Part 15- I told him.

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"Tell him!" Ahsoka was saying as Melian stormed out of their dorm and to platform B-7.

Melian was running, thinking about how she's gonna tell him, what to say. Before she could actually form the sentence, she arrived. Rex was there, getting on the ship.
"Melian? What are you doing here, I thought you weren't coming" Rex came closer to her, as she was standing further away from the ship.
"I just wanted to ask how long will you be gone?" Melian had to know.
"Oh, well when we arrive the generals are coming back and we'll stay for a few weeks, keep the order. Why asking?"
"Few weeks like 2 weeks, or more than 2 weeks?" 2 weeks on itself was long, let alone more.
"More than two weeks, probably 4-5". A month??
"Do you really have to go? Can't somebody go instead of you?" she tried to desperately stop him from going.

"Melian I have to go. There's no one who can go instead"
"Are you sure? 5 weeks is a long time to be away" Melian really wanted him to stay so she can tell him everything, but how does she make him stay?
"Rex, come on" another clone that was going on the same ship as Rex was yelling.
"Melian I really have to go now" she can't let him.
"No Rex you don't understand"
"Well how can I understand when you aren't telling me anything". He was right.
"I really want to tell you everything"
"Then what's stopping you?" He was getting irritated now, and she would too. Melian was stalling him and there were so many other men that were waiting for him.
"I don't know..." she looked down defeated.
"Well, call me when you think of it" he was turning around to go. This is the only chance she'll get.
"I can't let you go!" her eyes burned as she tried to keep the tears in her eyes, thinking he's gonna leave.
"Well why can't you!?"
"Because I love you!!" Melian's eyes widened and her lips parted. He looked at her, head slightly titled, not believing his ears.
"I-I have to go" she turned around and left quickly, hoping he wouldn't follow her, but she knew that, deep down, she wanted him to follow her

The door to her dorm opened. Ahsoka was sitting on her bed, visibly excited for the outcome. When Melian came in, she jumped from her bed.
"And? How'd it go?" When she took a good look at Melian she noticed her eyes were red and she's on the verge of crying.
"Oh Melian" she spread her arms, Melian stepped into the room and hugged her. She broke down crying.
"Hey, hey" Ahsoka said, lifting Melian's head from her shoulder.
"It couldn't have been that bad. You... wanna tell me what happened?" Melian nodded. They sat on her bed and Melian told her everything.

"Did he say anything after?"
"No, but he hasn't called me either, I really don't know"
"Well, maybe he didn't get the time to call you". Melian sighed, this is so complicated, she never should've said anything. Her wrist comm buzzed. Melian looked at Ahsoka with wide eyes and jumped from her bed. She sat again on her bed and motioned for Ahsoka to be quiet. She answered.

"Hey" Rex answered.
"Listen, I'm sorry about earlier. I understand if-" Melian was trying to get herself out of it, but Rex interrupted her.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. No need to be worried, or embarrassed or sorry. In fact, I'm glad it happened. We could've done it better, but at least you said how you feel. And, now it's my turn. I love you, Melian. I'm really sorry I left. I'm sorry I snapped at you like that. I'm sorry about calling so late but I didn't get a chance to earlier".

Melian didn't believe her ears. The whole time while he was talking she was looking at Ahsoka with wide eyes and she was looking at Melian with a big smile.
"I... don't know what to tell you... what does this mean now?" She didn't wanna rush him into anything, but everything works for her.
"Well, I would love us to be official, but I don't want it to be while I'm away. I'll try to get back as soon as I can. I promise"
"Can't wait". And they hung up.

Both Ahsoka and Melian jumped off their beds and hugged eachother.
"I told you! I told you!"
"I know you did!" Melian was so happy.
"No, but seriously. Thank you so much Ahsoka." she broke the hug and looked at Ahsoka.
"Always Melian, don't even question it".

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