Chapter 5

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I turned to find the boy leaning up on one hand, smirking at me. Why was he so cute? I carefully held the artifact safely in my cape.

He slowly started to examine me as I made sure my hood was still on. And thankfully it was.

"You're not from the neverseen are you?" He asked with curious eyes.

I could barely talk as I turned to start running again, but the boy grabbed my wrist. I was to petrified to move. He gently took off my hood and looked in to my eyes.

"Who are you?" He asked almost carefully.

I didn't answer,  but stood there starstruck.

He looked like he just figured out something, "oh, your the one who set off the alarms aren't you?"

When I didn't respond he gave the movie star smirk again, "when mommy dearest and her little buddies find out-" he paused looking around, then pulled me down the hall and into a closet. He closed the door just in time as I heard more of the neverseen run down the hall.

He looked me sincerely in the eyes and cutely held out his hand, " hi im umm ke- no agent legacy." He waited for me to shake his hand, but I slowly backed away.

"Hey uh everything okay there blondie?" He asked concerned.

I was getting ready to run when I realized, wait I can't just let all of this training go to waste. I then pulled out my dagger, trying to threaten him, the one who was designed to take down our entire organization.

His eyes grew wide as I tried to strike him, he immediately grabbed on to the blade. Oh no. This is how I die. I thought as he pulled it out of my hands.

But then he immediately gave it back. Wait? Why?

"Look I don't want to kill you and I certainly don't want you to kill me so truce?" When he saw my frightened expression he frowned and sincerelylooked me in the eyes again, "look I want to help you."

I stared at him in shock, "b-but I practically sto-."

He cut me off, "you took the κολιέ right."

I nodded, wait why didn't he just kill me?

"Look I know your surprised right now but what the neverseen did was wrong we shouldn't have took that, so I'm going to help you."

"But why?"

"Because I know you're going to return it to Athens and do the right thing." He looked around, "besides I have a plan to get you out safely."

Before I could talk he put his neverseen cloak around me and started to put the cloak on wait- I backed up "no why, look I'm the moonlark." It just came out, but if he gets in trouble for this its because of me.

He smiled again, "I know."

I was shocked "Then why are you helping me?" I asked as he started to button my cloak again.

"Because the neverseen are wrong, they stole it for goodness sake. Besides I hate the neverseen."

I was in even more shock, the person the neverseen basically created, taught, hates the neverseen.

"Look, they never really cared for me. I always hope that there will be a better life for me someday but the longer I stay here the longer I realize how wrong we are. We all are. Besides, this is like a prison."

"Then why don't you come with me? I'm sure you would love the black swan, and nothing is mandatory im sure-"

He cut me off, "Thanks, thats really way to kind but I can't."

"Why? I'm sure the black swan has room."

"Maybe some other time but right now my mom is kinda the somewhat head of the neverseen and with fintan also trying to get to power she needs me."

"I'm sorry."


"That you have to deal with all this."

"Look, I'll be fine, like I said someday I will run away and who knows maybe I'll join the black swan." He gave me a reassuring smile, "here the plan is all set up."

He led me to a hallway with a giant window it looked like it was two stories tall.

"Don't worry the cloak will protect you then all you have to do is jump out and roll to lessen the impact then make a run for it."

Before he could set of the bomb I ran and gave him a hug, "Thanks again, so much. Oh and Sophie Foster by the way."

I held out my hand, thankful for when he took it, "Keefe Sencen."

He then gave me another reassuring smile, and set the bomb, "good luck Foster."

I blushed a bit at the nickname. I heard him hide behind a wall as the glass exploded. Now was my chance. I made sure the artifact was still in as I jumped out the window and rolled on impact, like he told me and ran. People chased me, but I just threw throwing stars at anywhere but their head.

I didn't aim for the head because Keefe taught me today that not all neverseen are bad and that they are humans too with feelings. I ran the 7 miles and practically flew into the car as I told sandor to drive.

*  * ********************************** * *

When we got back to base I was immediately escorted to Elwin's office to take care of my cuts and bruises. In total I only got 17 stitches. The black swan immediately took my neverseen coat that Keefe gave me and inspected it for trackers. Luckily there were none and they let me keep the cloak. I was thankful to have something that reminded me of Keefe.

After I was done with Elwin who gave me a dozen balms, and elixirs, or in other words fancy medicine I went to my room at the base.

Dex, Fitz, and Biana immediately rushed in to give me hugs, "You've been gone an entire day" Fitz said concerned.

"Yeah its currently 3:30 in the morning!" Dex exclaimed checking his watch.

I told them a bit about the mission, careful to leave out the information of Keefe.

After they left to let me "rest" my adoptive parents came in, then Mr Forkle. I gave him the κολιέ and told him everything about the mission. He was very surprised to find out agent legacy or Keefe helped me, and saved my life.

"Well Agent moonlark I have to admit you did incredible and I am going to be ecstatic to give you more missions and assignments in the future."

"Thank you Mr Forkle."

He gave me a warm smile, "no thank you." He then turned to leave, "I will have this be returned to Athens immediately." He said as he left to let me get some "rest".

Okay fine I will admit I fell asleep immediately and slept till 10:30 the next morning, but hey when you dream about alicorns and cute boys with mysterious blue eyes then you can be the one to talk. I stalled until morning announcements so I could quickly meet up with my friends and skip training at the same time.

"Welcome everyone to be gin, we would like to give applause to Miss Foster who successfully completed her mission."

Everyone clapped, and I immediately turned red from all the attention. I noticed that as the announcements continued to an end, Mr Forkle continued looking at me with sad glances. I didn't realize till the end.

"Now everyone we have also come here today to mourn the loss of two incredible young spies." A tear went down his face, "we would like to mourn Brant Alger and Jollie Ruwen."

Im sorry for ending it, like that! But the suspense *evil face.*

Anyway I hope you all enjoy! And the next chapter may or may not be from Keefes point of view.

Daily question, who is your favorite councilor?
Mine is probably Kendric because I love the relationship him and oracle had but couldn't admit, I also loved the parts on his cache.

Bye yall


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