Part 19- Ventress

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As she was enjoying the flight with these beautiful animals, the assault crafts they saw under water were attacking the city. "Oh no..."
"Anakin, come back now, the city is under attack!"

As Master Kenobi and Melian were arriving to the city, Anakin landed there too. The aquadroids had already infiltrated the city and had advanced just the landing platform and a bit beyond. The Separatists were strong and as always everyone underestimated them.

Rex was with Melian and Anakin the whole time, Obi-Wan went the other way. Suddenly Anakin's comlink went on.
"Anakin, I'll go after Grievous, so one of you should go after Ventress!". This was Melian's chance, she has been waiting for a chance to fight with Ventress. She was impressed by her skills, but she was too big of a threat.
"Master, please let me go! I'm strong enough for Ventress. Besides, it seems like you have a lot of job here!" Anakin wasn't delighted by that idea but he knew how stubborn Melian was. With a sigh, he let her go. But before she left, she had to do one more thing.
"Hey, Rex? Remember your promise?", "How could I forget. I'll think of you every second you're gone. Please be careful, and come back" he was sweet. "I will. I promise. Bye, love" with that Melian ran away. Ventress was gonna be at the clone DNA room, and she is prepared to protect it with everything she's got.

Melian sensed her in the DNA room, she was close to running away.
"Well, well. Did you really plan on leaving without saying hello to your favorite jedi?" They were impressed by eachother, not really hard to notice.
"Of course not. Hello. Guess I'll be going now",
"No, leaving so soon? You should stay a bit longer so I can teach you some lightsaber skills" she turned her lightsabers on.
"Now enough with this game. Return the clone DNA now, or deal with me"
"Or I can beat your ass and leave with the DNA" Melian really wasn't having this anymore.
"In your dreams".

She laughed like a maniac and launched at Melian. She pushed her back to where she was originally standing. If she gets out, Melian doesn't know will she be able to recover the clone DNA in time. Melian was in her thoughts, a wrong decision. Her back was suddenly against a wall and her head soon followed, Ventress used the Force to push her. She fell on her knees, trying to recover from the impact to her head. Ventress was getting closer to her, why wasn't she running away with the DNA? She probably didn't wanna seem like a coward. Melian's legs were shaking as she stood up, but she soon regained her strength.
"Your move, jedi".

"Another mistake" she whispered as she brought her purple blade up to strike her. Most of the time Melian combined the powerful strike from Form V of the fighting forms, with her original Form IV. It always got them by surprise, just like now. Ventress didn't expect the powerful strike, nevertheless she was ready for it.
"Good, but not good enough, jedi", "You're not my priority" Melian used the Force to take the clone DNA from her belt.
"Now that I have this," she said, lifting the DNA in her hand
"I can finish you off"
"And how do you plan on doing that?" too full of herself, one thing Melian doesn't admire. The clone DNA was safely attached to her belt.
"Like this".

Melian pushed her, as expected Ventress stopped herself from going too far, but what she didn't expect is that Melian was gonna pull her closer to herself. She was on her knees, Melian's lightsaber pointed at her throat.
"Surrender or I will do what I must"
"Never!" she yelled in her raspy voice and tried to trip Melian by sliding her leg under hers. Melian wasn't naive enough so she jumped up and that's when she pushed her, again. But this time Melian was already in the air so she flew farther. At least she didn't hit a wall this time. Ventress ran, nothing new.
"Coward!" Melian yelled in hopes she'll hear me.

"Commander? Are you okay?" Fives and Echo showed up behind her.
"Gosh, how far did I fly?"
"Pretty far I'd say, we couldn't hear you nor see you until you flew here"
"Thank you, Echo" sarcasm was obvious in her tone.
"And no, I'm not okay. She escaped, she always does" Melian was irritated by her.
"That's what cowards do. Have you got the DNA?",
She unhooked the DNA from her belt, "Right here. Lets return it".

"Master, I got the DNA, and Fives, Echo and I safely returned it to its place"
"Great job! Tell Echo and Fives to come to the landing platform, Rex and Cody have some news for them" all three of them looked at each other.
"We'll be there General" Fives answered.
"Don't worry you two, you have been nothing but helpful today. I heard what you did." she tried to ease their minds.
"I really hope so",
"Lets go, you shouldn't be late" she also went with them, she had to know what's happening.

Fives and Echo were walking behind Melian as they neared the platform. Rex and Cody were waiting for the two of them there.
"Here they are, safely returned to you" she laughed.
"Thank you, Commander Viggó",
"No problem, Commander Cody".

"Fives, Echo, you're both officially being made ARC troopers".
They looked around in disbelief, then at Melian. She smiled at them, and clapped her hands a bit. After Rex finished his speech, she hugged both Fives and Echo, she knew how much they wanted this. All four of them were leaving.
"Rex, could you just stay here a bit longer?"
"Of course".
She didn't need to think twice, she just hugged him. It wasn't a short hug like for Fives and Echo. They stood there, hugging, like nothing but them existed in the world. She melted in his arms, like she always does. These little moments mean so much to them, they don't get a lot of them, or the bigger ones. But as long as he's with her, nothing else matters.

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