Chapter 14

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I ran back into the cafe and saw Biana in the shadows, almost invisible, looking for the bomb.

I think they put the bomb in here when they came, so it must be in the table they sat at.

I ran to the table, but before I could check a waiter came up to me, " ah hello Miss would you maybe like to sing again? The crowd adored you."

I turned to him finding and excuse, "oh no, sorry sir I'm just looking for a backpack I left."

He nodded and turned away. He wasn't our server in the begining of the night, but he probably just heard me sing and thought it wasn't half bad. I kept looking for anytging that could be a bomb.

I then over heard the waiter  talking on a tiny microphone, "We should abort mission, they know about the bomb."

He was with the neverseen.

I just then I saw a gun in his pocket that I should have found sooner.

I kept looking, pretending to look for my backpack. Now the bomb could be anywhere. Just then my phone rang it was Biana.

"Sophie! Guess what?"

"What?" I whispered clearly annoyed.

"I found it, boiler room its near the bathroom but its a secret door, hurry we don't have much time. And its not like the last mission where it was a piece of cake."

I immediatley hung up and made my way to the boiler room when the neverseen waiter stopped me, "going somewhere?"

I instantly cursed, and ran under his legs and into the bathroom area. Secret door? Secret door? Secret door! I found it.

I pulled the lock off and ran. There was another door and I ran in that one and slammed it on the waiter's face. I locked it as I heard him calling for back up.

"Finally." Biana exclaimed.

I ran towards the bomb and instantly began to guess which wire to pull. WHY DID WE NOT BRING DEX?

I remembered the training I had when I was 8.

The timer thing said 7 minutes. Why can't their just be a off switch?

I almost forgot Biana was here when she said, "why do they want to explode this place if they want it to be a hideout?"

I guessed, "so it can probably be like ours, in a creepy abandoned building and not having to deal with random people everywhere."

She nodded.

I heard pounding on the door. If my calculations were correct we only had 30 seconds. Perfect.

I continued trying to figure out which wire would difuse the bomb.

My mind counted down. 10, 9, more pounding on the door. When I got down to three Biana pulled a random wire and prayed it didn't explode in our faces. It didn't. The screen said,

Bomb disactivated.

I hugged Biana, "You did it Bi, you did it!"

Just then the door came down and Neverseen members all came in with their guns pointed right at our faces. They were all disguised as waiters.

I instantly cursed.

Then one with blonde hair and a not so hidden bite marks and scratches on his face screamed at us, "YOU WRETCHED CHILDREN, YOU WILL PAY FOR THUS, SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY."

I pulled out a dagger hidden in my cloak and so did Biana.

I knew we would never be able to take them, but I still would not go down with out a fight.

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