Part 33- Why?

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"Make no mistake..." he stepped back and turned his back towards the four
"For crossing me, you pay the price"

"General Krell, I respectfully request you reconsider court-martialing Fives and Jesse" Rex came from behind Krell with Melian on his side. They decided to try and change Krell's mind.
"The actions of ARC trooper 5555 and CT-5597 were a clear act of treachery and disregard for my command. If punishment isn't swift, their defiance may inspire others to follow suit"
"Sir the men are with you. It's just that some of them feel as if you're putting their lives in danger, needlessly"
Rex was doing most of the talking, considering Melian couldn't be polite with Krell.
"Because you are" Melian said under her breath, Krell not hearing her
"More reason to send a clear message that I am in charge, and insubordination will not be tolerated. These clones have had a difficult time accepting my command from the start" Krell took a moment to think
"You two are right, I don't think I can court martial them. It will only be a waste of something we already don't have, time"
Rex sighed in relief, but Melian sensed this wasn't all of it.
"They'll need to be disposed of. Prepare a squad for execution" Krell put his hand on Rex's shoulder. Rex's eyes got wider, the same as Melian's, they looked at each other and Rex quickly looked back at Krell.
"What?? But, sir-" he stammered, but Krell interrupted him.
"You heard me Captain! Have it done immediately, or I'll do it myself"

Rex, Melian and a few other troopers were in the elevator, getting down to Fives' and Jesse's cell. It was hard for Melian to imagine losing both her best friends in a day. She would've panicked, but the Force was telling her not to and she trusted it with her life. As soon as Fives saw her and her face he knew something was wrong, it was so easy for him to read Melian.
"Melian, what's wrong?" He asked, his voice distorted because of the barrier of the cell.
"I...I'm sorry. Krell order your execution, immediately"
"What?! But, how? He can't do this" Jesse stammered a bit, trying to processes what was happening. Jesse and Rex kept talking but Melian zoned out, stopped listening. She knew what the Force was telling her but how is it possible?
"Rex, you have to face it, he's been using you. He needs your loyalty to control the other"
Melian zoned back in when she heard Fives. She saw Rex looking down at her, as if asking with his eyes "Is it true?", to which she slightly nodded. Rex sighed, opening the cell
"I won't let him get away with this"
"Ahh no worries, we made our choice, we knew what the price was"
"Yeah speak for yourself" Jesse told Fives who chuckled
"Still got your sense of humor I see"
"Who said I was joking?"
Fives took a deep breath as all of them stood on the elevator which started ascending
"Well... I guess this is it"

The scene hurt Melian deeply. Six men, six of her best friends, standing in a line, their weapons in their hands. Fives and Jesse stood in front of them, their execution coming closer and closer. Dogma was commanding the firing squad. Rex and Melian stood by the side.
"Will the prisoners request to be blindfolded?" Dogma asked, walking closer to Fives and Jesse. Silence.
"I'll take that as a no" he walked away to where Melian and Rex were.
"I hope you can live with yourself, Dogma"
"Ready weapons!" the six men lifted their weapons from the floor
Melian burried her face in Rex's shoulder, not being able to watch the death of her best friend like this.
"Wait!" Fives yelled before they shot.
"This is wrong and we all know it! The General is making a mistake and he needs to be called on it. No clone should have to go out this way! We are loyal soldiers, we follow orders, but we are not a bunch of unthinking droids!"
Melian looked up at him and smiled, thinking Dogma would agree, that this was what the Force was saying. But then she heard
And immediately closed her eyes. She heard many blaster bolts, but none of them sounded like they hit a body. She slowly opened her eyes to look at Jesse and Fives, and a smile formed on her face. The two stood with eyes closed, the wall around them having marks from blaster bolts. The six men dropped their weapons, relieved.

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