Part 9- Infected

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"Lets get onto saving the lab and Naboo, shall we?" Padmé answered with a smile, they had to hurry and save everyone.

It was hard to see thru all that blue fog. Suddenly, someone put a helmet on Melian's head, at last, she can see and breath properly. Whose helmet was it anyway. She already assumed whose it was so she turned around to see Rex, without his helmet.
"Thank you Rex, but you really don't have to do this, how are you going to see anything?" Huh, her voice sounded weird thru a helmet.
"Oh, the fog isn't this high, I can actually see pretty well" he answered with a laugh, another one of his, I'm tall, Melian's short, jokes. It made her laugh tho.

They had already stopped at least 10 droids from breaking out. Melian could feel the virus affecting her, it was hard to breath, she was coughing frequently and her legs were kind of giving out. She could see Ahsoka was being affected just like her, and it was starting to get to Padmé too. The clones were holding up, somehow.

"I think that's all of them" Rex said after they eliminated last of the droids.
"We should... probably contact Anakin and Obi-Wan" a cough interrupted Melian mid sentence.
"Master, we destroyed all of the droids that were trying to escape" Ahsoka barely spoke.
"Naboo is safe" Melian's smile was a weak one, but it was still there.
"That's great news, but you don't look so good" the coughs were echoing the lab. "Promise me... nobody will ever open this lab. I love y-" the transmission cut off.

"You think he will keep the promise?" Melian looked at Padmé, knowing that Anakin will have to open the lab.
"We'll see". Melian couldn't stand anymore, she sat down, trying to catch her breath.
"Melian? You don't look well" A concerned Rex was on his way.
"Rex, you don't get to say anything, you're literally paler than a ghost" she laughed weakly. Then everything went black.

She woke up to a bright light and a soft chater. She opened her eyes. They weren't in the lab anymore? Somebody was pushing her on a carrier.
"Hey Melian. I heard you and Ahsoka were quite the fighters down there, eh?" Her master cheerfully came to her.
"I am so proud of you. You didn't give up and you fought until the end. Those are the traits of a true jedi" you could see he had concern in his eyes, but he was happy they were still alive.
"Thank you master, for having faith in us, in me"
"Always Melian. Now, I won't hold you back, you need to rest and you'll feel as good as new." As her carrier was being pushed to the gunship, she saw Ahsoka getting pushed to the same gunship too.
"Ahsoka, can you believe we survived the Blue Shadow Virus? What do you think how many people can say that?" Melian chuckled a little, trying to make Ahsoka feel better.
"Not a lot I assume" she smiled back at her.
"You know, I would tell you so many things now... but I'm tired"
"Why is that not even surprising".

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