Part 38- What is even going on?

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Both Melian's and Fives' knees gave out. They fell to the floor, Melian burying her head in her hands, Fives just staring into nothingness. This really was a nightmare. Though they weren't free. It was just beginning.

Melian walked through the Kaminoan facilities, despair washing over her. She was supposed to brief Anakin and the 501st about all that's happened, though Shaak will do the more detailed brief for Anakin. Not only was she tasked with that, but so was Fives. Melian was on her way to him now. Entering the room, she could see Fives sitting on the bed, droids moving around him though he just ignored them.
"How are you?" she walked closer and put a hand on his shoulder. The only response was the shaking of his head No.
"I know, I know. Listen... we're supposed to brief Anakin and the boys... but you don't have to do it if you don't want to. You can just listen" she smiled at him slightly, trying to help him. He only nodded.
"Can you please leave us for a few moments?" Melian asked the droids, to which they exited the room.
"Okay..." she sighed, sitting next to Fives. Quickly establishing the connection, she had started to regret the decision to do this.
"Melian, I was told you were going to tell us some news, it's about time already" Anakin smiled immediately.
"Yeah, that's uh, great. Have you got the boys here?" She asked, unsure if she could actually do this.
"We're all here Melian" Rex's soft voice sounded. She couldn't help but smile, it felt like eternity since they last spoke to each other. Now comes the hard part.
"Is Fives around?" One of the boys asked.
"Yeah, yeah, he's right next to me, he can hear you guys, but he really isn't in the mood for talking" she looked to her right, Fives still the same. The guys tried to cheer him up a little and greeted him at the same time, it just turned into a really loud chatter where no one could understand anything. A small smile formed on his lips.
"That's it guys, we got a smile!" she laughed as the boys cheered a little.
"When will you brief us?" One asked, a shiny by the sound of him
"Oh, yeah, of course. So, uh, I've been tasked with briefing all of you, if I wanted to. Guess there is no better person for this" Melian stammered, back in that awful mood from earlier
"Uh, Fives and I are... okay, I guess. Though uh, can't say the same for Tup"
"What?" Jesse's worried voice stopped the silence.
"He, uh... I'm sorry..." she started, but a lump formed in her throat, preventing her from speaking.
"He's... he died. We tried to save him, we did everything we could, but I guess it just wasn't enough. Fives and I were with him so he wasn't alone, he wasn't in pain, but it just... happened. I guess that's how the Force works" she tried to take it easy on them. Everything fell silent. The boys, who were happy only moments earlier were now staring into the floor, unable to believe their ears.
"Both of us are still, kinda in schock, but we're gonna be okay. I promise I'll bring the normal Fives back" she chuckled a little, and a few men followed
"Take care... and may the Force be with you guys"
She got back many of "May the Force be with you"'s, the clones following their Jedi Generals and Commanders. The connection was stopped, Melian sighing.
"The hardest part's over, I guess" she smiled at Fives. It hurt her that her best friend was feeling like this.
"Oh, before I forget..." she said, reaching in the pocket of her cloak.
"Here. Put this somewhere. Don't lose it. I have a feeling we'll have to part ways and I want to be able to know what's going on" she handed him a comlink, Fives tilting his head a little, but taking it anyways, hiding it into his sleeve as Shaak, Nala Se, and the droids walked back in.

"Have you notified Master Skywalker and the 501st?" she asked, Melian standing up right away.
"We have Master. As expected, they didn't take the news very well... we're all very close. I told my Master that you would do the more detailed briefing"
"Good" she smiled at Melian, seeing how nervous she was. Shaak had gave a lesson to Melian, making her feel different around her.
"General, what did the Chancellor say?" Fives lifted his head up, remembering that Shaak and the Doctor talked to the Chancellor.
"Supreme Chancellor Palpatine wants the tumor and all of the intel gathered sent to the Grand Republic Medical Facility on Coruscant" she walked to the back of the room, lifting the tumor, now placed between two glass parts. In the back, two briefcases were placed open, Shaak putting the tumor in the right one and closing it.
"So then, the two of us will be going to Coruscant as well?" Fives turned his head to look at Shaak, Melian surprised by his question.
"You were not part of the Chancellors request" Nala Se crossed her arms.
"I'm sorry Fives. But this is a matter best left to the medical professionals. There is still so much we do not know" Shaak's soft eyes danced from Melian to Fives, feeling sorry for the two.
"Perhaps, we would know more if this clone and padawan had not taken matters into their own hands" she looked at them in disgust.
"We were just trying to save our friend" Melian said, her tone soft but harsh at the same time.
"And perhaps, by removing this tumor it were you who killed him" she smiled to annoy them.
"What do you care?" Fives jumped from the bed.
"You were going to kill him anyway, and dissect him too. He's a soldier, he deserves better!" he started yelling by the end, anger and deep sorrow washing over him. Melian caught his arm so he wouldn't jump at Nala Se.
"Stand down Fives" Shaak warned him.
"Doctor, there is no proof of your claim" Melian walked over to her when she made sure Fives would stay seated. The room was filled with awkward silence until Shaak decided to break it.
"I want this specimen-" she referred to the tumor
"and all the data prepared for transport to the Jedi Temple" she handed the briefcase to a droid.
"The Chancellor said the tumor and data was to be sent directly to the Medical Facility on Coruscant, not the Jedi Temple" Nala Se sounded surprised, perhaps even offended.
"And it will get there, but after the Jedi have run an analysis on it first" she walked, around the room, stopping in front of Fives and Melian on the bed, her back turned to face Nala Se.
"I protest. I must personally deliver the tumor as ordered" she waved her hands as she talked. Melian and Fives gave each other a quick glance and rolled their eyes.
"You can protest all you want" Shaak firmly said, turning around to look her in her eyes
"My word is final." her eyes seemed harsh looking at Nala Se. The Doctor gave up, and only closed her eyes as a sign she understood. Melian looked over at Shaak and smiled proudly, which Shaak returned.

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