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A/N So thank you all so much for 10k reads!!! In honor of that, I have decided to add an epilogue. 

"Sophie Foster!"

I snapped awake, I had the craziest dream. 

First, I was riding on an alicorn, then I started to-


I snapped out of my day dream to see one of my episonage teachers, Mr. Tigerian calling my name. 

"What? "

Mr. Tigerian just put his hands in his head, "Sophie, just because you're a big-shot now doesn't give you permission to sleep in class."

It was true. Oh wait, was all the fame getting to my head? Nah, it's been a year since I successfully saved the world. Well, not really the world world, more like defeated the neverseen and saved the prime ministers and rulers. Oh wow. I was starting to become incredible. Like not just incredible, better than Kim Possible and James Bond incredible. 

These thoughts put a sly smile on my face. 

"Well, since you're so all high and mighty, I think a detention would suit you well." Tigerian said this as he wrote a slip. 

I felt my jaw drop. Really? I had plans for this evening. 

There was a laugh behind me.

"Yay, now Foster gets to join me!" Keefe exclaimed.

I turn around to find him smiling adorably. I laugh and turn back around. 

"Consider it a date, Foster." 

I'm pretty sure I turned bright red. I mean, sure we've kissed, but it's still like odd in a way. Mainly because I couldn't decide whether to yell at him or hug him most the time.

Let's just say that I couldn't focus for the rest of my Weapons History Advanced class.


Not going to lie, I was terrified for what detention had in store. Though I'm pretty sure my parents wouldn't mind as long as I wasn't actively going out to fight crime.

When I got there I almost wanted to turn back. Mrs. Galvin was our teacher. I heard that some people actually liked her. But she doesn't like me. 

In my first year attending the Black Swan Spy Organization, I accidently set her tool belt on fire. It wasn't my fault though! Like how was I supposed to know that the leather on it was fake? I just wanted to test a theory if leather would burn or not. 

Keefe somehow found this story out though. Mainly because it's the type of story that you would hear from your mom's, friend's, cousin's, dog's, neighbor's, friend. 

 Sadly, I was never the one who would hear any of those stories. For example, when Keefe, Linh, and Tam were in the neverseen, Keefe set a big prank thing called the "great glucon incident." Well apparently everyone knows about this story but me. 

Seriously. One day, I decided to pull a prank on Fitz and put protein powder in his coffee. Apparently he actually liked  it, then managed to say that 'I'll never pull a prank as good as Keefe did in the Great Glucon incident.' Which led me to be even more curious about it all. 

Anyways, when I walked in, I could feel Mrs Galvin's ice cold gaze on me. Oh crap.

When we sat down, it was silent for 10 minutes. That was until Mrs Galvin laughed, "Miss Foster, come up to the front of the room."

There were only ten other kids but I could feel them all staring at me which didn't help.

I thought it was going to be a private talk with her, but instead she decided to announce to the class, "Well, the fearless Moonlark here is not so perfect after all, huh."

I was at a loss for words. It felt like a bomb had dropped on me. 

Not because I was in detention, or I was called fearless, but because of the fact that I lost the only thing that made me special.

After I ran as fast as I possibly could, I woke up in the hospital. It took a few days to finally get my strength back but that was when I realized that the special superpowers the black swan had given me were gone. 

I don't know how but I can't do any of it anymore. 

I haven't tested whether or not I can feel pain anymore but it's still terrifying to think that  I'm almost worse than I've been. 

Mrs Galvi continued by saying, "Well, I was wondering where the moonlark that we spent years experimenting on went. The moonlark who we gifted with powers went."

I felt my face grow warm," I lost them after the battle with the Neverseen."

"Sophie are you sure that's not just an excuse so you don't need to have any pressure on you? Because that's very self-"

Before she could continue, Keefe called out, "Foster is not selfish, her powers have decided to take a break and go on vacation. So why don't you stop nagging her and let her finish her homework?"

I was thankful that Keefe saved me.

"Very well, sit Miss Foster." Mrs Galvin declared after a moment of silence.

After I finished detention, I walked out to meet up with our friends, like we agreed on.

"Foster, trust me, she didn't know." Keefe claimed trying to cheer me up.

"It's my fault though. Like what happens if I never get my powers back again? Then I could be kicked out of the spy thing and I-"

"Foster, you're too hard on yourself, you don't need powers to know that you're still the Fearless lady Foss Boss."

As Keefe said this, I saw Cassius talking with someone. Keefe and I stopped talking and silently agreed to spy on him. 

We ended up hiding behind a plant. I peeked through the bushes and saw a girl with raven black hair and black eyes.

"Do you know if Legacy has manifested yet?" The dark haired one asked.

"How am I supposed to know, I was informed that he was given the final dose when he was asleep."

"Well, if he manifests now while the moonlark is defected then that means he can be the black swan's new prodigy."

I squeezed Keefe's hand after I heard my name.

Cassius responded, "It should happen at any time, besides when my son does what he's meant to do, will the new powers affect his health."

I felt Keefe leave my side. "What do you mean powers?" I stood up and joined him.

Cassius looked shocked to discover Keefe and me. "Well, I-"

Before Cassius could say another word, I felt Keefe tense beside me.

Then he said something, something that I never knew would have a big impact.


A/N Ooooh haha, if y'all still like the story, let me know and I might just add a sequel haha

Thank you all so much for reading this!! And if you all want more of my stories, I do have more that I wrote recently.

But since I've been taking writing classes, I've definitely changed in my writing style 


Anyways, signing off!!


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