Chapter 1

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There are never heroes or villains. Just different people with different ambitions and different ways to achieve them.

Running away from people aiming to kill isn't as fun as it seems to be. Especially when there is no weapon in sight. Most people assume that in this situation it would be like a top-secret spy movie with explosions and actual victory. In reality, there are plenty of explosions but never any victory. 

I gagged as I woke up to the smell of toxic iggy breath. It was Saturday morning, which meant I had training today.

If you didn't know, my name is Sophie Foster, or Agent Moonlark. I'm a part of a secret spy organization called the Black Swan. I've been with them since I was seven.

I walked down the stairs to see my adoptive mother, Eadline, and my older sister Jollie."HE TEXTED ME BACK OMG OMG OMG!!!" Jollie screamed as she looked at her phone. I assumed, she was, as always talking about that Brant guy it was almost like they were dating or something.

"Oh, that's lovely dear." My mom responded calmly.

"Mom do you mind if I maybe skip training to uhm go out on a date with Brant..?" Jolie hesitantly asked.

Eadline looked around and sighed, "Fine but don't tell your father about this."

I chuckled at this, Grady was my very overprotective adoptive dad.

As I walked in I realized," Wait a second, can I skip training?"

Edaline smiled at me, "And what is your excuse?"

I sweetly smiled back, "I umm also know this boy."

Jollie laughed," Woah what a coincidence."

Edaline laughed, "Nice try Sophie but you have to do training today, Mr. Forkle said he needs you today."

"Awww but why does he need me?"

Jollie rolled her eyes, "Who doesn't need the awesome, fearless moonlark." She said it almost jealousy with a hint of sadness.

Before I could reply Grady came in, "Hey kiddos." He said as he went to grab an apple.

I smiled even though I was 14 -almost 15 and Jollie was 19 he still sometimes tried to treat us like normal kids, not agents for a top-secret organization.

Suddenly I got an alert on my watch saying I had 15 minutes to get to training. I immediately hurried upstairs and ran to my room to get dressed. I threw on black leggings and a black crop top, put on my sneakers, and threw my hair into a ponytail. As I ran back downstairs I checked my watch that my best friend Dex made for me.

I will admit, the watch was super cool. It could give texts and alerts from the black swan and could also make it so I can text Dex and a couple of my other friends when I wanted to.

I grabbed an apple as I jogged out the door, "Bye mom bye dad love you!"

Grady stopped me, "Where are you going kiddo?"


"Without your backpack and sister?"

I grabbed my backpack and gave Jollie a look that said, well I'm not dealing with this.

Jollie gave me the stank eye then a smirk, "oh um I kinda injured my ankle at practice yesterday" she sighed, "real bummer."

Grady could tell she was lying but ignored it as he turned to me, "Okay well have a good day at practice little moonlark."

"Thanks, Dad" I responded as I walked out the door.

Thankfully the hideout that I trained at was only less than a block away. I checked my watch, 5 minutes left.

I ran to the abandoned bakery that we use as the hideout and walked to the back of the building. I knocked a secret code on the door.

Thanks to Dex when you knock the correct combination on the door, it opens. While if you knock on a different one it could mean you are in danger or someone was forcing you to open the door and would alert the closest members nearby.

As I walked in I headed down to the pre-training center and did my daily warm-ups, then I walked into the actual training center. It was a huge center that looked like it was from the Hunger Games.

There Dex, Fitz, and Biana were waiting for me.

Of course, Biana was wearing pink as she ran to hug me, "Sophie! I missed you!"

I laughed, "I saw you yesterday Biana."

She snarkily replied, "Hey knowing you Sophie, you can find a way to nearly die in less than an hour."

We all laughed. After an hour of training, more members of the Black Swan kept trickling in.

At noon we were all called to the meeting center as Mr. Forkle stepped up for his daily announcement thing. I looked around and saw Grady and Eadline standing next to Alden and Della. Alden and Della were Fitz and Biana's parents and some of the kindest people I knew. I once helped nurse Alden back to health after a dangerous mission.

I looked at the schedule on my watch,

Training- 6:30 -12:50Announcements-12:50-1:00School- 1:00-3:00Battle strategy- 3:00-4:00Downtime- 4:00-4:30Acrobatic training- 4:30-6:00Combat training-6:00-8:30Dismissal- 8:45

Ugh. I never really got why I had to do double the amount of training as everyone else.

Also, everyone in the black swan had rooms that they could stay in and hang out in for downtime. We also were never forced to do all the training and could skip whenever we wanted (Don't quote me on that!).

Our main goal was to take down the Neverseen, who wanted power and wanted to overthrow the government. We barely knew anything about them considering they were always like 30 steps ahead of us. But hey we had some victories. Fine every time we have had a victory it always turns out to be a victory for them but we haven't given up just yet.

I've only ever had one mission, with Fitz Biana and Dex. Missions are very rare, for example, people like Jollie have never even had a simple assignment that I know about. During missions when you come back, you get honored and praised as a hero.

I have had like 7 assignments but they were all pretty simple and pretty much only consisted of watching someone sketchy.

I mainly tuned out the daily announcements until the end as Mr. Forkle said, "And will Miss Sophie Foster please meet me in my office."

Everyone turned to me as the announcements ended, as I was heading to Mr Forkle's office I turned to receive encouraging looks from Fitz, Biana, and Dex.

As I walked in the double doors to Mr Forke's office I saw him sitting on a couch. He turned to me and gave me a sweet smile, the smile I used to love as a child, the smile that practically convinced me to join the black swan.

As I sat down he said, "Look, Miss Foster, I'd like to give you a mission."

Okay this is my first kotlc fanfic so I hope you enjoy, also just a btw I am on team Foster-Keefe

But let me know if you enjoyed and i'll try to updat as much as possible

Also who is your favorite kotlc character?


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