Part 22- Citadel

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Anakin went in before everyone.
"You see, maybe it's a good thing I came after all" Melian smirked at her master.
He just laughed it off. 

Everyone was slowly climbing up, helping each other. Fives was among the first ones who have climbed so he was mainly helping others. Charger, who was the last, stepped on a wrong rock and fell. In his fall, he activated one of the mines that were on that wall. A loud alarm was turned on. They rushed into the Citadel, hoping to find Master Peill before they wear out their welcome.

While running thru the hallway they tried to stay as unnoticed as possible, so they took out their surveillance. That activated something, and now they were shot at. Like some mines were installed, but on the walls. They got rid of them pretty quickly. It seemed as though one 'trap' led to another and now the walls were electrified. The electricity was in the shape of the hallway, so there was no way you could jump thru it or similar, you had to run. It was loud and shined bright purple and white. Luckily, all of them made it. Well, almost all of them. Longshot didn't make it. It always killed Melian, seeing someone die in front of her eyes and just leaving. But that's the reality. They have to keep moving and find master Piell.

They found themselves in the hallway full of cells. Obi-Wan, Anakin and Melian passed by each cell, trying to feel where master Piell could be. As Melian stood in front of a cell, she could feel the Force within it. She focused a bit more.
"Master! He's here"
They got ready to break in.

Fives and Echo were in first, shooting most of the droids in the cell. Rex came in after them and shot the one that was torturing master Piell. Then the rest of them came in. Anakin and Obi-Wan freed master Piell. Melian stood by the side.
"Obi-Wan. What took you guys so long?"
They all looked at each other and smiled a bit.
"At least your sense of humor is still intact" Anakin said, while Obi-Wan handed him his lightsaber.
"It takes more than they got to break me, young Skywalker" Master Piell got up.
"You have the coordinates for the Nexus Route, yes?"
"I got them, alright. Half of them anyway. I erased the computers when we were boarded, and had me and the captain memorize one part of the intel. So, if somehow I cracked, the information would be useless to them without the other half"
"And where is your captain" Melian raised an eyebrow
"Being held with the other officers I assume"
"We're gonna need a new plan for getting out" Anakin looked at Obi-Wan.

They were walking thru the hallways, their weapons and them prepared for everything. Or that's what they thought. Commando droids came from both sides. Anakin and Melian were on one side, while Obi-Wan was on the other. Master Piell got lost somewhere in the crowd, but Melian could feel he was closer to her and Anakin. The droids started shooting at them, but unlike the ordinary B1 battle droids, these were jumping on the wall, avoiding the bolts they returned. One of them jumped on Melian, pushing her to the ground. He had his hand around her throat, but she managed to cut of his head and push him off of her. Rex came running. He hugged Melian, glad she's alright, and they continued the battle. All the droids were destroyed and they were on the move again.

They didn't even walk for a minute, but high pitched squealing was heard. They all put their hands on their ears, trying to cancel the noise a bit. Suddenly, all of their weapons flew to the ceiling, along with Anakin because of his metal hand.
"Anakin!" Melian called as she saw her master flying up with their weapons. But that was the least of her worries, because in a moment, another six of the commando droids came. Now master Piell was on her side. All three of them, master Kenobi too, used the Force to push the droids.
Obi-Wan groaned
"They're magnetized" as he pushed them with more force. Master Piell and Melian did the same. She didn't know for how much longer she would be able to keep pushing them. Then the boys jumped into action... literally. They jumped on the droids knocking them out and ripping their heads off. While they were doing that, Anakin was getting a hold of their weapons. He finally freed himself and their weapons. Master Kenobi sliced the two droids on his side and they were moving again. When they passed by a camera, Rex stopped. He was staring at it, looking in its soul.
"Come on Rex, hurry up! We're gonna leave without you!" Melian jokingly said as she saw he was behind everyone. He shot the camera and continued. They still had a lot of job.

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