Part 18- Kamino

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Time skip: 3 months

General Kenobi, Anakin, Cody, Rex and Melian were all standing around the table in the middle, waiting for the message to get thru. They were able to intercept a message from Grievous to Asajj Ventress, Dooku's assassin. You could feel the tension in the air as the message started playing.

Melian was still looking at the table, not sure she believes what she heard
"They're going to attack our home planet". It seemed unrealistic.
"That's stretching it, even for Grievous, the Republic blockade is too strong" Master Kenobi was right, there were always tons of ships surrounding Kamino.
"Well whatever it is, we should go to Kamino" Melian stated, looking at everyone, they all nodded a bit. Anakin could see the worry in Rex and Cody.
"Hey you two, don't worry"
"I'm not worrying General, but if someone comes to our home, they better be carrying a big blaster". And with that thought, they made a jump to hyperspace.

The trip was short since they weren't that far away. Ahsoka wasn't coming along on this one, too bad. Melian was really happy she'll get to see Master Shaak Ti again. Commander Cody, Rex, Masters and Melian exited the Resolute, behind them battalions of clones. Prime minister and Shaak Ti came to welcome them.
"Master Kenobi, Master Skywalker, padawan Viggó" Shaak Ti greeted them with a nod
"How come you are here?"
"There's a word of an impending attack on Kamino, we intercepted Grievous' message" Obi-Wan informed both of them.
"But they would not dare, the republic blockade is far too strong"
"With all due respect, prime minister, the Separatists always find a way to trick us, better not underestimate them" Melian wasn't afraid to say her opinion, even if people might find it offensive.
"But of course, padawan. Lets get going, shall we?". When her master looked at her, he seemed a bit angry for saying what she said, but then he gave her a high five.

Melian was stuck in a command center. Again. Master just doesn't let her fly, but he will, soon enough. She sighed loudly. Command centers were always so boring, the real action is outside! But she felt like something was about to change.
"Warning! Falling debris!" The computer voice said.
"Is Grievous really sacrificing his cruisers in favor of saving his command ship? That's reckless, even for him" some people were surprised how well aware Melian was of everything, but it was nothing strange, really. Obi-Wan connected with Anakin's wrist comm
"Anakin, the debris is the key!"
"Master, only you can be worried about the ships I already shot down" Obi -Wan rolled his eyes.
"Yes, yes, keep playing with the ships" He was starting to leave.
"Where are you going Master Kenobi?", "I'm going for a swim" he smirked a bit. "Permission to go with you?"
"Granted, lets go". Melian finally got herself out of the command center.

She didn't really feel comfortable with so much water around them, but it's gonna be fine.
"Nothing as of yet"
"As I have already told you Master, I shot those ships down, you're the only person who could be worried about that."
"Master Kenobi what is that?" Melian pointed to a faint source of light. As they came closer they discovered that those were aquadroids assembling assault crafts.
"Master, aquadroids are assembling assault crafts from the debris! Obi-Wan was right" In that moment, one of the droids saw them.
"Umm... master Kenobi? We better leave" This is gonna be interesting.

They were already leaving when they started to shoot the two of them. Some of them even held onto their ship. They were on the glass, shooting at it.
"What are we gonna do??"
"Listen, I'm going to open the doors and push you up okay? I'll follow you, but don't turn around or wait for me, clear?" She couldn't leave him behind, but he'll manage somehow. She hoped. "Fine" she answered with a sigh.
"Hold your breath in 3.... 2.... 1... now!" The water filled the ship faster then Melian thought it would. Master Kenobi pushed her up and she kept swimming, constantly calling for the Force to help them. Few animals were going thru the water, she knew what she was gonna do but she is not leaving without Master Kenobi. Luckily he got a hold of it too and they both took a deep breath as the animal exited the water.
"Thanks for the lift, friend!" Melian patted the animals neck. As she was enjoying the flight with these beautiful animals, the assault crafts they saw under water were attacking the city.
"Oh no..."
"Anakin, come back now, the city is under attack!"

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