strategy?" Melian just wondered does Krell ever shut his dumb mouth up
"Sir, the terrain is extremely hostile. Despite the difficulty of the conditions the battalion is making good time. These men just need a little break"
"Look back. See those platoons? Their mission is to take this city and take it swiftly. Time and rest are luxuries the Republic cannot afford. We are the key to this invasion, the other battalions are counting our support. If we fail, everyone fails! Do you understand this?!" Krell said in a sharp tone, constantly looking at Rex
"Do all of you understand this!?" He turned around to look at Melian and the clones. She was looking at Krell with so much hatred you could just feel it radiating from her
"Now move on!" Krell finished and began walking. Rex looked back at the others and tilted his head. Everyone sighed but kept moving. Instead of going in the front right after Krell, Melian fell back a bit, between the men.

"I'm so sorry" she said, speaking to every one of them
"I'm sorry he doesn't see you as people. I wish I could change that..."
"Ah, don't beat yourself up about it, Melian"
"We're already used to that" Kix finished Jesse's sentence.
"That's sad" she looked up at them. And it was sad. Sad that a society so advanced can't see clones as human beings. Rex, after noticing Melian's gone, also fell back and overheard that part of the conversation. He came closer to Melian and put his arms around her shoulders.
"It's gonna be okay" he whispered.

"Sir, we're ready to bring our forward platoons in for a surgical strike on the city's defenses" Rex said as the men got ready for the plan.
"There won't be any need, Captain"
"All platoons will execute a forward assault along the main route to the city" seeing how Rex isn't doing any good, Melian decided to jump in

"But Master Skywalker's plan was to surprise them with multiple attacks. If we come in from the main route, they're likely to engage us in a full frontal assault"
"Change of plans. I'm in command now"
"That doesn't mean you get to send troopers in a suicide mission"
"Every mission is a potential suicide mission"
"You said it yourself, the Umbarans are more equipped than we thought, who knows what we're up against! We can't just run out there without a good plan and expect to not get slaughtered and actually win!" As these words came out of Melian's mouth, Krell got closer to her and growled. She stood there, looking him straight in his eyes, not intimidated a slightest bit. Rex didn't like any of this, so he gently moved Melian to the side and finished the conversation with Krell. They will execute the forward assault along the main route. It's gonna be okay.

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