Part 13- The Deserter

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"Melian, he's a deserter" he really didn't like him, did he? "I know Rex, but I'm sure he has a good enough reason.

Suu, Cut and the kids were already at the table. Melian had to admit, the food looked delicious. She sat beside Suu and Rex sat beside Cut. Of course, the two of them were having their "clone conversation" and Melian was honestly glad. Rex never spoke so openly about a life outside of the army.
"I see the way you look at him" Suu suddenly said, not too loud.
"Oh ma'am, I can look at him however I want when he doesn't look at me the same" Melian gave her a sad smile. She loved him, she really did, but he saw her as a friend, nothing more. At least that's what she thought
"Dear, he looks at you exactly the same" At that moment, Melian looked at him and Rex looked at her. He went back to the conversation, but she couldn't get what Suu said out of her head. Does he really look at her like that?

The meal was finished, but not without Melian complimenting Suu's cooking. Rex and Cut were playing dejarik, while she was reading some stories to the children. Melian actually liked children when they were calm, but seeing how that's not often, she just generalized it as "I don't like kids". While Rex and Cut were playing dejarik, Cut explained why he left the corps. Melian knew there was a valid explanation, it's horrible.

"It's the day I felt my life didn't have any meaning. I was just another expandable clone, waiting for my turn to be slaughtered in a war that made no sense to me. Can you understand that, Rex?" It made Melian sigh, what these men go thru, it's terrible. And to think some people think they're meant to be expandable.
"I've been in countless battles and lost many brothers. They were my family, my home" This truly broke her heart. She stood up, walked over to him and hugged him from behind. After all they've been thru, all clones deserve a big hug.

The kids were playing outside. Suu, Cut, Rex and Melian were talking about affect the war has on all people, especially children. After some time, Melian stopped listening. She was simply looking at Rex, not bothered a slight bit about what they were talking. He looked at her too. That's how a few moments passed, with them just looking at eachother.

Suddenly she felt something... danger... She jerked her head in the direction of the door, then stood up walked over and opened them. She was feeling... listening... she could hear screams but it was all just in her head. She had to wait for the real screams, the ones that could tell her what's wrong. As she thought that, the real screams could be heard. That's when both Suu and Cut stood at the door with Melian. It was the kids, they came running, saying that the monsters that hatched from a big egg in the field are chasing them. Melian looked back at Rex thinking about what could it be.
"Commando droids..." she whispered.
"The same ones that shot you!" Now louder.
"Not good, I count 20. Suu, get the kids upstairs" Suu left with the kids.
"Cut, how can I help"
"How old are you, kid?"
"15, why asking?" Melian didn't realise what Cut was trying to say.
"Look, you're still a kid too. I don't care that you're a jedi, you're a kid. Now, I want you to go upstairs and be with Suu and the kids, alright?" Melian sighed. Another person who doesn't take her seriously because of her age.

She went upstairs to see Suu and the kids in a corner. You could see that the kids were scared so she sat beside them.
"You know, I can move objects with my hand without actually touching them?" She asked in a whisper, trying to make them feel better.
"Want me to show you?" Both of them nodded. Melian looked around the room, trying to find something she can lift without making much noise. She decided she's just gonna lift her lightsaber. And as Melian was making a show for kids, Cut and Rex were doing their thing. She loudly gasped as Rex fell thru the floor, she wanted to run after him, but she had to stay here with kids.
"Suu? Melian? It's safe, you can come down" They heard Cut. Melian was glad everyone's okay.

Cut and Suu gave them one of those animals so they can get back.
"Rex, are you going to turn in my husband?"
"It's my duty Suu. Unfortunately, in my condition I probably won't remember any of this" Rex answered with a smile.
"And it's got nothing to do with me" Melian smiled too.
"You're still a deserter Cut, but you're certainly not a coward". Melian jumped on the creature and Rex sat behind her, they were on their way back to general Kenobi. What an interesting mission.

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