Part 26-*Sigh*

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Time skip: about 2 months

Umbara. That's where the next mission is gonna be. The one Melian has a bad feeling about. They, padawans, got a choice- be in the air assault or the ground assault. Ahsoka chose to be in the air, while Melian on the ground. They were saying their goodbyes now.
"We'll see eachother again. Be careful"
"I will Melian, don't worry. Be careful too"
Ahsoka turned around to leave.
"Oh, and tell Barris I said "Goodluck"!" Melian yelled before Ahsoka left.
"Of course! Bye Melian!"
"Bye Ahsoka!" Melian yelled back, then whispered to herself.
"We'll see eachother again..."

Master Kenobi was giving a briefing on the mission. Anakin said the Umbarans are heavily armed, nothing they haven't dealt with before, right? Eh, knowing their past missions, wrong. When Melian entered the gunship, she got goosebumps. She didn't exactly get rid of her "fear" of flying in the gunship. It didn't really help that she could barely hold on to the thing she should be able to hold on to. Everyone else could, considering their heights, only she was on the edge of standing on her tiptoes to hold on. Rex knew that and let her hold on to his shoulder, which was within her reach. Melian held on to his shoulder for dear life as the gunship exited the hangar. She was holding his right shoulder, while he was holding himself with his left hand. He wrapped his right hand around Melian's waist. She felt safer that way, being closer to him, knowing that when he's there everything is gonna be okay.

They were still in the air when the door to the gunship opened.
"They always do that, why do they have to do that" Melian muttered to herself, wanting to close her eyes to not look at the horror. It didn't help at all when Rex leaned a little further toward the open door. Melian squealed a little and Rex went back. She knew one person who also didn't take the rides well.
"Tup, you hangin' in there?" she smiled at him
"So far so good, Commander" he nodded at the short girl. Melian overheard a part of another conversation.
"They ain't got nothing we can't handle, sir" Hardcase looked at Anakin. Then they all looked on the other side and saw a gunship next to them explode. Melian looked up at Rex. Even tho she couldn't see his face or eyes, she knew he was calming her down with his look. It always made her feel better, no matter what.

After what seemed like weeks, they finally landed. Melian was the first one to jump out of the gunship. She let out a sigh of relief, but that relief didn't last long. She saw so many lasers being fired, but she couldn't see a single Umbaran, it was so dark. The only thing she could do was block and return their shots and hope she actually hit somebody. Anakin also did that, while clones were firing where ever they see lasers coming from.
"This planet has a ridge of 23 degrees north-northwest" Rex got closer to Anakin so he wouldn't have to yell
"Good we can use it as a staging area".
The Umbarans were shooting from everywhere, and it didn't help that there were fighters in the air bombing them
"Everybody, take cover!" Rex yelled as more bombs fell on their position.
"I can't even see the enemy!" Tup complained
"That's why they're called the Shadow People, Tup!" Jesse got closer to him.

After some time of walking and fighting the Umbarans they reached the ridge. The men sat down and took of their helmets, while Rex, Melian and Anakin were still standing. Anakin was looking thru his scope, there was another battle.
"General Kenobi's battalion, sir?" Rex asked
"They're pushing towards the Capital. We'll need to move out as soon as the men are ready" Rex nodded at him. Dogma came and as always his helmet was in his left hand.
"All platoons have reported in General" he stood straight, tense, looking straight but not into Anakin.
"Get some rest" Anakin smiled a little at him. Dogma hesitated a bit
"I'm fine sir". Weird. No one ever refused to go rest.
"The General's giving you an order, Dogma" Rex knew how Dogma was and what works with him.
"Sir, yes sir!" Dogma went to rest. The three of them were talking when Melian felt something. She looked at Anakin who seemed to feel something too. Rex already knew this is how they look when it has something to do with the Force.

"Ambush! They're behind us!" That was Anakin's and Melian's cue. As the space around them was getting filled by green lasers they whipped out their lightsabers. The shots came from behind them so they had to work quickly. They came closer to the rest of the troops, having to think of a plan before it's too late.
"I'll call in an airstrike on the enemy's position. Let's hope they're not to busy helping Obi-Wan" Anakin looked at Melian and Rex. She thought for a second.
"There's an opening to our south. I suggest we move all the platoons of the ridge in case the airstrike overshoots"
"Great thinking Melian! Everybody move out, now!" Anakin yelled and all troopers started running to the opening. Anakin and Melian were the last ones, blocking the shots and protecting everyone's backs... just like on Coyn. After everyone has arrived they hid behind some tress.
"We must hold this position!" Anakin silently yelled.
"Are, uhh, we sure those bombers are coming?". Everybody was looking around, wondering if Jesse's question is justified. Just as Melian was about to say something, two bombers appeared in the air, making her sigh out of relief.

They were just standing, talking, not expecting the event that's about to come. A gunship arrived right in front of Anakin, Melian and Rex. The door opened and General Krell stood there. He recieved a few confused looks, a two or three of "general Krell's here?", "what's he doing here?" but it didn't bother him. He stepped out, straight in front of Anakin.
"General Krell, my thanks for the air support"
"Yes, well the locals have proven themselves more equipped than we thought"
Anakin stopped for a moment
"But that's not the reason for your visit?"
"No. Chancellor's ordered you back on Coruscant, affective immediately"
"Well I-I can't just leave my men. Melian is quite capable but I wouldn't wanna leave her alone in a battle like this"
"I'll be taking over in the interim" Krell answered.
Rex reassured Anakin everything's gonna be fine.
"Master Krell, this is Melian, my padawan aka my first in command and Captain Rex, my second in command. You won't find a finer and a more loyal trooper anywhere" Melian slightly hit Rex at Anakin's sweet words.
"Glad to hear that. I wish you well Skywalker" Anakin stepped into the gunship and nodded at Melian. She knew what it meant and she nodded back as he flew away.

"Your reputation proceeds you General it is an honor to be serving you" Rex looked up at Krell.
"I'm surprised you're able to recognize a value of honor... for a clone" Rex and Melian looked at each other with a raised eyebrow.
"Stand at attention when I address you" Krell looked around at the troopers
"You too padawan" Melian was surprised but did as she was told. Krell proceded to talk about protocol, books and boring things no on listens to.
"Have the men be ready to move out. That is all"
Melian looked at Rex and rolled her eyes, not liking that he de-humanized clones. Rex just sighed, having nothing else he could do.

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