Part 14- Tell him!

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Time skip: about 6 months

Melian woke up feeling heavy. Something in the air, or... somewhere didn't feel right. Few months ago Ahsoka and Melian got a chance to share a dorm, and they took it. It's been wonderful since. She looked to her right to see Ahsoka still sleeping. A loud groan escaped her mouth, Ahsoka always sleeps so long. Melian took the closest thing to her hand and threw it at her. Turns out, she threw her lightsaber at Ahsoka.

"Ouch. Melian, what's wrong with you?!" She asked in her morning voice.
"Sorry, didn't expect I would throw a lightsaber" Melian wasn't sorry, she always sleeps too long!
"You said that last 10 times! Let me sleep woman!"
"I won't! You always sleep 'til, like 11!" She really does sleep until 11.
"It's not my problem you wake up at 8!"
"Well it obviously is!" Melian always loved these fights, they make her laugh. And the funniest thing is Ahsoka goes back to sleep and she wakes up not remembering they fought at all. She does remember Melian threw something at her tho.

Today is the day Melian spends with Ahsoka. Their masters are going on a mission but didn't want them to come anyways, Ahsoka doesn't have anything to study for, so it's just their day. They quickly got ready and went to the mess hall, just in time for breakfast. If Melian woke up Ahsoka any later, they wouldn't have made it. As usual, they sat at their table. It isn't really their table but they always sit at it so... it is.

After breakfast they walked around the garden a bit. They don't usually have many free days, so they're gonna use this one properly.
"What do you say we go to Naboo a little?" Ahsoka proposed. She knew how connected Melian is to that planet. But something still didn't feel right, she couldn't leave now.
"That's a great proposal Ahsoka and I appreciate it... but I don't feel so well."
"What do you mean? Like you don't feel so well, or is it the Force?"
"You... don't feel anything?" Melian thought Ahsoka sensed something too.
"No? Well what do you feel?". She hesitated to answer that question, since she don't really know what she feels.
"I can't really tell, I would have to meditate"
"Lets go then, we can meditate in our room". Melian nodded.

Each of them sat on their bed. They cleared their minds and meditated for a while. Nothing came to Melian, nothing that could make her feel like that. Only war and suffering came but... she's used to that. But she wasn't gonna give up yet. She felt it, it was close. She just had to stay focused a little while longer.
"Rex?" Melian said out loud. Ahsoka opened her eyes to look at her.
"Well you still haven't told him... you know. Maybe this is your last chance or something"
"Don't say it like that, it sounds like he's dying". She didn't mean that seriously but, maybe it's true. Nonetheless, Melian had to find him. The only thing she could think of is to ask her master.
"Gosh, he's gonna be angry" Melian whispered.
"Melian? How come you're calling" he seemed surprisingly happy.
"Oh, nothing much, just wanted to see how it's going" she stalled. He was silent for a few moments.
"That's not it, I can sense it. What's wrong? What's the real reason?" She hated when he did that.
"Well, I could feel something the whole day and I didn't know what or regarding what, so I meditated... and it's Rex. I don't know what but I have to find him, is he with you?" She really hoped he's still here.
"Actually, he's preparing to come here, you still have time to catch him. Landing platform B-7" Melian looked at Ahsoka and her eyes lit up.
"Thank you master, I'll go talk to him right now!"
"Tell him!" Ahsoka was saying as Melian stormed out of their dorm and to platform B-7.

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