chapter 7

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"Brant Alger and Jollie Ruwen is dead."

Everyone turned to Grady and Eadline with faces of sorrow. Eadline started bawling, uncontrollable sobs while Grady remained emotionless. Everyone started to comfort them. No one turned to me. They all knew I was the girl whos entire familly died in a car crash.

I ran to my room with no one noticing and broke down.

An hour later Fitz, Biana, and Dex came in to check on me.

Biana immediately hugged me as I sobbed, "it should have been me."

"Sophie no, don't think that way." Biana hugged me tighter. I pulled away.

I started to pace the room as I sucessfully stopped crying, "I'm the adopted one, I'm the useless one, they lost THEIR ONLY DAUGHTER." I don't know why I got mad but I did.

Fitz pulled a strand of hair behind my ear and stopped my pacing, "Soph they have you you know?"

I shook my head.

"Look you didn't do this, so don't feel guilty. Its okay to cry and be mad. We'll give you some space and if you need any of us, just let us know." Dex said thoughtfully.

They all gave me a hug and left.

A week later.

The funeral was three days ago. An entire week ago Jollie had died in a house fire with Brant.

I still cry about her death. Eadline has been living in Jollies room for the past week while Grady has been staying with the horses. Jollie loved horses.

I have been in my room playing music, only coming downstairs when someone forces me to eat to eat something.

When I woke up this morning I decided to go to training today. Everyone was probably worried due to how much I love training and I've skipped training all this week.

I grabbed some black nike shorts and a sports bra and french braided my hair. I grabbed a old shirt from Jollie's closet, careful not to wake Eadline who had slept in Jollies room again. The shirt I took had alicorns on it.

I looked at my watch which had my scedule and a message from Mr Forkle saying that I could take off all the time I need.

I grabbed my backpack and told Grady I was going to training today.  He gave a small smile and said," have a goid day kiddo."

When I got there it was like there was no diference. Everyone was in good spirits and made me teach them stuff I learned on the mission.

We were all laughing as we were fighting against eachother. This was the first time I laughed in over a week.

Near the end of the day Biana, Fitz, Dex, and I all got a notification on our watches. It was from Mr Forkle.

Meet me in my office asap.

We all looked at eachother. And decided to head to Mr Forkles office.

"Ah hello Miss Foster I hope you are feeling better."

"Oh I-I am." I tried with my best im okay smile.

"Thats lovely. Well Mr Diznee, Miss Vacker, and Mr Vacker why do you think I brought you all here today?"

Biana responded first, "I don't know sir."

Mr. Forkle smiled again almost like he was going to give us a-, "I would like to give you all a mission."

I looked at him like, again?

"Oh Miss Foster if you need time off you can take as much time as-"

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